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Why was the Irish president’s first reaction to blame Israel for the actions of Iran?

On August 11, the Sunday Times reported that the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, was under fire for a ‘fawning’ letter to Iran’s new president:

Irish president sent his ‘best wishes’ and congratulations to Masuoud Pezeshkian in a communique that has drawn criticism from Fine Gael.

If the story had ended there, I would have been on the Irish President’s side. Diplomacy inevitably involves sending polite greetings to despots. Though looking at a screenshot of the letter, I do think that President Higgins was a little more oleaginous than he needed to be. Perhaps he felt it would protect the staff of Ireland’s new embassy in Tehran from being taken hostage.

The story did not end there. Yesterday, 22 September, TheJournal.ie reported that, “Michael D Higgins has accused Israel of leaking his letter of congratulations to President of Iran”.

Higgins was asked by a member of the press today about the criticism he received for the letter to which he responded: “Yes, why don’t you ask where it came from?”

The President then accused the Israeli embassy in Ireland of circulating the letter.

When asked how he thought the embassy obtained the letter he said he had “no idea”.

Fortunately the rest of the world does have an idea. The whole controversy started when a woman called Karen Ievers saw the letter and and commented unfavourably about it in this tweet on 28th July. And if you are wondering by what dark arts she saw it, the Iranian embassy in Dublin put their nice letter from President Higgins on their website.

15 comments to Why was the Irish president’s first reaction to blame Israel for the actions of Iran?

  • Seamus

    And the response of the Prime Minister and Deputy PM? To double down on criticism of Israel

    And, of course, very little criticism of him in the media.

  • Paul Marks


    Because he is an ideological leftist and a pathological hater of the “capitalist” West. He does not really love Islam (not at all) – but he sees it as an ally in his desire to destroy the West – as he is driven by HATRED (not love for Islam – or love for anything).

    But, like George Bernard Shaw (a deeply evil man who wanted vast numbers of people executed for no crime – just for not being able to “justify their existence” to a board of government bureaucrats) President Higgins hides his evil under a gentle voice (what the Irish call “Blarney”) and a little smile.

    I repeat it is nothing to do with Islam as such – Higgins also supported the Venezuelan regime.

    He is just an evil, twisted, leftist.

  • Paul Marks

    To be fair – some on “the right” are deeply deluded about the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    For example, Peter Oborne (who blamed little English girls for being raped and prostituted by Islamic gangs – yes you read that correctly, he blamed the girls – not the gangs) has long held (has wrote books and so on) saying that the CIA overthrew the “democratic” government of Iran in the early 1950s to benefit the Jews.

    A few problems with his claims- it was not a democratic government, it did not allow areas of Iran that opposed it to vote (and the areas that were allowed to vote were about as straight as the American election of 2020 – the 81 million votes that did NOT come from 81 million voters).

    The CIA effort at a coup actually FAILED, it was internal coup (some days later) that succeeded. The CIA claimed the credit – but it not their work.

    And none of it was about benefitting the Jews – the government in Iran was opposed because it was pro Soviet, it would have meant the Soviet Union dominating the Persian Gulf area – not good news for Europe or Asia (Japan and so on) as both were already starting to be dependent on oil from the Middle East.

  • Marius

    I suppose it seemed like a good idea to appoint a leprechaun as the president of Ireland and I admit the wee chap does look quaint in photos. However, students of Celtic folklore will know that you can’t trust the little buggers….

  • Marius

    @Paul Marks – Peter Oborne, don’t get me started on that vile old soak and apologist for Islam and its dictators. I see he’s been reduced to writing for the Byline Times.

  • IrishOtter49

    Thank you, Paul Marks, for your consistently insightful comments.

  • Ed Snider

    He wrote it. It revealed his true feelings. He’s pissed that he got caught out. Next step for a piece of crap like him: Blame the Jews. Blame them for Gaza. Blame them for Lebanon. Blame them for the PLO and PIJ and for the Houthis and Iran and the lousy weather and the Ten Commandments, and foisting Jesus on the Celts, and especially for winning too many damn Nobel Prizes.
    And there are people who can’t understand how the Holocaust could have been perpetrated by civilized Europeans.

  • Fraser Orr

    I propose “oleaginous” as word of the day.

  • Paul Marks

    Marius – Mr Oborne has indeed been writing for the far left “Byline Times”.

    I am told that Mr Oborne was once a good man – perhaps he was once, (I do not know). I have a lot of evil in myself (I often warn people of this) – so I have some understanding of how a person can go down the wrong road.

    For example, Neil Oliver is a good man – but, sadly, I see some (some) signs that he is going down the wrong road – it is a broad and easy road, and very seductive (I know it only too well).

    IrishOtter49 – thank you.

  • bobby b

    Fraser Orr
    September 23, 2024 at 5:53 pm

    “I propose “oleaginous” as word of the day”

    You’re bringing back horrid memories of those days before we could afford real butter. Oleo. Yuck.

  • John

    As I have mentioned previously, listening to RTE at any time over the past 40 years would leave little doubt as to how the Irish establishment feels about Israel and Jews.

    My only surprise is that anyone is still surprised.

  • Stonyground

    My favorite word is porcelator.

  • Paul Marks

    John – excellent point Sir.

  • snag

    I always thought that the ingrained jew-hatred in Ireland was a natural by-product of Catholic theology, but on reflection Italy seems to be mostly free of it, so it’s probably just the general shittiness of the people of the Republic.

    But there is certainly a divide on sectarian lines, the Ulster Protestants are some of the most principled philo-Semites in the world. Whether that’s a result of sectarianism, or one of the causes of it, I’m not qualified to judge.

  • Paul Marks

    snag – the modern hatred of Jews in the Republic of Ireland is indeed not from Catholic theology, as the Catholic faith has, sadly, collapsed (see the referendum on abortion – and-so-on).

    But nor is about the “general shittiness of the people of the Republic”.

    I have already explained the true source of the hatred of Jews – Frankfurt School Marxism (ironically some of the founders of this were from Jewish families – but the doctrine leads to hatred of Jews).

    The great strength of modern Marxism is that it does NOT present itself as Marxism – it presents itself as “Progressivism” or even “Liberalism” (it is nothing of the kind – but it pretends to be).

    Most people in Ireland who come out with the lies about how rich Jews “exploit and oppress” the poor “Palestinians” (a term that was rarely used before the 1960s) do not know they are pushing the hollow lies of modern Marxism – although the elite academics know this very well.

    Italy is different – in Italy people know about Marxism, the Italian Communist Party was the second largest party in Italy for decades.

    Come out with Marxist lies about “exploitation and oppression” in Italy and ordinary Italians will know it is Marxism.

    An ordinary person in Ireland does NOT know that this stuff comes from Marxism.

    So, in a way, it is a “knowledge problem” – and one not confined to the Republic of Ireland.

    I have often heard British and American people come out with Marxist lies – without them knowing that this stuff is Marxist lies.

    The elite, the academics and so on, know the origins of this stuff – but the ordinary people do not.

    By the way – full disclosure.

    My father, Harry Marks, was a member of the Communist Party in his youth, and my half brother, Tony Marks, was a Marxist academic.

    I know Marxism when I hear it – but a lot of people do not, because they do not have the same background.

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