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Samizdata quote of the day – Olympic edition

“Yes, the Chinese put on a display of thousands of co-ordinated drummers, itself an extraordinary physical feat, but hey, WE HAVE DRAG QUEENS, DECAPITATION, AND A FAT SEX-SWAPPED JESUS.”

David Thompson.

Of course, maybe the French organisers of the Olympic opening shindig wanted to bring a bit of Eurovision, or even better, Eurotrash, back into the limelight.

On a separate note, Ilya Somin has this thought-provoking post on how to fix the “dark side of the Olympics”.

And finally, gender fluidity comes for boxing.

15 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – Olympic edition

  • John

    I read that the Algerian is actually no great shakes and has lost several bouts against real women.

    Just imagine how god-awful he would be if competing against other blokes? It would make William Thomas’s 462nd rank amongst US male collegiate swimmers appear stellar by comparison.

    This of course doesn’t go one inch towards making it right but it does highlight how pathetic this person really is along with the mindlessness of his supporters.

  • Mark

    And the frogs couldn’t even co-ordinate a dozen bummers!

  • Paul Marks

    The openness of it all was interesting – many regimes do evil things in private, but the “Woke” feel a desperate need to spit on morality, for example to celebrate murder, in public – to display their evil.

    This “Woke”, Frankfurt School Marxist, culture can not last – even Stalin condemned this interpretation of Marxism, and NOT because he was a moral man (he was NOT), but because such ideas (for example the obsession, total obsession, with weird sexual practices that do not produce children) undermine the nation – Stalin was a brutal, mass murdering, dictator but he wanted to rule a great power – and he understood that Frankfurt School, Cultural, Marxism leads to cultural (societal) collapse.

    Either traditional France (the “other France” – as there have always been “two Frances”) now represented by the National Rally, will return and replace “Woke” France – or Islam will replace “Woke” France.

    Wokery is not a real society, not a real culture, Wokery is just a mess – as the opening ceremony to the games (a ceremony beloved by Jill Biden and other lunatics) made horribly clear.

    The most ironic thing is that the “Woke” Marxists think of Islam as a tool they can manipulate to help them destroy traditional Western society – in reality the “Woke” are the tools as their “society” (which is not worth the word society) can not last.

    Wokery is not a society – it is the negation of society. Wokery is not a culture – it is the negation of culture.

  • bobby b

    Not sure what to think about the boxing mess. I’ve been “corrected” elsewhere – the claim is, this boxer was born female, with a vagina, ovaries, etc – and so truly is a woman, but has a testosterone level of a male. So . . . ?

  • John


    I believe the words of Justice Potter Stewart continue to ring true in a similar fashion to those of Kiplings Gods of the Copybook Headings.

  • Roué le Jour

    bobby b,
    The story seems to be that he is an XY male but he has a rare condition where his genitalia did not respond to the hormone signalling and failed to produce a penis. I don’t think he has the necessary equipment to get pregnant so not really a woman. Happy to be corrected…

  • Snorri Godhi

    Following up on Roué’s comment:
    This BBC article provides some more detail. You have to be aware of the BBC spin, of course. There are 2 crucial questions that the article raises:

    1. The IBA claims that the 2 “controversial” boxers have XY chromosomes, but the IOC (and the BBC) question the testing procedure. Why didn’t the IOC prescribe a new test?

    2. More importantly: neither the IBA nor the IOC seem to require a test for testosterone levels. Why not?

    It seems to me that testosterone levels are much more important than chromosomes in this context.
    Have a look at the picture here: they all have XY chromosomes, and had no sex-change surgery.

  • John

    Snorri and Roue

    I accept we are in murky physiological waters. However there is an innate visceral repulsion in western society at the thought of a man hitting a woman. (Not unlike anger at someone harming or abusing a child – a significant factor in our recent widespread disturbances but one which, like Voldemort, cannot be named).

    The fact that this is happening in the most prominent sporting arena and, more importantly, that the usual suspects are flocking to the defence of the two individuals is yet another factor in making me believe that our institutions are being steadily and deliberately undermined in favour of something foreign (in every sense of the word) to our nature. The new government is adopting this position with barely disguised relish. Once again our noses are to be well and truly rubbed into something unpalatable to most of the country.

  • Snorri Godhi


    there is an innate visceral repulsion in western society at the thought of a man hitting a woman.

    The “controversial” boxers are not men. IIUC they were born with a vagina … which, to many men, is probably the most important feature of a woman.

    But, if you counter that they are not women either, then i won’t argue. At the end of the day, we must accept ourselves for what we are, rather than demand that others accept us as what we would like to be.

  • bobby b

    This is all reminding me of the tale of Babe Didrickson, amazing woman athlete of the 1930’s, who won several gold medals in the ’32 Olympics and was a star in many many sports.

    The science was completely lacking back then, of course, but the same sorts of complaints were raised (quietly, mostly) about her dominance of sports.

  • bobby b

    John: “The fact that this is happening in the most prominent sporting arena and, more importantly, that the usual suspects are flocking to the defence of the two individuals is yet another factor in making me believe that our institutions are being steadily and deliberately undermined in favour of something foreign (in every sense of the word) to our nature.”

    Thinking about it, I wonder if they really don’t care about institutions qua institutions, but would rather do away with all forms of competition (in sports and in life) in which “male attributes” lead to success by themselves. If strength or bulk or aggression leads to success in some area, they would love to simply rid society of that area.

  • Roué le Jour

    As a clarification, not an argument, these individuals possess neither ovaries nor uterus meaning they do not menstruate, so that’s a fairly good indicator they are not fully female right there.

  • Snorri Godhi

    As a clarification, not an argument, these individuals possess neither ovaries nor uterus meaning they do not menstruate, so that’s a fairly good indicator they are not fully female right there.

    Of course. But (still a clarification, not an argument) please note that the lack of menstruation only becomes noticeable at puberty. They were designated female at birth, grew up without questioning their assigned gender (presumably), and had no reason to question it before puberty.

    But i insist, testosterone is the crucial factor in this context. And of course, testosterone also spikes after puberty (if you have balls).

  • Roué le Jour

    I would readily agree that there should be a clear and unambiguous definition of who may compete as a female.

    Thank you for an interesting debate.

  • Tim Worstall

    Come, come now. We are between liberals (classical) and libertarian. We believe that voluntary cooperation will do better than the state in many to near all circumstances.

    1000 Chinese drummers?



    And live in one take?


    The delicate can look away now but there’re a couple of fat birds there having more fun than the last time they were rolled in flour.

    The delicate can come back now. We win because voluntary does.

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