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Siege of Vienna ends – 12 September 1683

3 comments to Siege of Vienna ends – 12 September 1683

  • Paul Marks

    I suspect that these soldiers would not allow the British government to imprison them for “Islamophobia”.

  • JohnK

    I imagine the British government would be dismayed that the Austrian racists resisted the benefits of a multi-cultural society.

  • Paul Marks

    They would indeed JohnK – and not just the government, I noticed quite some years ago that academics were starting to support the “tolerant” Ottoman Despotism against the “feudal” (i.e. limited) monarchy of the Hapsburgs (let alone the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).

    This support did NOT come from love of Islam – it came from a mixture, among the academics, of hatred for Christianity, and love of unlimited (Despotic) government.

    When I say the modern establishment are evil I am not using the word “evil” lightly – I mean it.

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