As usual, it starts with a scrum of bloggers descending on the beer and chili…

Glug, glug, munch, munch
Shockingly, many of the bloggers discussed… BLOGGING!

Patrick Crozier, Natalie Solent, Stephen Pollard
Eventually numbers and the need to smoke causes the proceedings to explode out into the garden. Many curses were uttered at the people responsible for the absence of Andrew Dodge and Sasha…

My… what big eyes you have!
Much beer was consumed…

I was only resting!
It is now 02:30 in the morning and strangely, people are starting to demand more chili!

Why aren’t you people tired yet? Will it never end???
Update: Over a dozen of the hard core are still here…

The Transportblog Team: would you buy a train ticket from this lot?
Nearly 04:00 in the morning and at least one intrepid blogger has passed out in The Comfie Chair…

Don’t you people have blogs to write for?
DissidentFrogman’s face is censored to protect the guilty
Final update: The grizzled hardcore diehards finally staggered off into London’s cold morning air at the first warning glow of daylight, a few minutes past 05:00 this morning…

Another highly successful British Blogger Bash!
A regular reader -sounds like a great time, cheers from Frank and Arlye (heading for a narrow boat trip next week). I had to make this comment when I realized you were still partying in NYC time! Congrats!
Hope there’ll be more pics of the merriment…this is a good start !!
Finally we get to see what you all look like!
No pics of me since I don’t feel like paying for you all to repair your monitors. 🙂
Whoa…….this Texan needs to ask just what it is you are calling chili.
Thanks for the kind words. I got to spend the evening fumming I wasn’t in London while mother nature fumed at the heat with a nice thunderstomr. It hot, humind and I am in a foul mood…lovely. Glad you all had a good time…grr…curses to all who stand in my way…grr…
*grumble* more names to faces….
I really have to get out more. A blogger bash where I live comprises of me, basically.
(The city of Adelaide isn’t famous for bloggers OR libertarians, sadly.)
Looks like great fun. Thanks, Perry, for the invitation; I was so close but couldn’t make it. I’ll set one up in Boulder, Colorado and catch up with you there!
the horror, the horror of it all, now i can imagine faces with those typed words. looks like fun guys, keep up the good work. (Chili – dude, the person from texas is right)
What? There was another chili eating session at four? Clearly I went home too early. Thanks Perry. Great party.
The final hardcore element finally surendered at a few minutes past five this morning…
And guys, I have a Mexican housekeeper and she says my chili is top notch!
Looks like it was fun – sorry I couldn’t make it!
I agree about the chili. Top notch.
Andrew wrote:
It hot, humind and I am in a foul mood…lovely.
How hot is “hot”? Here in New York, we’ve been up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the past week. (No, Becky and Kodiak, I can’t be bothered to convert that to Centigrade for you.) Of course, last winter we went through an entire month when it didn’t get above 15….
Perry’s chili is beyond question. Good 5 Alarm stuff.
Beer, chili…. mmmmMMMMMmmmmm …. almost makes me want to start a blog.
Perry -it sounds so good why not give it a name and sell it online…
… how about “chil-li-beration” 😉
It was 95 in Portland at the Mall. It was just so hot and miserable that Sasha, my mother and I buggered off to be in a large air-coned space. It’s pretty miserable today too, no breeze and high humidity. I hate this kind of weather with a passion…
Hmmmm if these bashes can go on until 5am the cheapskate in me who doesn’t want to have to arrange a hotel room wonders if the trip down to London might be worthwhile. I’ll be very near London by September/October time, so it might be well worth the train fare. I could get the early morning train back.
Tightfisted bloggers, your salvation is here!
Well, living in the greater London area, I had the salvation of bus number N64 at 3.30am. (Next time I might simply survive the whole party, and get the first train home, however).
Peter – does that mean Oxford or Cambridge?
Looks like a bunch of unrepentant anti-government types to me…
Assuming you lot aren’t all in the Home Secretary’s Special Clink For The Subversive next year, The Mrs. and I will be in Blighty, and we’d love to do a “Hands Across The Atlantic” thing…
We’ll let you know the dates as soon we’ve fixed them.
Oxford or Essex, Harry, depending on my A level results.
The chili looked good but I’d probably sprinkle a few teaspoons of chili powder in it. (Mexicans think I like things too spicy. )
Hope I can make one of your blogger bashes some time. I’ll make some Thai green curry and teach you lot what spicy is! 😉
The company looks engaging.
But the food…
Was that privatised chili?
Tremendous party Perry, thanks much. The chilli was great.
From what I recall, I spent much of the evening chatting to Steve Pollard and David Carr about the respective hopes of Chelsea and Tottenham FC. Heh.
Thanks very much for a great party – nice to see friends old and new.
David and Pam
Peter Cuthbertson wrote:
“Hmmmm if these bashes can go on until 5am the cheapskate in me who doesn’t want to have to arrange a hotel room wonders if the trip down to London might be worthwhile. I’ll be very near London by September/October time, so it might be well worth the train fare. I could get the early morning train back.”
We caught the first train back to Edinburgh on Sunday morning and have more or less survived.
David: You came down on Saturday, spent Saturday evening at Perry’s place, and then got the first train back in the morning? Well done. We need to agitate on Transport Blog for a Sunday daytime sleeper service. It was nice to meet you, anyway.
as usual it was great, marred only by the non-appearance of liberals, leftists, and hunt saboteurs.
Where are these people when you need them?
Sounds good, David. I could get the same train and get off at Darlington.
After a Blogger Bash it was a daytime sleeper service!