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Samizdata quote of the day

“When you keep a kennel of attack dogs then I guess you can’t entirely claim ignorance or absence of responsibility when one of them bites several passers by.”

Andrew Neil

1 comment to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Otto

    Andrew Neil is nearly there with his comment about attack dogs. However, the point is that when you keep a particular attack dog for years you can’t claim ignorance of its character and mode of attack.

    McBride has been working for Brown for years and moved to Number 10 with him. It is simply implausible that Brown didn’t know what sort of character he was, and how he operated.

    In the circumstances, deniability simply doesn’t work, because Brown has to be able to deny that he knew both what sort of character McBride is and also McBride’s modus operandi; Merely, not knowing the details of one smear operation is entirely insufficient.