We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]


#Just_Stop_Toil is best anti-Luddite hashtag ever. Use it.

9 comments to #Just_Stop_Toil

  • NickM

    Absolutely. Fucking. Brilliant!

    It needs to be a meme. It needs a logo. It needs T-Shirts, mugs, celeb endorsements, tattoos on a Kardashian’s arse…

  • Johnathan Pearce


  • Simon Jester

    It needs a logo.

    What would be a good logo – possibly a hammer or a clog inside a red circle?

    tattoos on a Kardashian’s arse

    Big enough canvas, Nick? Robert Heinlein came up with a slightly larger one…

  • NickM

    I dunno Simon… I don’t see those as great ideas visually. Possibly a stylised gas-turbine front comprssor plate? I’m at a loss. Let’s ask AI!

  • NickM

    OK, I have asked Bing and got nowhere – exactly but it gave me some ideas. How about a simple set of intermeshed cogs arranged so they do work. Something with a cog, a lightning bolt and a lemniscate?

  • Paul Marks

    Yes indeed.

    However, some people get pleasure from their work – a sense of achievement.

    And I doubt that a population dependent on a state (and partner corporations) “guaranteed income”, of Digital Money to be spent on what the state and partner corporations decided it should be spent on (and when they desired it should be spent), would be a very happy one. “You will own nothing and you will be happy” does not strike me as true.

    It might be better to say, as I am sure the Gentleman would agree, that technological advance ends some jobs, but opens up new, and better, jobs.

    Of course it may be that in the future technology advances to the point where we are Gentleman of Leisure with private incomes – but that is the opposite of what the establishment have planned for us, instead of no-one, apart from the elite, owning anything – everyone would own enough to get a private income without any state and partner corporation “guaranteed income”.

    Not “you will own nothing” as the totalitarians of the international establishment (United Nations, WEF, and so on) have planned – but rather “you will all be wealthy enough to own quite a lot”.

    But this is a matter for the future.

  • Jim

    As ever economists make the fatal error that just because a bit of X is good, a sh*t tonne of X must be brilliant. Yes, if productivity increases slowly over time, society becomes richer, and those that lose out during the process can be re-integrated into the world of work somewhere else in the economy, into a growing sector. Historically farm workers being made redundant by tractors getting work in a car plant, that sort of thing. If anything their lives may get better, as working in a factory is probably preferable to walking behind a horse’s arse in all winds and weathers, and better paid too.

    But we aren’t talking about that these days. We are talking about removing huge numbers of people from the world of work, with nothing on the flip side for them to do instead. There are no growing industries that they can enter, or if there are they aren’t in any way related – is a person made redundant from their job by an AI bot going to get work in a data centre? Is the lorry driver made redundant by a self driving lorry going to get work in the self driving lorry factory? Unlikely because that won’t be in the West anyway. We are basically talking about removing millions of people from productive reasonably well paid paid employment, and placing them on benefits or into sh*tty minimum wage jobs with little prospects.

    This is not a recipe for a happy prosperous country. Its a recipe for a revolution. And economists can’t see it because they are borderline autistic idiots. If there were any justice the first thing to be automated by AI would be production of economic drivel. After all a bot couldn’t be any more wrong about just about everything than they have been.

  • Geoffers

    I rarely comment here but I have to say that I love this concept.

    Sub-caption …”Born again Ricardian”

    Image suggestion … a robot.

  • bobby b

    Sadly, it’s just too “inside baseball.”

    Anyone who understands what it means is already educated in econ concepts and is probably on our side already.

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