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We need the state so that…

Those who suffer injustice can be compensated:

Non-binary customers win compensation for being asked if they are male or female

Financial services firms have been forced to pay hundreds of pounds in compensation to non-binary customers over “discriminatory” application forms.

MoneySuperMarket (MSM), the comparison website, and Transunion, a credit union, were hit with separate complaints because their application forms did not include options for non-binary customers in their gender section.

Both cases were escalated to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) which awarded the complainants compensation for “distress and disappointment” incurred from the forms.

MSM was ordered to pay £200 to unnamed non-binary customer Mx B who was asked if they were male or female.

And those who commit injustice can be punished:

Council rejects appeal of mother fined £500 for leaving free cabinet out for neighbours

A council has rejected the appeal of a mother who was fined £500 for leaving a free cabinet outside her house for neighbours to take.

Isabelle Pepin, 42, placed the white piece of furniture from Ikea in front of her house in Southbourne, Bournemouth, in August.

However, three weeks later she was given the fly-tipping fine by Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council because she had put it on the pavement.

Both stories come from today’s Telegraph.

Heraclitus said that “The people should fight for their law as for their city wall.” With laws like this, little wonder that decreasing numbers are willing to fight for their city wall.

10 comments to We need the state so that…

  • Fraser Orr

    It is like one of those spam adverts:

    Want to make £200 a day working totally from home? Buy our online course where you can learn how, by simply going to some web sites, you can earn a great living.
    Go to http://www.scammystupidity.com

  • bobby b

    Quite the mental image: bureaucrats and clerks flitting about like Sorcerers’ Apprentices, waving their wands and causing money to fly from the pockets of the undeserving into the pockets of the deserving.

  • Paul Marks

    We need the state so that it can prosecute police officers (some of whom also worked as private security guards – because they could not make ends meet for their families) for the “murder” of Mr Floyd – who everyone knows died of the drugs he willingly consumed.

    Not a small point – a system that can put you in prison, to be cut up with knives (with the full support, indeed the great amusement, of the media) when they knew (they knew – all of them, the judge, the jury, all of them) that no murder took place, can do anything.

    Would the journalists who, de facto, claim that corrupt crimes, and corrupt elections, are O.K. because “it is just about Trump” like to defend what happened to Derek Chauvin and others? If they would defend this (a corrupt “trial” and then being cut up with knives) – then those journalists can burn in Hell.

    In reality, as the Minnesota case (and many other cases) shows – the target is NOT Donald J. Trump, the target is EVERYONE – he is just in-the-way of the powers that wish to utterly destroy the United States and the rest of the Western world.

    And we need the State so that the Governor of that State (Minnesota) can support the State Attorney General, Mr Keith Ellison (a bizarre person who mixes Islam with Marxism, two belief systems that are logically not compatible, and is the ex Vice Chairman of the Democrat National Committee – DNC) and so the Governor, Tim “China” Walz and his wife can open the widows and (by their own admission at the time) enjoy (yes enjoy) the smell of the burning – as Marxist (“Critical Race Theory”) inspired mobs looted and burned.

    As for the specific matter raised by the post – this is “Critical Gender Theory” which comes from the same source as Critical Race Theory, Frankfurt School Marxism – now supported by Western (including British) government agencies and the courts, and the source of the riots (the looting, burning and the KILLING) in American cities.

    This is massively supported in the West by the People’s Republic of China (as well as by the Western Central Banks) – which makes sure that investment goes to corporations that back such things as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).

    In-the-West – anyone who tried pushing such things as DEI or SEG (social and environmental governance – but it keeps changing its name) in China itself….. – well the regime would vivisect them.

    Such things are weapons to destroy the West with – with the active assistance of Western education systems, courts, government agencies, and (of course) the banking system and the corporate entities the Credit Money supports.

  • Steven R

    The old saying “you can’t fight city hall” comes to mind. Sure, you can sue, spend God only knows how much money and time fighting the issue through the courts, and if you win the city might be on the hook for court and attorney costs, or you can just write them a check and call it a day and be grateful the fine was only 500 pounds and not 5000.

  • bobby b

    Paul Marks: “And we need the State so that the Governor of that State (Minnesota) can support the State Attorney General, Mr Keith Ellison (a bizarre person who mixes Islam with Marxism, two belief systems that are logically not compatible, and is the ex Vice Chairman of the Democrat National Committee – DNC) and so the Governor, Tim “China” Walz and his wife can open the widows and (by their own admission at the time) enjoy (yes enjoy) the smell of the burning – as Marxist (“Critical Race Theory”) inspired mobs looted and burned.”

    And the scarier part is, this isn’t the main problem. It’s only a symptom of the problem.

    The problem is, Minnesota’s population numbers are completely dominated by the population in the Twin Cities, on the southeast end. The rest of the state is either rolling farms or glacial-morain forests/swamps, so low pop density.

    And the 60% of the state population that is in the Twin Cities is actively happy that the Marxists have taken Minn., and would read your paragraph in celebration, because we have huge numbers of DSA’s here. Ilhan Omar sends shivers up their legs. Keith Ellison is very popular.

    So that’s what governs the entire state. Which is what gave us Gov. Tim Walz. Yay, us.

  • Steven R

    Reynolds v. Sims is the gift that keeps on giving.

  • JohnK

    If I identify as Napoleon, should there be a box on the form just for me? If not, can I sue?

  • NickM

    And why not? I’ll be Genghis Khan. Force them to have a drop-down box to infinity and beyond! Crash the systems.

    My current beef with government is with local government. I live in a grade II listed building in a conservation area. It needs some doing-up. The planning people are being very unhelpful. In fact they told me straight out that if I fit plastic gutters they will seek jail-time. The thing is there is no penalty for just allowing the place to go to ruin. Contractors (for obvious reasons) don’t want anything to do with it once they know it’s listed. It is truly fucked-up.

  • NickM

    I’ll go further. Walter Peck (not his real name but if the hat fits the twat…) is such an objectionable scrote I know exactly what he’d have been doing in Germany 1933-1945. Fortunately he’s just the Himmler of Cheshire downspouts.

  • Fraser Orr

    @bobby b
    So that’s what governs the entire state. Which is what gave us Gov. Tim Walz. Yay, us.

    Same in Illinois. It is a state full of fabulous, practical, sensible conservative people. Except for the putrid boil of Cook County containing Chicago. So, I’ll trump your Walz with a JB Pritzker. There is no more loathsome man alive than he.

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