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Reagan’s prescience, Biden’s myopia

It looks like Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system and Arrow anti-ballistic missiles have mostly succeeded in intercepting the missiles sent by Iran. The Iranian regime did not send drones this time because having them shot down by the Jordanians last time was embarrassing.

I saw this quote by John Podhoretz on Twitter:

“The creation and promotion of missile defense by Ronald Reagan remains one of the signature events in world history, and all of you who derided it and him have lived to see your worldviews discredited and your sanctimony discarded by history.”

To which Dan McLaughlin added,

Joe Biden, 1986, to the National Press Club: “Star Wars represents a fundamental assault on the concepts, alliances and arms-control agreements that have buttressed American security for several decades, and the president’s continued adherence to it constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.”

6 comments to Reagan’s prescience, Biden’s myopia

  • Mr Ed

    On James Earl Carter’s 100th birthday, quite a post and quite a time. I remember a ‘joke’ from the 1980 Republican nomination campaign, allegedly from the Bush camp, hoping to hog the ‘middle ground’.

    What’s black, flat and glows in the dark?’

    Iran after Reagan becomes President.

    They let the hostages out as Reagan was sworn in.

  • bobby b

    What good is Mutually Assured Destruction when your enemies want to die for their god? Reagan’s sentiments turn out to better serve both sides’ aspirations. We get to live, they get to die.

  • Fraser Orr

    Which only goes to show the truth of the statement “Biden deeply involved in foreign policy for fifty years; wrong every. single. time.”
    Its embarrassing, yet it is quite an achievement by the democratic party that they have put up a candidate that is significantly worse than Biden.

  • Clovis Sangrail

    @ Fraser
    Kamala Harris – the “hold my beer” candidate.

  • Paul Marks

    Fraser Orr – yes indeed.

    Joseph “Joe the Big Guy” Biden has always been an ultra Big Government person (a look at his Senate voting record destroys the myth of “moderate Joe”) and has always been deeply corrupt – but K. Harris is indeed worse, a total Collectivist all her life, The only good purpose that Harris serves is to expose the establishment for what they are – the establishment support her, knowing that she has been a fanatical Collectivist all her life, this shows what the international establishment themselves are.

    As for missile defence – it has been largely neglected in the United States and totally neglected in the United Kingdom.

    If there is thermonuclear war – we in Britain will be destroyed.

  • NickM

    Oddly enough… Ronald Reagan had severe myopia. It was why he was excused from military sevice in WWII. Apparently the medical report concluded that he couldn’t tell a US Marine from a Japanese soldier from 10 yards.

    Reagan could easily have been killed on a Pacific atoll if his eyesight was better…

    His myopia also nixxed his movie career. You simply couldn’t have a leading-man in rom-coms wearing spectacles in the ’50s. If know this and watch his movies his notoriously “bad” acting is very obvious in reaction shots to leading ladies.

    Reagan might have had a better career than acting alongside a chimp if his eyesight was better…

    Interesting that literal myopia led to a fore-sighted presidency!

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