This is why the Whiggish calls you used to hear that ‘Islam needs a reformation’ in response to Al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, Taliban etc were very misinformed.
Al Qaeda and co are the Islamic reformation.
– Commenter Martin
Samizdata quote of the day – But this is the Islamic ReformationThis is why the Whiggish calls you used to hear that ‘Islam needs a reformation’ in response to Al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, Taliban etc were very misinformed. Al Qaeda and co are the Islamic reformation. – Commenter Martin 5 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – But this is the Islamic ReformationLeave a Reply |
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Islam is the teachings (and the example – the life) of Muhammed – teachings he claimed came from God (Allah) and can not be changed by humans.
Muhammed was not “just” a religious leader – he was also a military and political leader whose teachings make up a way of life and legal code – remember this, he claimed, came from God and can not be changed by humans.
There are some differences in interpretation between Sunni and Shia and among the Sunni schools of jurisprudence (and this differences include some important matters) – but these differences do not really concern matters relating to non Muslims, on the matter of non Muslims Shia and Sunni (of the various schools of Islamic jurisprudence) are united.
“So the view of Islam pushed by President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and later Western leaders, is nonsense”.
Yes the view of the Western leaders, and the Western establishment generally, is nonsense.
Islam cannot be reformed, ever. The paedophile, slave-owning mass murderer made it perfectly clear that the ‘revelation’ he had received was the final one and could never be changed. All this is stated unambiguously in the founding texts.
I have been reliably informed by: “Queers for Palestine.” that Islam is pro gay.
Allen – as you most likely know, you have been mistakenly informed by the group “Queers for Palestine”.
I believe “kill the one who does it, and kill the one to whom it is done” is the relevant Hadith on this matter. Rather disturbing – but there we are.
Remember these legal commands come, according to Muhammed, from God (Allah) and can not be changed by humans – this is NOT like the Bible, a series of different books, written by different people (with clearly different opinions), over centuries. This is a unified legal system – and way of life.
Islam already had a reformation that started with al-Ghazali. It hasn’t exactly gone well.