There is a new generation coming up through the ranks of the US Air force, one with a steely eyed resolve much like their grandparents back in the days of WWII.
The main article is here.
Be afraid mine enemiesThere is a new generation coming up through the ranks of the US Air force, one with a steely eyed resolve much like their grandparents back in the days of WWII. The main article is here. 23 comments to Be afraid mine enemies |
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Nice eyes 🙂
A beautiful and dedicated American woman. She’s also an example of the poor allocation of American recourses in the military and civilian sector. This woman would better serve her country as a steely eyed wife and mother training her guns on the liberal scum in her local school board and city government.
Wow, gotta love the modern world – aircrew doesn’t need pin-up girls, they -are- pin up girls. What a great photo. But more to the point, I think the enemy needs to see this. I’m so in favor of attacking the over-compensated macho tough guy BS of our enemies – I’d sure like to see them see who is kicking their posteriors. If the good Airman was willing, I’d love to see the psyops guys drop this photo as leaflets. I’m trying to think of good captions – “-This- is the only angel you’ll see on your way to the afterlife.” Suggestions?
And hey, NC3 – She’s a volunteer doing what she chose, not a resource for allocation. Not to mention, if she later chooses to take on the school board and city government, what fine training & background she’s getting for it now…
Military personnel are certainly recourses to be used at the discretion of the brass. She no doubt volunteered for her post but it was internal politics that allowed her to be in front line combat. The feminization of the US military bodes ill for America and the West. The marginalization of the most important traditional roles for women (defender of home and hearth) has had the effect of leaving us vulnerable to attack on the most critical of war fronts; that being the war for hearts and minds. It has also had the effect of denigrating the effectiveness of the fighting force. Ask the Israelis.
Dale’s comment about the U.S. Air Force’s “new generation” rings true. Consider that you have a group of junior officers and enlisted folks that are exposed to the concepts of “containment” and “mutually assured destruction” only in history books. Instead they wield weapons of such precision that in matters of politics a military response has become more acceptable.
As opposed to the static overseas basing of the Cold War, these new warriors are now part of an expeditionary aerospace force, primed for rapid resonse and effects-based operations. It’s not your father’s Air Force.
What will this mean for U.S. military doctrine over the next 20 years as these men and women advance through the ranks and start shaping tactics and policy?
NC3 – More on ‘resources’ – certainly now that the Airman is enlisted, her duties will be determined by the needs of the service. My objection to discussing a Free American as a ‘resource’ had to do with “. . .and the civilian sector.” The brass may not tell the Airman that she has to go home and have babies and serve on the school board. Maybe dismiss her from the service in hopes that she does, but that’s all.
On women in the service – I think we could have a long conversation. I was in in the mid to late eighties and saw plenty of PC crap associated with the ‘effort,’ and plenty of abuses and problems. But I think the problem is far more cultural and political – and transition will take time. There are women (and men) who certainly shouldn’t be in – just not cut out to be soldiers. I think the problem boils down to treating females in the service as women/ladies and not as warriors. Of course, many of the women who are in, aren’t. “If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t have signed up,” and there’s plenty of wimpy servicemembers (both sexes) that can’t take a joke.
Maybe what I’m getting at is agreement with you regarding ‘feminization’ of the military – but holding out that having females in the military doesn’t necessarily mean feminization.
Hell, a friend of mine is still a serving infantry officer (no females there), and had to attend “violence in the workplace” training not too long ago. His -job- is violence! Jeez! I can deliver training for infantrymen (anyone!) on dealing with violence at work in one sentence: “if someone gets violent, kick his ass!”
umm, more than enough. But to try and summarize my points: 1) it’s not our place to “allocate” people, 2) females in the service does not necessarily mean not kick-ass.
— Erik, an infantry guy who is pleased to know women he’d rather have in his squad than some of the guys who were..
Erik….we’re on the same page. I think I’m just a little depressed that a woman as beautiful and gritty as she isn’t busy making some guy a great wife and producing tough little SOB’s to replace the losers you mentioned. It also makes me sick to think about these gals getting shot all to hell. Call me an old fashioned romantic.
NC3: As a gunner, I would imagine that her job involves mainly technical things. Little heavy lifting, etc. The physical weakness of women seems to be an unfair stereotype based upon some of the women that I see at the gym. They could probably bench most marines!
Women are no less baby-factories and child-rearers than men are sperm factories and breadwinners. They can certainly do other things, and should be allowed to do whatever they choose that’s within their ability. That’s what libertarianism is all about–free choice.
