…and the surviving Samizdatistas are still staring blankly into the static hiss of the internet.
We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people. Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house] Authors
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23 years todayNovember 1st, 2024 |
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Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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Congratulations Perry, and thanks for providing an open forum, even for people you disagree with. This is what the web was supposed to be.
From a long time non commenting reader, thank you.
Happy Birthday! I think I have learned a lot here. I hope I might have influenced a bit (yeah, right!) here, but I know I have had a lot of fun here!
To the next 23 years!
As a passive viewer of the blog I really appreciate the open discourse and polite acceptance of varied opinions, may it enjoy another 23 years
23 years? Chuffing hell.
[ Passes moisturiser. ]
The blog is now old enough to be in paid employment, start a family, serve on a jury. William Pitt the Younger was already a government minister at the age of 23.
Seriously, I wonder at where the years have gone. We started around the time of the mass-murders in New York and Washington DC, and in one way or another, I have been commenting on here ever since. That’s longer than any period in a particular job I have had.
Many congratulations and Happy Birthday to the blog!
It is one of my few reassurances that I am (relatively) sane and the current world in general, and my working environment in particular, is not.
Good to be here – one of the few sane places on the Web.
Happy Birthday to the blog.
Happy Birthday! I remember talking with you about setting up what turned into Samizdata back then, when you were looking for some software to make it all work. Little did I guess what it would turn into (thanks to both you, and the fleet of great writers you’ve managed to attract). Congratulations, here’s and to many more years to come.
Happy Birthday Blog, always something interesting here, perspectives from across the globe.
Happy birthday blog! It is repeatedly sobering to find out how impoverished the
views of politicians and ‘their’ main stream media chums are.
Congrats and thank you.
A belated Happy Birthday to Samizdata!
Is it really that long? I think I remember when it started (alerted to its existence by possibly Chris Tame or Sean Gabb) and have been enjoying it ever since. One of the most stimulating reads on the interweb thing, and a reason the latter’s existence is a benefit to mankind.
I”m just some guy out West in the US and I’m on this site all the time.
How many more are there like me?
However many it is, the impact is YUGE!
Thank you to all the posters, commenters, and smiters!
You do an amazing job and as others have said, it is such a breath of fresh air!
I can’t remember when I first came across samizdata. I’ve been on the internet since 1992, first with a 28K modem, then 56K, and in 1997 fibre optic broadband (luck, Virgin Media based in nearby Trowbridge, Wilts). So it could easily be 20-odd years ago. I visit everyday at least, sometimes several times a day. I like that samizdata is challenging and it’s not an echo chamber. I like the comments, and the commenters who have a pretty diverse set of views. I sometimes comment and I usually get shot down. No problem! So well done all of you who make this a blog well worth visiting – writers and commenters.
Wow, now I feel even older… This place literally changed my life, by exposing me to ideas and facts I had not been aware before, and connecting me to several amazing people. Thank you all.
Came for the intelligence, stayed for the civility. It’s an oasis in a desert of sludge. Thanks and happy birthday, Samizdata.
And thanks to the OP’ers for great selections and writings!
23 years? Hard to credit. How young we all were 🙂🙂🙂.
May one respectfully suggest that the management attempt to persuade past contributors, sadly missed, to rejoin the fray?
And also that we each raise the libation of our choice this evening with the ancient toast of ‘absent friends’, in recognition of those who, in those 23 years, have left us forever?
Well done for staying the course!
Congratulations, well done!
Congratulations! Wishing you continued success.
Yay! Still reading.
23 years of “fighting the long defeat” as Elrond put in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”.
But liberty is not dead yet – whether what is left of liberty in “the West” (or what was the West) is to be exterminated, will be decided by the outcome of the United States election. If Harris/Walz are declared the victors it is over for “the West” as we have known it – liberty in “the West” (not just the United States) will come to an end – will be wiped out, by Agenda 2030 and-so-on.
However, we must NOT be downhearted – liberty will return at some point in the future, after the economic system (the international Corporate State and the Credit Money that supports this evil) finally collapses.
I will not see the return of liberty – but I will die knowing that at some point in the future liberty will return.
Where should people go in the evil years that may well come to pass if Harris/Walz are declared the victors – New Zealand? Paraguay? Somewhere else?
I do not know – and I am too old and too poor to go anywhere, the young with useful skills will survive – and they will see the return of better days, of liberty, at some point in the future.
Thanks for being here! It means a lot.
Heck with bringing back Usenet, bring back Arpanet!
Durn kids these days don’t appreciate vampire taps, phone cradle modems, hell – they don’t appreciate the stride we done made since dial-up! Spoiled rotten like EMACs users! VI just works fine!
And now all the popular kids that sneered at all the nerds are using the nerd’s tech for them Tictoks. Not a respectable nerd amongst ’em! They can’t read a resistor and figure out the Ohms with a color-coded cheat sheet in one hand and the entire Internet in the other! Probably think “Ohms” are cool ’cause Buddhism’s hot or something. As if the popular kids ever read the Pali Canon or contemplated the four noble truths. Their faith is as deep as their makeup.
Oh, there are meh meds. Oh yeah, that’s the spot. I… Gotta go now. Sit down for a spell. Catch meh breath.
And happy dang dong anniversary to you bunch of Soviet Expatriates and your illegal spirit duplicators! Or Xeroxes, if ya work for The Party. Ya’ll know the USSR fell, right? Cause of Thatcher and Reagan, that’s who!
P.S.: And, to paraphrase the Honorable Olson Johnson, Citizen of Rock Ridge: I’m particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear the above speech. Not only was it authentic nerd gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age. A courage seen rarely outside this wonderful blog.