We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
Samizdata.net @ The Hollywood Blogger Bash Last night until late, high up in the Hollywood Hills, a veritable multiplicity of LA Bloggers swarmed into Casa Bad Dude…
Bill Whittle & Rand Simberg… Jets and Rockets

Cathy & Cecile

Matt Welch & Martin Devon

Rand Simberg & Mickey Kaus

Kate Sullivan & Emmanuelle Richard
Martin Devon, Ann Salisbury, Kevin Drum & the pseudonymous Armed Liberal
I finally got to meet Rand Simberg face to face
Sara & Moxie, who contrary to some scurrilous rumours, is most certainly not deformed!

This being Casa Bad Dude, the air was thick with cigar smoke
Update: The morning after the night before…
Brian Linse recovers slowly from last night’s festivities
Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.
Emmanuell[e] Richard not Emmanuel–she’s not a man! (Just a note!)
It was nice meeting you both! I wish my friends will get the sense into their angsty brains to have nice blogs like yours instead of a million graphics!
Have a safe trip back home!
Perry, it was a great pleasure to meet you and Adriana!
Your photos and captions had me chuckling the whole way through. Especially the one about the steaming cup of Glenn Reynolds. I hope you made him blush 🙂
Looks like a good night — the LA bloggers need to descend en masse into London!
I was just sitting in front of my computer in London while you guys were having all that fun. I will now go and sulk.
How come all those bloggers are so lily-white in appearance? These pics could have been taken at the AGM of the “White Pride Movement” or “Stormfront”. That chap called ‘Bill Whittle’ in the first pic looks awfully like David Duke (author of ‘My Awakening – a Path to Racial Understanding’). Monozygotic twins? Impersonation?
As to the chicks — you can’t get more Caucasian than those in Sweden.
Not one person of color, not one little Chinese girl, not one Latino, not even one wheel-chair bound person.
Surely it is high time for the blogger community to take a long, hard look at its de facto institutional racism.
Are we doing enough to encourage the involvement of racial minorities? Or is the time ripe for regulatory measures to ensure that the libertarian community eventually becomes truly representative of our multicultural society as a whole?
Coming soon: affirmative action for bloggers …
I’m getting jumpy. For one moment I thought Chuck was being serious. On the subject of the phtographs, Adriana seems to have some nice peaches. I can say that can’t I?
I hate it when you get a mental image of people (without even trying) and then you finally see what they really look like. It’s not that anyone in the above shots looks bad per se…it’s just that they appear so shockingly different than any expectation. Thanks for the Monday morning shock – I’m awake now and it should be a good day.
I am very jealous, looks like you all had a lot of fun. Nice pics
That last photo is hella-sexy.
Nothing like a beautiful woman with a PILE of books by the bed demonstrating that she’s as intellectual as she is striking (and without makeup to boot!).
Looks like fun was had by all.
Bill Whittle actually looks a lot like Regis Philbin.
Adriana must be the only woman in the world who would allow her photo to be taken first thing in the morning without her even getting out of bed. If there are others out there, I’ve never heard of them.
Is she wearing nothing under that blanket?
Individual peccadillos get on people’s nerves to varying degrees. Example: Some people can’t bear being late or being with someone who is consistently late; other people don’t mind. Adrianna obviously made her peace with Perry’s love of shoving a camera in her face from dawn til dusk long ago. Her look of amused resignation in virtually every shot ever taken of her says it all. If he had taken that last shot of me, he would still be extracting his bloodied chiclets from the lense.
Not sure if I agree with Chuck’s comments. Surely one of the best characteristics of the Blogosphere is the absolute freedom of anyone who wishes to, to get on board in some way. If there are like minded souls out there, they eventually find each other. There’s not a lot of mainland black (water) surfers, either. Are they being deliberately kept out, or do they just not want to surf?
Is this just my filthy imagination or does Moxie (the cute-looking chick on the right of the penultimate photograph) have a short index finger, presumably a result of prenatal exposure to male hormones (and we know what that means)?
