We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Pictures of London’s money pit

Many of the relatively new Docklands Light Railway stations I’ve passed through, often being situated on old or new viaducts, or part of similarly elevated main line stations, have offered fine views of the eastern parts of London, which is where many of the big towers are. Yesterday afternoon I took my camera with me in search of more such stations with views. I was not disappointed, and the weather, not good of late, was also on my side.

Pretty much by chance, I found myself at this station:


From this quaintly named viewpoint, I saw what I at first thought was some kind of football stadium. But, it seemed not to be finished. What could it be?


Also, other building was going on not too far away, by London standards. I love a good crane cluster:


But what was it all? Then I saw a weird object looking like a giant deep sea fish. This could only mean one thing: an unpopular sport of the kind that Needs Government Help. This wasn’t football. Of course! This is where the Olympic Games are going to happen:


All those wires in the sky are because regular trains go past this station, although they don’t stop there.

Here’s another picture, relevant to those above, this time of the front page of the London Evening Standard from last Friday:


By us, Mayor Boris means me and my fellow Londoners. Here is the story.

I cursed the day that London got these damn games on the day it got them. It looks like all other London taxpayers will soon be doing the same. And I will be very surprised if all other UK taxpayers don’t end up agreeing, despite what that “Culture Minister” says.

The “GREED IS GOOD” thing concerns Michael Douglas, pictured in the picture, reprising Gordon Gekko. I dare say we will soon all learn that the entire recent economic meltdown was Gekko’s fault. Nothing to do with crazy government monetary policy. But banking, like the Olympic Games, is a nationalised industry, and each is as economically out of control as the other.

5 comments to Pictures of London’s money pit

  • Roue le Jour

    You took a camera outside? Good God man, are you mad? What if someone had seen you?

    I’ve always been against the Olympics coming London. We’ll just be paying a fortune to show the world how bloody useless we are at organising anything.

  • I was against the Olympics from day one.

    Interesting as well, that first photo with the “Investing In…” posters. Since Keynes, the word “invest” has become synonymous with any spending, regardless of economic returns. It’s maddening.

  • The same idiotic MSM that was cheerleading London’s Olympic bid from the rafters is now shocked!… shocked! by the utterly unforseeable fact that its has turned out to run vastly over budget and has been grossly mismanaged from the outset…

    Who could have predicted such a surprising turn of events?

  • At a hustings in Ealing only a few weeks ago we had the usual floaty sort demanding the Council spend millions on a “purpose built arts centre” a.k.a. Vanity Projects LLC.

    Now, I have nothing against multi-million pound arts centres, but I think people should put their money where their mouth is, not the money of those on minimum wage and pensioners where their mouth is.

  • Paul Marks

    A good post Brian.