You can rest assured this is true because there is a law guaranteeing it that no-one would dare violate.
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A downside of laws against “misinformation”You can rest assured this is true because there is a law guaranteeing it that no-one would dare violate. October 26th, 2024 |
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Governor Gavin Newsom and Vice President K. Harris can, if they appoint State and Federal judges, end Freedom of Speech – a “President Harris” would only have to appoint a couple of Supreme Court Justices to, de facto, end the First Amendment (and the Second Amendment) and the rest of the Bill of Rights.
But they can not repeal the laws of economics – they can produce fake economic statistics (the government inflation numbers, and so on, are already a tissue of lies) – but they can NOT fake the “lived experience” of people as they see their standard of life decline.
Regardless of who is elected President this decline in the standard of life will continue – indeed the American, and general Western, economy will collapse in 2025.
Perhaps (perhaps) they will allow President Trump to win the election (rather than engage in 2020 style massive election fraud) – so that he can take the blame for the economic collapse of 2025, which is inevitable now.
The credit-money, credit-bubble, economic system is going to collapse in 2025.
If President Trump is back in the Whitehouse they will blame him for the economic collapse – just as they would have blamed Ron DeSantis if he had become President (and there is nothing that Ron DeSantis could have done to prevent economic collapse – again it is inevitable now).
And if there is a “President Harris” this lady, or rather the international forces K. Harris and T. Walz serve, will use the collapse as an excuse to introduce Agenda 2030 style tyranny – tyranny total-and-absolute.
Of the two options – I prefer President Trump being in office, even though he will (falsely) get the blame for the crash.
Very funny. But it does show how easy it would be to make very convincing fakes using AI.
Paul, you have remarked, across several comments on this website, that you expect that there will be a financial meltdown in 2025 – almost an epoch defining event that’ll make the last financial crisis look like small potatoes.
Whilst I agree that national debts are unsustainable, the ‘value’ of fiat money has been debauched, and government spending is far, far, far too high, why are you so confident that 2025 is the year that it all collapses?
Why 2025 and not two, five or ten years later?
Who decides what is misinformation and what is true? Nobody knows everything, nobody is always right. The best way to arrive at the truth is to let everyone have their say, let everyone make their case and then see who has the most convincing argument. It may not be the perfect solution but it is the best way that we have. This was worked out hundreds of years ago and seems to have been forgotten.
So what we have instead are people who need to have a narrative, a set of narrowly defined “truths” that enable them to live in a kind of false reality that their mental health seems to depend on them being able to maintain. So even saying something that is clearly demonstrably true has to be censored and claimed to be misinformation if it doesn’t fit in with this narrative.
Those who are broadly correct on most things, and who are willing to change their views on receipt of new information, are generally not in favour of the censorship of other people’s views. Those who have opinions that they know that they can’t defend are the ones who are in favour of silencing the opinions of others.
@Paul Marks regarding Trump being elected as president.
If he has enough sense to come inside out of the rain, he has the option of refusing to take the oath of office and declining the job. Won’t that put the cat among the pigeons!
I don’t know what the electoral system rules would do in that case. I know that when the US elections were run in the early days following the constitution being ratified, if anything happened to the president that the losing candidate took over, regardless of their political affiliation so … what would happen now? Kneepads Harris becomes the president, even though she “lost” (either by deliberately manipulating the votes or by a fair election process)?
As the Chinese curse says, may you live in interesting times.
Phil B – no Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance must take office, even though the economy is going to collapse. Otherwise the collapse will be used as an excuse to introduce Digital Currency and the general Agenda 2030 plan of tyranny – including government (and corporate) control of LAND – with individuals and families reduced to de facto serfdom.
Supposedly having government regulations, and partner corporate entities such as BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard (and other Credit Money supported corporations – Cantillon Effect) , in charge of homes and land (including farms and ranches) – due to government regulations a handful of corporations already have control of food processing.
Tyranny, international tyranny, is close – if Harris/Walz are declared the winners in the election, then the international forces of tyranny will proceed.
As for “disinformation” – most of it comes from government agencies (including international ones) and their Corporate allies – “partners”.
Everything, from inflation numbers to historic temperature figures, is rigged. The numbers are fake.
The very term misinformation, as employed by governments, the media and various “progressive” ideologues these days, is itself effectively misinformation.
“As for ‘disinformation’ – most of it comes from government agencies (including international ones) and their Corporate allies – ‘partners’.”
The word disinformation (i.e., dezinformácija) ought never to have entered into general parlance and should have remained a specialized term for a particular type of information operations activity in wartime.
But now it has and you can’t put that cat back in the bag.
I make it a rule never to employ the terms disinformation or misinformation in a discussion.
Bullshit or lies seems to cover most of it.
It is the scale – the size of the insanity, some 36 Trillion Dollar official debt of the Federal Government alone, and the general cultural, societal decline.
But, yes I am emotionally biased, I hate this system so very much that I desperately want it to be gone.
Even if its collapse means my own death – which it, most likely, will.