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The V-P addresses the nation

We rarely comment on current affairs here, but the V-P has made an address to the Nation.

So we are in for a hot summer.

7 comments to The V-P addresses the nation

  • Paul Marks

    I remember the first time I heard the cackle.

    It was when K. Harris was admitting (or at least implying) that she had smoked cannabis – in spite of, as a prosecutor, having people punished for doing the same thing.

    And, to be fair, it is funny (wickedly funny) to punish other people for something that one one’s self has done – it is beyond getting away with it.

    K. Harris is also supposed to have taken a great pleasure in prosecuting people she knew to be innocent and letting off people she knew to be guilty – and, famously, raising money to get the 2020 rioters (who destroyed areas of American cities – in riots that involved a number of deaths) out of prison.

    To welcome the suffering of the innocent, and the “getting off” of the guilty is consistent with hatred of justice and support for “Social Justice”.

    In other use – the Soros family (who donated large sums of money, via their various groups, to get far leftists elected District Attorney in various parts of the United States) have quickly moved to endorse K. Harris.

    From their point of view this, indeed, makes good sense. If one wishes to destroy justice, indeed gets pleasure from doing so, then this lady is exactly who one would support.

  • Paul Marks

    In his 1912 article “Does Moral Philosophy Rest On A Mistake?” Harold Prichard pointed out that morality is often (indeed normally) NOT a “knowledge problem” – someone can know very well that something is evil and do it anyway, and nor is it really about “happiness” – as doing evil things often makes people happy (sometimes because one is doing evil things).

    Of course, Harold Prichard was not the first person to point out these things – people have been pointing them out for thousands of years.

    But the pleasure people get from doing evil things is a dark pleasure – and the laughter often is, somehow, different when it is laughter from doing evil things.

    It is, often, more of a cackle.

    Look into the eyes of someone who is taking pleasure from doing evil things – I believe (of course I could be mistaken) that the look is somehow different from when people are happy because they are doing good things.

    Of course the late Professor Prichard might disagree – I do not know.

  • Paul Marks

    It is often pointed out that the international leftist elite promote chaos in the cities (and the towns – because it is not just cities) in order to have an excuse to impose a totalitarian system (digital currency and all that) later – but it is also true that they get pleasure from the chaos itself, as long as they do not personally suffer from it.

    It is a grim truth that human beings get pleasure from the suffering of other human beings – especially if the other human beings are innocent, there is darkness in every human soul NOT just the souls of the international leftist elite.

    We should not feel that morally superior to the international leftist elite – for each of us has that darkness within ourselves, it is part of the human condition, the “nature of man”.

    And this is true even if the soul is not immortal and dies with the body – it need not be a religious matter.

    To resist the darkness within ourselves – we must first admit that it is there, not pretend to (others or ourselves) that we we are without evil – that we are somehow a different species to K. Harris and co.

    We are not a different a species. The only difference is that they have said “yes” to the darkness within themselves and we, hopefully, still struggle with it.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    I recall when Tulsi Gabbard defenested Ms Harris in the debates of 2019.

    Dumb as a bag of rocks, and with a certain feral cunning.

    President Xi, Putin and the goblins of Tehran can barely believe their luck.

  • John


    Do you not fear that those three might be licking their lips at the thought of this ineffectual husk of a man still occupying the White House for a further six months and reason “if we’re ever going to do it now’s the time”?

  • Paul Marks

    Johnathan – yes whatever one thinks of the specific policy positions of Tulso Gabbard lady is intelligent and cares about the United States.

    K. Harris is both ignorant and malevolent – it is clear that she enjoys doing harm.

    John – yes, “now is the time” will be the thought of all the enemies of America, and the rest of the Western world.

  • Paul Marks

    A legal system made up of “educated” people who enjoy punishing the innocent and “letting off” the guilty, is not good.

    That is the element of the “justice” system that K. Harris represents.

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