I see “leaving X” is trending on TwitterX, presumably driven by people who like to be governed more & fear without the threat of pervasive algorithmic censorship, they might write something that gets them cancelled.
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“Leaving X” is trendingI see “leaving X” is trending on TwitterX, presumably driven by people who like to be governed more & fear without the threat of pervasive algorithmic censorship, they might write something that gets them cancelled. November 14th, 2024 |
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I’m surprised that so many of them are still at X. When you join a cult that holds that speech with which you disagree is violence, reading X must be terrifying.
Does X have a door?
@Alisa: Yes. The X-it.
I thought Elon’s reply was mildly amusing.
I was more gutted by the departure from Twitter/X of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
I am bereft.
The pain will never end.
I suspect that when all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done.
When Musk took over Twitter and rebranded it as X, there was much caterwauling about leaving for “alternative” sites. In the end, it seems to me that there are still plenty of “progressive voices” (aka screamers and harridans) on X.
Can it hit their behinds on their way out?
You wrote, “…they might write something that gets them cancelled.”
No, their biggest fear is that they might READ something that causes cognitive dissonance and it would cause them pain.
I am doubtful as to whether the cost of the Clifton Suspension Bridge was justified by the benefits.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an engineer of genius – but many of his projects tended to go wildly over budget and ruin investors, still I do not know the details of this particular project.
As for the totalitarians leaving X – good riddance to them.
As the post and the comments point out – the Guardian, and the rest of them, would like a world where everyone who disagreed with them was sent to prison, or was driven from their jobs – and left to beg on the streets.
Remember: They are not leaving because X censors them – but because it won’t censor you.
“Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an engineer of genius – but many of his projects tended to go wildly over budget and ruin investors, still I do not know the details of this particular project.”
You’re not far wrong – the CSB project was started in 1831, continued on and off for a decade and finally abandoned by Brunel in 1843 when he ran out of money to finish it, and couldn’t raise any more. It was only completed in 1864, after he’d died in 1859, with money raised as a memorial to him, and to a considerably modified version of his original design.
So he never actually completed the bridge, and those that did (with money more raised as a form of charity than business proposition) had to change his design to make it work. Not exactly the best example of the work of a design and engineering genius……
Elon Musk’s comment about the Guardian and others is superb. That is, by the way, why they hate and also fear him. And they should fear him.
End Wokeness just posted that he joined BlueSky and was banned in 5 minutes for the post:
“There are two genders”
Note, in no universe will posting there are more than 2 genders EVER get anyone banned, demonetized, throttled or any such nonsense on X. Let them live in their bubble, it’s the best way to ensure that their side (the one that is against liberty and freedom) continues to lose.
JB – of course, truth is hated (fanatically hated) by the “Critical Theory” establishment.
Johnathan Pearce – I hope that Elon Musk and others win, but they remind me of the Emperor Majorian – desperately fighting against the forces that are destroying civilisation, those forces are very strong, hideously strong.
BenDavid – yes indeed, very well put.
The left is not leaving X because they are censored – they are leaving because they are not allowed to censor others on X.
The great lie of the left “we are against your “economic freedom” BUT we support Civil Liberties!” has been exposed – they do not support Civil Liberties, they hate and despise Civil Liberties and wish to utterly destroy them.
For those who do not know – after many victories against seemingly impossible odds, the Emperor Majorian was betrayed and tortured to death.
I suspect that the worst torture to him was the knowledge that he had failed – that civlisation would now fall.