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“Israel cannot destroy Hezbollah, Iran’s supreme leader says from hiding”

OK, that headline from 11:45am has been superseded by Hezbollah’s admission that Nasrallah is indeed dead, but props to the Telegraph‘s headline-writer.

19 comments to “Israel cannot destroy Hezbollah, Iran’s supreme leader says from hiding”

  • Paul Marks

    Hopefully Israel has finally learned that “sending a message” to various terrorist groups is pointless – they kill you or you kill them, there is no third alternative.

    There is nothing to “negotiate” about with people who seek world conquest – for, please remember, the land “between the river and the sea” is just a part of the world, no more or less important in Islamic doctrine than, for example, London, Paris or anywhere else. To Hezbollah, Hamas and so on – everywhere is rightfully Islamic because everywhere was created by their God Allah (their position is both clear and logical).

    And “ceasefires” just help the enemy. As do prisoner exchanges – for they always demand far more people than they are willing to give, and the prisoners they demand are fighting age warriors.

    I must admit that I found part of the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech to the United Nations depressing – apart from the fact that it is pointless to make a speech to this hostile, would be world “governance”, organisation anyway.

    He said that Israel had killed or captured 20 thousand out of the 40 thousand Hamas fighters – why “captured”? And why only 20 thousand out of 40 thousand? It has been almost a year – and the Gaza Salient (and it is a Salient – look-at-a-map) should have been cleared in a couple of weeks. The civilians should have been allowed to leave the Salient (if their “brothers” love them so much they will accept them) and then the fighters in the Salient killed (by large scale weapons – no need to risk the lives of soldiers on the ground).

    “But many of the fighters would have pretended to be civilians – and thus escaped, had the civilians been allowed to leave for Islamic countries”.

    That is a price that must be paid – allowing the Muslim civilians to leave does indeed mean that many fighters will pretend to be civilians and escape being killed. The civilians should still have been allowed to leave – and it is an utter disgrace that their “brothers” in Egypt and the vast number of other Islamic countries, between Morocco and Indonesia, refused to accept them.

    Of course, Hamas, Hezbollah and so on would torture to death “infidel” civilians – but one must not fall to their level.

  • Paul Marks

    One dark part of all this has been watching the coverage by the international media – such as France 24.

    It is quite clear that the France 24 employees know the truth – namely that if demographics in France continue down the road they are on, the country will end up like Lebanon. But it is equally clear that they refuse to admit the truth – that they will do and say anything (anything at all) rather than admit the truth.

    It is far easier, and safer, to blame the Jews for everything (after all the Jews will not decapitate the France 24 staff members – or the “academic experts”) – than it is to open their eyes and see what is happening to the cities and towns (and even some rural areas) of France.

    Those looking for someone like Charles Martel will not find such a person in the ranks of the French establishment – or the establishment of other Western nations.

  • JJM

    I must admit that I found part of the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech to the United Nations depressing – apart from the fact that it is pointless to make a speech to this hostile, would be world ‘governance’, organisation anyway.

    Hey, try a more upbeat perspective: Netanyahu’s visit to the UN affirms that sovereign states trump internationalist whims and vagaries. Take a look at Israel’s shabby failed state neighbour, Lebanon. If it had any capability at all to extend its authority over its own territory, there’d be no Hezbollah “army” within its borders.

  • Paul Marks


    Good points – I stand corrected.

    I can be too gloomy at times.

  • JohnK

    The leaders of Hezbollah now know it’s pointless to start reading a long book. That’s good news for the world. Someone should tell the BBC.

  • Mr Ed

    Hizbollah has shown the way to many ossified organisations in providing a dynamic leadership structure with excellent opportunities for career progression, succession planning and brand awareness.

  • Jacob

    The civilians should have been allowed to leave the Salient
    Wonderful IDEA.
    Leave where to? Neither Israel not Egypt wants them. (Nor anybody else as far as I know).
    Israel has NOT prevented their leaving across the Egyptian border. But Egypt has made it perfectly clear that they will accept no Gazans to Egypt.
    As to their leaving into Israel, thanks, but thanks, no.
    (Not to mention the problem of telling apart civilians from terrorists).
    Maybe Britain needs some Gazan refugees?

  • Jacob

    Read the headline in the Guardian: “Israel has escalated the war”. and “limited fire trading between Israel and Hezbollah started October 8”.

