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Unco guid


At least someone is enjoying themselves. The taxpayer has always paid his bills, except in his childhood, when God did. And now he gets to use unlimited power to seize whatever he likes and congratulate himself that he is punishing bad people for taking risks in the hope of making money for themselves.

pic hat-tip: Guido

11 comments to Unco guid

  • I just followed a link to something at the Times. Busy. But, some footage then appeared of this picture that you put up (Guy) in motion, with the words. Brown was joking about another bank collapse. He will never be allowed to forget this, and this clip will be played again and again. If he thinks that all this chaos will save him, he’s mad.

  • Ian B

    Y’know, I was the generation that grew up hating Thatch. But even then, I never would have imagined I could despise any politician as much as I despise Broon right now.

    Brian, any chance of posting a link to that footage?

  • Johnathan Pearce

    The headline in the Times (of London) says: “World must follow my example, says Brown.”

    You cannot make this sort of thing up. Brown is a cunt, pure and simple. Consider: he pushed the public finances into deficit when the UK economy was relatively strong. Rather buggers up any idea of “no return to boom and bust”.

    If the Tories are smart, they should get a copy of the grinning Brown and put it up on campaign posters.

    The FTSE 100 crashed below 4,000 today. Insurance firms will have problems staying solvent. This is now getting extremely bad.

  • I wonder who the audience were – they were quite enjoying themselves too.

  • Yeah, it’s fucking hilarious.

    The entire world is fucked and Gorgon Brownshirt is having a giraffe over it. I second Ian B. I have never in all my 35 years felt this level of visceral hatred until this bunch of cunts took over. I wish there was another word but there isn’t they are cunts. They are utter cunting cunts with PhDs in both pure and applied cuntological studies from the University of Cuntchester.

  • RAB

    And who is this I see coming, striding through the fog of fear?
    Why it’s Wacko Wedgie, the man who when he was Technology Minister under Wilson, totally fucked our cutting edge technologies.

    Ah but he’s got the answer this time!
    (he’s been banging on about this for centuries)


  • I have just had to reboot and I’m shortly off to the fucking garden centre and Vista is being thoroughly ob-bastarding-noxious and the whole planet is in melt-down and I have only once this day called Gordon Brown a fucking cunting fucker.

    Why am I in a bad mood? Apparently all these semi-nationalised banks are gonna have to play nice and be socially responsible which I seem to recall is what got us into this fucking mess in the first place.

    Gordon Brown really is a cunt. Darling is cunt with weird eyebrows. They’re all cunts because they have taken a fucking disaster and turned into a complete fucking catastrophe. And they’re finding it hilarious because for some vague reason the minute things get dicey everyone runs to nanny and the left have had some sort of boost. Oh and it looks like Barack Obama will win and we shall then all be fucking fucked to cunting buggeration.

    I mean fuck me roughly from behind. Obama! Pals with a terrorist, running mate Joe Biden who wouldn’t know truth or reality if it bit his dick off, hangs with a quasi-christian pastor who is certifiably nucking futz and he’s got an 11 point lead! Jeebus Christ! This is like a bad acid trip. It’s un-fucking-believable.

  • While why not RAB. They have exhumed Mandy and yanked him back into the cabinet.

    Yeah, why not Wedgie Benn then? Why not? What have we got to lose? Let’s all paint our arses green and sing Rule Britannia in full chorus because frankly that would make more sense than the current tit-arsery coming from Whitehall.

    I baggsy not standing in front of Mandy mind.

  • Nick M,your language is truly disgraceful,these derogatory remark about cunts must cease.I personally have had many a pleasurable moments with cunts,these carbuncle give me no joy whatsoever.

  • RAB

    Yet another of the “Usual Suspects”
    breaks cover.


    The comments section is the interesting bit in that article.

    This is the Grauniad folks!
    And 99% of the comments are against him.