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“Is Israel Weaponizing the Tragic Deaths of the Bibas Children?”

“Is Israel Weaponizing the Tragic Deaths of the Bibas Children?”

Dear God. I don’t know where to start.

Weaponizing the Tragic Deaths of the Bibas Children?

Is Israel
the Tragic Deaths of the Bibas Children?

Is Israel Weaponizing the
Tragic Deaths
of the Bibas Children?

The children.

The tweet is by Mehdi Hasan, quoting Muhammad Shehada, who describes himself as a “Gazan Political Analyst & Writer.” Mehdi Hasan is a former senior political editor at the New Statesman and is the author of a book called Win Every Argument.

6 comments to “Is Israel Weaponizing the Tragic Deaths of the Bibas Children?”

  • John

    “May have already been killed”

    “Tragic deaths”

    Is “Entire family including babies murdered by Hamas” too difficult for you to say Mehdi?

  • John

    I wasn’t previously aware of this video. Bad as it is the most popular comments truly beggar belief:-

    1 year ago (edited)
    PLEASE I CLAIM THAT EVERYONE THAT SEES THIS VIDEO TO SEE IT WITH THE AUDIO. The palestinian soldier is shouting to protect the lady and her baby. They turned off the audio on purpose such a shame!!!

    1 year ago
    If they only left the audio on youd hear what the hamas fighters were actually saying ! They were calming her down , but the media will never show that

    1 year ago (edited)
    Excuse me, the audio on the unmuted version has the gunmen telling her that she and her babies are safe and that they are under no threat. I have seen the umuted version before Sky uploaded this

    and worst of all

    1 year ago
    Just wondering why sky did this? they definitely has translators but still posted this without audio to make them look bad. Sky is such a hypocrite and is lying on our faces

    How dare sky “make them look bad”.

  • neonsnake


    This isn’t tricky.

    Hamas’ response is monstrous and should be opposed.

    Israel’s response is monstrous and should be opposed.

    …for the love of god., it’s not an either/or. People killing children and civilians are wankers and should be opposed, fucking period.

  • snag


    There is no equivalence.

  • Marius

    People killing children and civilians are wankers and should be opposed, fucking period.


    Half a million German citizens, including children, were killed in the course of ridding Europe of the Nazis. If the Nazis had deliberately put civilians and children in harm’s way, the numbers would have been much higher. Naturally the war against the religious fascists of Hamas involved civilian casualties. Although not as many as they claim….

  • Paul Marks

    I live in the United Kingdom – so I can be sent to prison for my words, but I will take the risk and tell the truth.

    Mr Hasan is not a good man, and the teachings and personal example of the founder of his religion are not good either.

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