  • Paul Marks

    Jacob – I agree that it is a disgrace that the various Islamic countries, from Morocco to Indonesia, refuse to accept the Muslim civilians from the Gaza Salient.

    I said so in the first comment on this thread.

    The United Kingdom is not an Islamic state – it does not claim to be the “brothers” of the civilians in the Gaza Salient.

  • Paul Marks

    Jacob – I think your point is that the Guardian is lying, that, in fact, it was Hezbollah who opened fire on Israel on October 8th 2023.

    You are quite correct Sir – the Guardian, as so often, is trying to mislead people.

    As for Hezbollah itself – it was created by the Islamic Republic of Iran regime more than 40 years ago (as part of the general plan of terrorism around the world) – it is one of the evil fruits of the America government betrayal of the Shah in 1979.

    The American government has, sadly, a long history of betraying allies – starting with the government of the Republic of China in 1946, Chang’s Manchurian Offensive was succeeding, the Marxists were being defeated – but then the American government intervened, demanding that the offensive be stopped and that there be talks with the Marxists.

    Later on, in spite of Chang obeying all their insane orders, the American government cut off vital supplies to the armed forces of the Republic of China – at a key moment, when they were needed most.

    Israel please note – the American government can not be trusted, for the creation of the People’s Republic of China (and the traitors in the American bureaucracy helped created this regime – just as their master “Stalin” did, with its ten-of-millions-of-murders – Mao is, perhaps, the largest scale mass murderer in human history) was only one of their many betrayals.

    The government of Cuba was betrayed in the late 1950s – again the American bureaucracy (cheered on by vermin – such as the New York Times) cut off supplies as a key moment – thus bringing the Marxists to power.

    The betrayal of South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia occurred in the early 1970s – and led to the “Boat People” from Vietnam (which the media and the education system have shoved down the Memory Hole) and “Year Zero” in Cambodia – the extermination of one third of the population by the Marxists.

    The betrayal of Nicaragua and Iran occurred in the late 1970s.

    The lesson is simple – do NOT become dependent on the United States for military supplies, make your own military equipment – or buy it from non American sources (as the American bureaucracy can pressure American companies to cut off vital supplies – even if those supplies have been paid for).

  • Jacob

    or buy it from non American sources
    Like Britain maybe?
    You buy where you can. Even from Stalin if available.

  • JJM

    The American government has, sadly, a long history of betraying allies…

    The abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan is the latest example.

    In my view, with a careful leavening of US/NATO special forces units and close air support from Bagram air base, Afghan government forces could have been stiffened and the Taliban kept at bay. The country needed much more time than it was given to get on its feet.

    But when the current strategic mentality is always fixated around an “exit plan”, you’re going to focus on getting out ASAP rather than the task at hand.

  • Martin

    The country needed much more time than it was given to get on its feet.

    Given that in twenty years the US/NATO managed to achieve a government that disintegrated while there were still US forces in Kabul, I think you’d have probably needed two hundred years to have made Afghanistan a success.

  • Andrew

    Hi Paul, do you have any recommended reads for this period of history? Thanks.

  • Mr Ed

    The civilians should have been allowed to leave the Salient
    Wonderful IDEA.
    Leave where to? Neither Israel not Egypt wants them. (Nor anybody else as far as I know).

    I agree with Jacob. As a matter of the rules of war, civilians have no obligation to leave their country in the event of war. It is the duty of all the combatants to avoid as far as practicable civilian casualties. Of course one might say that it is the duty of civilians to ensure that their government is not engaged in genocide against neighbouring countries, but that is another matter. And if a combatant says in good time ‘Leave this area as we are going to attack it in pursuit of our enemy’s combatants.‘ then if you are a civilian and the thing that stops you leaving is one of the combatants, then the blame for any crimes lies with that combatant on the face of it.

    AFAICT, the ‘official’ reason Egypt won’t allow Gazans to enter is solidarity and that it would make them complicit with what might be termed ‘Zionist ethnic cleansing’, and the actual reason is that the Powers that Be in Egypt loathe the prospect of letting in potential allies of the late President Morsi.

    As for the ‘Gaza Salient’, tough, that is the border and Israel has to live with it. That is not to say that they have to tolerate attacks from Gaza, and I am truly baffled how nearly a year on, they have not removed Hamas from Gaza. I said at the start that they were planning to lose the war, although I am not sure if they have realised that yet. How on Earth are supplies still getting to Hamas if not with some complicity somewhere?