Regarding the effectiveness of the Israeli military, perhaps they would have a more effective fighting force if they stopped forcing people to join. Their universal conscription policy is as evil as conscription for males.
As for the post, I think that she should be commended for her willingness to die for a cause she believes in, but I have little respect for her willingness to kill for it. Two wrongs hardly make a right.
“Women are no less baby-factories and child-rearers than men are sperm factories and breadwinners.”
Absolutely! Thanks, Lucas, for making that, very obvious, point.
NC3: Why would you be “a little depressed that a woman as beautiful and gritty as she isn’t busy making some guy a great wife and producing tough little SOB’s”?! Christ, what is this? A breeding programme? Allocating an individual a role based on your preferences, according to your view of how society ought to be is the stuff of nightmares.
Freedom means individuals have free choice. If they choose to exercise it, no one, including the society, has a right to impose preconceived roles on them. Whether a particular individual is suitable for the role of his/her choice is a different question. That is the stuff of free markets and free interaction.
Lighten up beautiful! I told you, “call me an old fashioned romantic”. From a male chauvinist traditionalist standpoint I see that little gal’s (notice the condescending diminutive) choice as unfortunate. Helicopter crews (forgive me Erik) can be found with ease. Good wives and mothers are just a little harder to come by. The young lady in question might not even be good mother material but that doesn’t make my point incorrect. That point being the radical feminization has denigrated western society on all levels. Her choices, your choices and the freedom to make them aren’t in question. What is in question is the manipulation of norms through popular culture and the destructive nature of the gender equity schemes that have resulted. A bright and talented woman should have the choice, be allowed to understand the importance and benefit society by simply being a wife and mother. Tell me you haven’t been programmed to look on that vocation as something beneath you?
If I’m depressed it’s because beautiful and bright women like yourself have all but dismissed the most important calling a human can have and only women can accomplish. You call it a breeding programme. I call it survival of our culture and nations.
I was speaking to the fact that the Israelis have reconsidered putting women in front line combat. With a few notable exceptions woman make lousy killers in combat. I’m not an expert on Libertarians though I tend to lean that way except when personal freedoms so called get in the way of national security. The US has adopted an all volunteer army and that seems to be working. Of course we’ve got at least one hundred million more men to draw from compared to Israel. Every swinging stick in Israel needs to know how to perform in a fighting capacity thus the draft. Your precious freedom means nothing if you’re overrun and killed. Opting out of service in a country surrounded by enemies is Evil and cowardly. At least I think so.
You’re last statement about two Wong’s not making a white seems to be a little schizophrenic. Commending someone for a willingness to die for a cause but condemning for a willingness to kill. Hell man…let’s just ask our military to stand there and get killed, that will certainly protect us. “Just stand there and get shot down like dogs boys, the enemy will surrender after they see how idealistic we all are.” When you start telling me about free choice and what libertarianism is all about don’t forget to add just a little bit of common sense to that mix.
There is nothing un-libertarian about a willingness to use large amounts of violence when needed (you know, everything from a kick in the bollocks to rifles, flamethrowers, tanks, B-52s, loud Celine Dion music, thermobaric bombs, etc.). Pacifism is the ultimate cop out.
In a libertarian society there will be all sorts of little conclaves of people with particular values. I’m sure there will be some old fashioned communities suitable for some of our readers. With 4 about 4 billion women on Earth I’m sure there will be enough who like the “old ways” to make at least a few happy 1950’s villages.
But for the majority, education and the pill alone were enough to destroy the old way of life. We live in a world where physical strength is no longer of overriding importance in most cases… and even then, I remember what my highschool friend’s wife looked like when she was doing weight training. Beautiful, well built and fully capable of turning most guys into a pretzel without raising a sweat.
A free society involves *all* of its’ members in whatever way *they* chose. The 21st Century has changed the rules that underlay the old basis for the gender roles. We’ll develop new ones over time. But the point is, America is on the way to becoming a society in which the vast majority of the population are able to fight in its’ defense. That has got to be an advance equivalent to the use of citizen armies when the norm was “aristocrats only”.
Like anyone else who fights, the lass in the photo will spend her time in the military and then perhaps go off and have a family. Happens to lots of soldiers.
If she goes on as a career soldier, she won’t be any worse a parent than any of the fighter jocks who have to run off on deployment now and then.
Old roles die hard… but whatever you lament about them, however you think the changes came about, they are indeed here. Hell, even Robert Heinlein had women fighting, and he’s no lefty PC type!
It’s a new world and I personally kind of like it.
