We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – GIGO

Earlier this month, the Met Office claimed that climate change was causing a “dramatic increase in the frequency of temperature extremes and number of temperature records in the U.K.”. Given what we now know from recent freedom of information (FOI) revelations about the state of its ‘junk’ nationwide temperature measuring network, it is difficult to see how the Met Office can publish such a statement and keep a straight face.


It’s almost as if the Met Office is actively seeking higher readings to feed into its constant catastrophisation of weather in the interests of Net Zero promotion. Whatever the reason – incompetence or political messaging – serious science would appear to be the loser. As currently set up, the Met Office network is incapable of providing a realistic guide to natural air temperatures across the U.K. Using the data to help calculate global temperatures is equally problematic.

Chris Morrison

7 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – GIGO

  • decnine

    Yesterday, the Beeb were making much about a high temperature in Cambridge. I’m guessing (because they didn’t say) that it was recorded at the grossly heat polluted Botanical Garden weather station.

  • Discovered Joys

    If you look for something hard enough you will find it – whether it exists or not. This applies to many areas, ‘evidence’ of global warming, ‘evidence’ of structural racism’, ‘evidence’ of a significant Far Right.

    It’s almost as if a Government heading towards totalitarianism promotes totalising attitudes towards ‘evidence’. All in the name of the health (saving our NHS) and safety (fierce clampdown on free speech) for the general population.

    There are now 6 horsemen of the Apocalypse… the two new ones being Health (dressed in Rainbow colours) and Safety (dressed in yellow and black stripes) and no one dares stand against them.

  • Y. Knott

    – And I reiterate; the world has indeed seen a rash of high temperatures for the last two years. Or rather, since January 2023, when Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai Volcano blasted 150 million tons of water vapour into the stratosphere (which doesn’t get the circulation of the troposphere and therefore has heightened sensitivity to water vapour). This amount of water vapour increased the total in the stratosphere by ~10% – and is going to cause more greenhouse-effect (and therefore, higher temperatures) for a few more years until the extra water vapour rains-out.

    For people you meet who are deploring this, it was determined in the 1800’s that our Earth is outside the Sun’s liquid water band – the distance from a sun that water neither freezes solid nor boils off. Without our copious greenhouse gases, water vapour being chief among them by a wide margin, Earth would face a very fast 31C temperature drop, and Earth would change from a little blue-green planet to a little white planet on which nothing lives.

    Global-warming-denialist rant complete for the moment, I do apologize…

  • Y. Knott

    A reference for some of the previous comment:

    Quote of the Week: “Aqueous vapor [water vapor] is a blanket more necessary to the vegetable life of England than clothing is to man. Remove for a single summer-night the aqueous vapour from the air which overspreads this country, and you would assuredly destroy every plant capable of being destroyed by freezing temperature. The warmth of our fields and gardens would pour itself unrequited into space, and the sun would rise upon an island held fast in the iron grip of frost.” – John Tyndall, “Heat, a Mode of Motion” (p. 359, fifth edition, 1875) [H/t William Happer]

  • Paul Marks

    Again these wild distortions of basic scientific data are not exclusive to official bodies in the United Kingdom – official bodies in the United States and many other nations have a similar contempt for truth.

    Science rests on certain philosophical foundations – and one of these is respect for the truth. Once this philosophy is replaced by the philosophy of Pragmatism and Progressivism (Pragmatism, an American school of philosophy that denies that objective and universal truth even exists, and Progressivism being the doctrine that the central duty of everyone in public life is to expand the size and scope of the state – it is no accident that people who are “Pragmatist” in philosophy tend to be “Progressive” in their politics) then real science is destroyed – replaced by people in white coats with impressive sounding titles and with impressive seeming qualifications, pushing propaganda for the purpose of an agenda (an international agenda) of power and control.

    We witnessed it with Covid (Early Treatments smeared, insane “lockdowns” fanatically supported “it-is-not-going-far-enough”, weird injections absurdly declared “safe and effective”) – and we witness it with “Climate” as well – hence such things as the “Hockey Stick” and juries who decide legal cases on political grounds (i.e. to show how Progressive they, the jury, are) – as they know that bad things may happen them if they give the “wrong” verdict. They will be denounced as “Deniers!” themselves – and may find themselves driven from their jobs, and with their own children taught to hate them.

  • JJM

    By the way, Greta The Swedish Doom Goblin seems to have gone on radio silence lately. Was linking “climate change” to Gaza an intersectional step too far?

  • Paul Marks

    JJM – perhaps it was an intersectional step too far, you may well be correct.

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