Personally, I’d like to see some Congressmen forced to testify before a panel of car dealers, about the budget deficit’s Sudden Acceleration Problem.
– Instapundit reflects on the travails of Toyota.
Samizdata quote of the dayPersonally, I’d like to see some Congressmen forced to testify before a panel of car dealers, about the budget deficit’s Sudden Acceleration Problem. – Instapundit reflects on the travails of Toyota. 3 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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Very good.
Almost as entertaining will be Almost-President Gore being summoned before Congress to testify under oath about Global Warming’s Sudden Deceleration Problem …
Heh, just days before I released a CafePress line with the slogan:
The Accelerator’s Stuck
Maybe the Samizburo can find a way to apply that meme to Parliament.