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The Times, they are a changin’

With apologies to Bob Dylan… A welcome new addition to the blogopshere is David Smith, the economics editor for The Sunday Times. More and more well known journalists are seeing blogging as a useful adjunct to their work. Blogging is here to stay, ladies and gents.

David’s latest blog article is entitled How high is the next peak in base rates?… and he started off with an article with somewhat broader appeal called George Bush’s scorched-earth economics policy. The EconomicsUK Blog promises to be a regular stop for economists, policy wonks and politicos!

Welcome to the blogosphere, David!


5 comments to The Times, they are a changin’

  • Perry, good grief.

    “He introduced a controversial tax cut, targeted at the better-off and costing at least $1,000 billion (independent economists suggested as much as $2,500 billion) over 10 years. This was an immediate change. The surpluses built up by a Democrat president were to be used for tax cuts by a Republican.”

    Since that catastrophic tax cut, the economy has started to rebound, and tax revenues are increasing (despite the “cost” of the initial cut).

    The economic surpluses were not anything to do with Clinton — in fact, by going after Microsoft, the Clinton Administration could arguably have set the scene for the inevitable dotcom meltdown.

    And you’ll forgive me if I regard with distaste anyone who thinks Paul Krugman is a “noted economist”.

    Krugman is a noted liar and self-serving liberal weasel, and a disgrace to economists everywhere.

    An economic policy which favors low taxes is not “scorched earth”; it’s a fundamental tenet of conservative government, and moreover, a policy which has a resounding record of success vis-a-vis its opposite, as espoused by failed neo-socialist governments everywhere.

  • I said he was welcome, I didn’t say I agreed with him.

  • Kevin L. Connors

    I am most impressed with the quality of David’s work, if not in total agreement. Let us hope that David does not suffer the same problems with the Sunday Times that Daniel Weintraub did with the Sacramento Bee.

    Beautiful design work, btw, Perry. I trust we’ll be seeing more of that from The Big Blog Company in the future.

  • David Hall

    Heh. ECONOMICSUK looks a bit like Economic Suck. Hehe. Uh, yeah.

  • Gary Bezowsky

    I strongly agree with Kim. I sent this economic(?) writer a long response. Quoting Krugman, WOW