You guys are right. I really should put away my Gunsmoke and Leave It To Beaver mentality. I’m a bit of a fuss budget, a place for everything and everything in its place.Gets old I know. Hell, if I’d just learn to be more modern I might even get more than one date out of a lady before she starts imagining herself pregnant with dishpan hands.
Here’s a question worth pursuing since you brought it up. Did the Brits and the Europeans actually have a 50’s? Now I’m pretty sure you had a 60’s, hell the Brits invented it but, I don’t think you really experienced the 50’s did you? Weren’t you too busy rebuilding? Not much time for Utopian fantasies. Humm….
Anybody think NC3 might be trolling? NC3 is probably a gun-toting susburban soccer mom looking to tweak a few libertarian moustaches.. hehee
Hmmm… if I were a soccer mom in Maryland, I’d certain be gun totting about now!
Suman? I’m going to give you a pass on that remarkably inappropriate response to my Texas wit and banter. If this were a gay and lesbian dominated blog sprinkled with a few feminazis and limp wristed pseudo-intellectuals then you might be correct.
As is happens I live where we do tote guns if we care to. We can shoot career criminals when they break into our house and get a reward that doesn’t include time in prison. In addition we still treat ladies like well, ladies.
If it seems I’m pulling a libertarian mustache then I’ll take your word for it but, a troll I am not. At least not intentionally. Nice chatting with you.
Dale….don’t know about the laws in Maryland concerning weapons of limited destruction. I do know that when they find this person (s) he’ll get a fair trial and then be hung. Oh wait, nope they have a gas chamber but it hasn’t been used since 1961. When they catch these people they’ll probably get life in prison. Now that the latest victim is a 12 year old boy barely hanging on to life at the time I write this; the probability rises that “life” in prison may mean about 24 hours. Even hardened criminals take a dim view of shooting little boys in the head. The gas chamber would be merciful compared to what those men will do to the killers.
“You’re last statement about two Wong’s not making a white seems to be a little schizophrenic.”
I don’t think it’s schizophrenic. Willingness to die shows courage and the ability to sacrifice. Willingness to kill shows some kind of murderous impulse. I don’t have much respect for murderers.
Our military seems to do a lot more meddling than protecting, but in any case, it has been committing an act of theft to the tune of about $300b / year from the American people. Is that a valid price to pay, considering you didn’t choose to pay it?
“I’m not an expert on Libertarians though I tend to lean that way except when personal freedoms so called get in the way of national security.”
So you’re not, in fact, in favor of liberty. Just so we’re clear. All one has to do is define national security too broadly, and you have a police state. I’m sure that every dictator in the world was in favor of exactly this policy.
“When you start telling me about free choice and what libertarianism is all about don’t forget to add just a little bit of common sense to that mix.”
Ok, how’s this: women should stay in the kitchen, keep their mouths shut, and make babies. Everyone should believe in God, and be killed if they don’t. Blacks are an inferior race to whites. Adolph Hitler deserved to be head of Germany. And, Bill Clinton not only deserved to be elected once, but elected again four years later. These were all majority opinions (or at least strongly held opinions) at various times in history. You’ll have to forgive me if I have little respect for “common sense.”
Sorry. You failed the common sense portion of the test. On the other hand you passed the fruitcake Left section with ease. I noticed a certain lack of class and style but still good enough for Berkeley. I’m sure you’re doing well there.
*amon lifts his BFG9000 and fires a blazing round into the air.
There will be no more personal comments allowed on this discussion. You may all debate issues here, but NO NAME CALLING OR PERSONAL ATTACKS ARE PERMITTED.
Rule Number 1: The Editors are God.
Rule Number 2: See Rule Number 1.
Thank you.
Apologies to all. The left coast pastry comment was a bit much.
NC3: Apology accepted.
I may be a pacifist (i.e. someone who partakes in the “ultimate copout”), and I’m certainly a fruitcake, but I’m not a leftist. I think capitalism is downright nifty, and that communism is an assault to fundamental human freedom. I also don’t go to Berkeley (though I’m considering applying to their math department for grad school). Right now, it’s Illinois State University for me.
As for my prose style, you’re right. A great writer, I ain’t.
Women in combat is always an interesting subject. I think if you get rid of the rhetoric it comes down to the fact that the US does not need to send woman to the front lines. That however doesn’t mean they couldn’t handle it. The whole men can’t handle women being shot/ect. is bull-shit…if you look at history for example Vietnam or ww2 (stalingrad) you had conflicts were woman served because they weren’t other options. Men didn’t have time to sit down and worry about them it was a luxury they didn’t have . And just for the record I have always thought women tend to be much more ruthless then men a man will kill you a woman will make you suffer it is probably a good thing that women don’t serve on the front lines.