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Desperately seeking Hitler

“The national party has made it so that they’ve set up a standard where if Donald Trump doesn’t literally ruin democracy in a very visible way that people feel, then they’re proven wrong. It wasn’t as bad as we thought, so they’re liars again. They have set themselves up for failure”

– Carly Hammond, a Saginaw city councillor and former trade union organiser who campaigned for Kamala Harris, quoted in this Guardian article from 18th January: Democrats in denial over Trump defeat, voters say: ‘Haven’t learned the lessons’


Tech billionaire wades into controversy after shooting right arm on upwards diagonal during celebrations of Trump

– subheading to Guardian article on Donald Trump’s second inauguration, 20th January 2025: Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally

2 comments to Desperately seeking Hitler

  • llamas

    Well-done for the two-fer!

    The ground-level supporters of the Democrats, like those good folks in Saginaw, are just going to have to learn that getting their asses kicked in a national election is simply not going to have the slightest effect on the gerontocracy that runs the Democratic party. On some levels, they really don’t mind losing, since much of their policy centres on continual self-affirmation – it’s not so important for them to please the voters as it is for them to demonstrate to each other and the tiny hard-core that controls the party that their cultural values remain correct. A single blue-haired cross-dresser, to them, matters far more than a thousand blue-collar working stiffs.

    And kudos to the Grauniad for, reliably as ever, finding the closet fascist who somehow accidentally exposed his inner secret in front of hundreds of millions of TV viewers. No dog whistle is so faint but they can hear it. They have no trouble spelling ‘fascist’, but apparently cannot recognize their own growing irrelevance. But, again, they’re just performing for a select audience.



  • bobby b

    . . . like a dog to its vomit . . .

    May they never stop.

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