  • Paul Marks

    “Buy where you can” – I agree Jacob, or make the weapons yourself.

    Mr Ed – if civilians live in the Salient then civilians are going to get killed.

    Mr Ed – you say that the civilians should not be killed and should not be removed from the area yet you also say that you are baffled at why Hamas has not been destroyed.

    If the civilians are still there (and you say they should stay there) the only way to destroy Hamas would have been to kill two million civilians.

    They are mixed together and it is a confined space.

    As it is the IDF has to wait till they identify members of Hamas – the only real way to do that is to wait for them to attack you. Then, if you survive, you have killed them.

    And they will be replaced by new fighters – coming up through life, because the Muslim population has babies and they grow up.

    “How are they getting supplies” – because Western, and other, taxpayers are sending them food and so on. Weapons and ammunition are plentiful in area, they do not even need to smuggled in – although-they-are (mixed in with the supplies – the food, medical supplies and so on).

    It is much the same with the Islamic forces in Yemen – who fire missiles at ships of all nations. The Western taxpayers feed them – they send them food.

    “That is the border and Israel has to live with it”.

    No Mr Ed – not after October 7th 2023.


    Israel is living with it – but should NOT do so. The population of the salient needs to leave – partly for their own safety, to save-their-lives.

    One can NOT “remove Hamas from Gaza” if there are two million Muslims living in the salient.

    Certainly some people in the salient may not really be followers of Islam – they may just be nominal Muslims. But it is not possible to tell the difference – not till it is too late.

    By the way “Hamas” is just a name – there are many other names. The “issue” is Islam.

  • Snorri Godhi

    It is hardly realistic to expect to evacuate 2 million civilians in short order.
    In any case, my understanding is that nobody wants Palestinian refugees, because they have seen the mess that they made in Jordan and Lebanon (and Egypt?).

    I close with one of my favorite quotes, from General Sir Charles James Napier:

    The best way to quiet a country is a good thrashing, followed by great kindness afterwards. Even the wildest chaps are thus tamed.

  • Paul Marks

    Many thousands of Islamic warriors attacked Jewish, and other, civilians on October 7th 2023.

    It was not possible for an attack on this scale to be organised without the general population of the salient knowing about it – yet no one, as far as I know, gave any warning (where were the mobile telephone calls of warning from local Muslims – perhaps there were some warnings and they were ignored, I do not know).

    Indeed the attack would not have been possible without detailed information from the workers from the Gaza salient – those people who smiled and and chatted away as they came to work outside the salient each day (whilst they gathered detailed intelligence and plotted mass murder, mass rape, and mass mutilation, in their hearts).

    And crowds of people (of all ages – and both sexes) in the salient came out to celebrate the attack and play with (yes play with) the dead and dying bodies – which were brought back for them.

    No – Israel can not “live with” this border any more.

    And people in other parts of the world have no reason to expect better treatment from these forces than the Jews (and others) got on October 7th 2023.

    Deep down the people on “France 24” and so on, know that – yes they know it.

    But their ideology will not allow them to state the truth – and if they stated the truth they would be dismissed from their jobs and might well be sent to prison (as here – telling the truth in France may mean that the truth teller is sent to prison).

    We shall soon see if (if) the people of Austria have the courage to face the truth.

  • Paul Marks

    Yes Snorri – it was a disgrace that no Islamic country, from Morocco to Indonesia, would allow their “brothers and sisters” to come and live with them as equals.

    No Snorri – “great kindness” will not win over the population. They regard such behaviour as stupidity – or as cowardice (a sign of weakness).

    Nor is “a good thrashing” of any use – if the Islamic warrior is still alive, he will fight.

    Islam defeated, indeed destroyed, the Persian Empire (an ancient Empire) and defeated the Byzantine (the East Roman) Empire – because in Islam fighting is not left to a special caste of people.

    In Islam – all true believers fight to extend the power of the religion, that is the great strength of Islam.

    Were various critics of Islam in the Netherlands killed by uniformed soldiers? No they were not – they were killed by ordinary Islamic believers.

    Would either “a good thrashing” or “great kindness” have made any difference in the Netherlands? No it would not.

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