There are two possible political morals to this. One is, don’t have schools. Children in large groups behave like troops of baboons. The other is, if you are going to have schools, have discipline.
– Natalie Solent
Samizdata quote of the dayThere are two possible political morals to this. One is, don’t have schools. Children in large groups behave like troops of baboons. The other is, if you are going to have schools, have discipline. 2 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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“The greatest weapon in the war on terrorism is the courage, decency, humour and integrity of the vast proportion of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims”
I suspect that quote is more wishful thinking than reality
I have lived in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and visited Egypt.
With few exceptions every Muslim (including the very well educated and travelled) I have ever met begins by lecturing me about what is wrong with the west and America.
Any suggestion that some of the problems they blame on the west orignated in their own society is instantly dismissed as Zionist propoganda.
Now, with the Madrasas spewing hatred and extremism, I think the number of Muslims that embrace “courage, decency, humour and integrity” is not as large as it was yesterday.
my great grandfather had a saying: never trust a whipped horse.
If they “are being scared away from it”, isn’t that the definition of terrorism?