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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samzidata quote of the day – voice coach challenge edition

“Imagine being Keir Starmer’s voice coach. It’s like being David Lammy’s academic advisor or Bridget Phillipson’s charm consultant.”

Madeleine Grant.

(For those who don’t – wisely perhaps – follow UK domestic politics, David Lammy is Foreign Secretary, and Phillipson is Education minister. Both are dreadful and therefore classic front-bench ministers in this administration.)

1 comment to Samzidata quote of the day – voice coach challenge edition

  • JohnK

    The lady had an impossible job. For a man whose profession was a barrister, Starmer has a remarkably flat and nasal way of speaking. I can only imagine he bored juries into submission.

    However, it seems clear that he and his voice coach did break lockdown laws (nor “rules”) by meeting in person on 24th December 2020. These were laws Starmer championed and wanted made stricter.

    He has started to try and weasel his way out of it. In the Commons today he pointedly failed to declare he had done nothing wrong. That would have been tantamount to misleading the House, and is what did for Boris. Starmer is too clever to make that mistake. But I think his hypocrisy over this might just do for him. We will have to see. His huge majority might save him, but I have a feeling it might not. The Rayner administration could be on its way.

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