There was a fascinating article on this subject in ‘The Guardian’ in the year 2000, concerning an incident starring sui generis psychologist Chris Brand and Becky Gardner (the ex-lesbian author of the article itself).
Can we hypothesise from this that lesbians are over-represented in the blog community?
Sorry, I meant the penultimate chick photograph …
Looks like a meeting of Dorks International.
Except for Adriana, who’s a total doll.
Not that I’m EXTREMELY JEALOUS of all of you, of course. Next time, include Dallas in yer plans or there’ll be trouble.
Nancy writes:
“There’s not a lot of mainland black (water) surfers, either. Are they being deliberately kept out, or do they just not want to surf?“.
Just like aeroplanes, computers and mobile phones, surfing was invented by Africans many centuries ago but stolen from them by melanin-deficient white people! It’s the legacy of slavery that is to blame for black under-representation in surfing.
In that last picture, are you sure that Adriana isn’t holding a hot, steaming cup of puppy?
Very nice.
Almost enough to make me want to live in LA.
Especially the cigar part.
Not quite but almost.
What kind of ghey dork party is this? Looks like a substitute teacher convention.
As an afficianado of photography of the female form, and not to be too much of a chauvanist bore, that last picture, of Adrianna, is captivating.
It is the smile that gets me. Certainly brightened my morning, Thanks.
That is all.
I posted a pic of mom and me on my site and I was pretty hysterical.
I think the picture of Adriana was a bit too um…bare. I would never post a picture of myself like that on the web but she can get away with it, because she has clear skin. Dorks we are and we’re proud of it.
OK, just for the record, I don’t usually have a big carrot in the side of my mouth when people take my picture….
I hate it when you get a mental image of people (without even trying) and then you finally see what they really look like. It’s not that anyone in the above shots looks bad per se…it’s just that they appear so shockingly different than any expectation.
Indeed. Kaus’s photo impacted me this way.
How much for that blanket?
There is something about Adriana that makes us want to whip out our cameras and take photos of her. I am not sure what it is. Part of it is that she is rather intellectually formidable in real life, but she is also a real sweetie, and the sweetie part comes out when you take her picture. It’s something about the smile.
Head a funny blog, I’ll read it, doesn’t matter if you a gay Jewish black woman!
Sweetie? You’re joking, right? Adriana is an impressive woman: intelligent, intellectual, opinionated (I don’t mean that perjoratively) and extremely forthright – all quite apart from her aesthetic qualities. But sweet? Er, not this side of never! Nor, so far as I can see, has she ever made any pretence of being so, other than an amused and ironic one.
Mind you, all these personal comments (this one of mine included) are really rather impertinent. Can we get back to the ideology please?
Eek! Both Rand Simburg and Mickey Kaus were there and I missed them! C’est la vie; that’s the sort of thing that happens when you arrive over two hours late :).
And yes folks, I can now testify to the fact that Adriana is even more lovely in the flesh than her pictures do justice to.
Damn!! We obviously left too early…
Great meeting you both.
Cathy, was that really a carrot in your mouth, or were you just happy to see me? 😉
Michael and the rest: I am flattered by the attention that my pictures received on this blog but that has not changed my attitude to them being posted all over the place. I hate my pictures and at best tolerate their appearance. At worst, I get really pissed off, especially if they appear without my consent. So watch out.
Otherwise, thank you all for kind comments. Indeed, let’s get back to ideology… 😉
What strikes me is how SOBER everyone looks. Clearly this blogger bash suffered from a shortage of Australians.
Mind you, all these personal comments (this one of mine included) are really rather impertinent. Can we get back to the ideology please?
Er, yes, they actually are. My apologies, particularly to Adriana if I annoyed her by posting the photo.
well i’ll be goddammned! bill whittle’s wearing an auckland rugby jersey!
Ah, yet another clique I’m not cool enough to be invited to 😉
It looks as if the only thing missing at this party is The Bartender.
You’ve got a visually beautiful site here – fantastic job!
As far as blog get-togethers go, have y’all seen this cool toy?