Naturally, the press has echoed the Deep State. “This is a hostile takeover of the federal government by a private citizen of unlimited means with no restrictions and no transparency,” said Kara Swisher of a man presently working for the democratically-elected president of our country, following his orders directly, and who at any moment can be (and ultimately almost certainly will be, let’s be honest) fired. “It’s a coup,” said Lindsay Owens of Groundwork (some kind of tedious, commie, dark money think tank), which was echoed throughout the press. “…what’s going on right now really is a genuine crisis,” said Jesse Singal, “and it should be recognized as such.”
But a crisis for who? I don’t share politics with the Deep State, and am not a huge fan of permanent, unelected, unaccountable power in general, so maybe this is hitting me different. In any case, I’ve been wondering: where is this level of “crisis” reporting on the president’s flurry of trans orders? His dismantling of DEI? The trade war (already mostly over, by the way) or Panama (also basically handled now, but I digress). With the exception of Selena Gomez, I haven’t seen many tears for deported violent criminals, something we heard a lot about back before the election. No, panic is almost entirely focused on saving federal bureaucrats. Why?
Just as a point of order, the White House has confirmed that Musk is a Special Government Employee pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 202, and is thus subject to the direction of the President. IOW, not a ‘private citizen’ at all. So all of the pearlzclutchers and hand-wringers are spreading basic misinformation.
The Demtards and their fellow travelers have being battling Trump through a wide array of tactics for many, many years but he fought them off and won bigly so now they have turned to attacking his footsoldiers.
I should have added that there is a large Deep State component involved in the attacks.
Unlike tariffs, on this issue, I’m with Mr Trump. Rolling back the administrative state was always going to produce rage.
I hope the Dept of Education is shut. That’s the big one. Return schooling to the most local level/vouchers, etc
Over at The Hill, there’s much flapping and squawking at the prospect of people’s tenured positions being reviewed by the elected Federal government, or – to use Elon Musk’s happy phrase – “being fed into the wood-chipper”.
Spring has sprung early this year.
Johnson could have done all this sort of thing with his 80-seat majority, but of course did the reverse.
And remember, this is Trump doing this with just, in Obama’s phrase ‘my pen and my phone’. The Congress has, so far, barely passed any legislation in keeping with the President’s agenda.
Don’t feed them to the woodchipper. The can pedal away on repurposed Pelotons to produce their beloved Green energy. When they are worked-out then turn them into the Soylent Green to feed the reamiander. It’s beautifully Net Zero!
This is not a “Modest Proposal” BTW.
JP Although the Department of Education is important (teachers are a huge component of the Dem’s supporter base), they picked USAID first for a reason – it’s been the critical conduit through which the deep state machinery has been fed. Press, the Democrat Party, the Bureacracy and the NGOs. The latter fostering woke ideology both in the US and abroad, the former maintaining an iron grip of the ‘narrative’. USAID has been the lubricant, and ever since Capone the key has always been to ‘follow the money’. Politico seems to be the first Press outlet to be hit…it won’t be the last.
It will be fascinating to see to what extent the end of USAID impacts on the same machinery here in the UK. Quite a bit, I suspect (hope).
As far back as the 19th century Senator Roscoe Conkling warned of the danger of rule by officials who were not elected and who elected people did not hire and could not fire – how this would make a mockery of Constitutional Government. The education system and media have been smearing Senator Conkling ever since.
In Britain even Disraeli warned against the creation of a bureaucracy outside elected control – indeed this is just about the only matter I agree with Disraeli about.
As for Elon Musk – I note that none of his enemies complained about Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and George Soros interfering in politics.
I’m so glad Trump lost in 2020.
Had he won, he would have had a continuation of his first term. A losing battle with Congress, few daily accomplishments, being more of a tone-setter than a CEO.
Now, he has had four years to review where he went wrong, gather the right people together, and build Trump 2.0.
His loss gave him time to study and plan, and to figure out who could assist him best. He walked in on Day One with a detailed blueprint, and a full toolbox.
I doubt this pace is sustainable. The oppo is going to catch their breath and start filing lawsuits any day now, and the woke judges will start throwing out sea anchors.
But I’ve not yet seen any colorable legal argument that he lacks the power or right to do what he’s doing. So far, the only arguments put forth are that he’s being nasty. That might be a sufficient argument for a Sotomayor, but having a majority on the USSC is about to pay off.
Fun times . . .
Just to set your mind at rest, in case you’re worried: yes, we’re absolutely paying attention to this too; and those who are cheering it on.
We’ve all read the Poem. Toodle-pip.
Forgive me, I’m sometimes tone deaf!
Was that a threat?
“We’ve all read the Poem. Toodle-pip.”
Two peoples, divided by a common language. 😉
Toby James, USAID is a big donor to the BBC too:
Yes, Clovis, yes it is. It’s a threat *pats head*
I’ve sat through too many “the left is evil!!!!!” to believe that you don’t want to wipe us out.
So much for the tolerant right, huh?
So yeah, it’s a threat.
I wasn’t stunned to discover that much so-called ‘independent’ media was funded by USAID.
nah, he just needs a good smacking around.
He’s giving proper “grassed to the teacher” energy, instead of being able to sort it out himself.
But I don’t think he was making the point that you think he was making.
I read it as “they really weren’t that concerned about the values they seem to profess, until it came to the point where Trump began to limit the surreptitious dipping-out of public taxpayer money for purposes of financing anti-administration partisan activity.”
You don’t see congresspeople out protesting on behalf of DEI, or transgender issues. They only got active when their own wallet was put at risk.
They know that, right now, pro-DEI fighting isn’t going to make them popular. But those concerns pale when their money pipelines are cut.
(Oh, and the “common language” thing was directed at “the Poem”, and “toodle-pip.” Right over my (admittedly lowly) head.)
It looks like the bbc was among the media recipients of funds.