… hope and prayers for the freedom fighters in Venezuela. Hoping for a Nicolae CeauÈescu style exit for Nicolas Maduro.
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I may not be religious but…… hope and prayers for the freedom fighters in Venezuela. Hoping for a Nicolae CeauÈescu style exit for Nicolas Maduro. July 30th, 2024 |
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They gave up their weapons.
NEVER give up your weapons.
Amen to that.
Even with weapons, will you do anything about it? Even more importantly, will enough people do anything about it?
If not, then it doesn’t matter.
I see some Venezuelans trying to do something. My gut feeling is that it’s too little, too late. Maduro likely has sufficient support from Russia, China, and even ambiguous diplo-speak from K. Harris as cover. The silence from Biden and Harris says a lot.
The US sheeple already accepted the fraudulent 2020 elections results.
2024 looks to be shaping up to be the same.
I don’t know yet. I don’t even know what “it” is, or will be. And, while I’m not sure I could happily use weapons offensively, I know for a fact that I can eagerly use them as a defense.
What I also DO know is, there will be no chance of doing anything if we are disarmed. At that point, I’m stuck with running on the streets, throwing things, and hoping the cops or the military switch sides, or one of the local gangs comes in on my side. Those are the only Venezuelans with guns.
And, maybe more importantly, so long as we are armed, the other side has to decide how far they believe we will be willing to go, and how much they’re willing to risk on that judgment. There’s no risk to them if all I have is a rock or a stick.
The value of my weapon lies at least half in the fact that someone else knows I have it. Can I supply the other half of that value, in defense of me or mine, as an operator? Yep.
And, sheeple? We’re all sheeple in some sense, but we still have lots of guns, and have been fighting back against the confiscators for decades. We’re doing far better than some.
Amen to that. Good luck, fellas.
Venezuela got themselves into the trouble they’re in, just like Argentina did with the long line of corruptocrats they elected starting back when they were preeminent not just in South America, but in the world. The United States? We did the same damn thing, and it remains to be seen if we can pull back from the cliff they’re stampeding us over.
In the end, you get exactly the sort of government you deserve.
The Biden regime has a problem denouncing a stolen election anywhere else. I think Venezuela even uses the same voting software.
Even a backward little tinpot dictatorship
can manage to count its votes and declare a result quicker than Uncle Sam.
@The Wobbly Guy
Even with weapons, will you do anything about it? Even more importantly, will enough people do anything about it?
I’m also very curious about this Wobbly Guy. I think Bobby makes the distinction between defensive and offensive use, and of course, if the mob is breaking down your door then of course defend yourself, though expect a lot of legal trouble if you do. Better judged by twelve than carried by six, for sure. But judged by twelve is no picnic either.
But it is the other side I am curious about. If the election is stolen, even in a much more evident way than before, are you going to the capitol again, this time packing firearms? If they cut your social security check or dramatically increase your taxes, what then? What I don’t entirely understand is what action by the government is going to be enough for you to start shooting people? And more specifically, what action by the government is going to be enough for you to start shooting the cops who are coming to enforce the new regulations?
I understand that some things you need to make a stand — when they come to “transition” your children for example, and maybe even when they come for your “assault rifle”. But these things are piecemeal, and you can generally expect to be taking a stand on your own. And that is a stand you aren’t going to win — ask the Waco guys, who almost certainly had a lot more guns than you do. And when they shoot you for defending your children, who is going to keep fighting for them after you are dead?
It just seems to me that a better, more practical solution, when things get that way is to move somewhere you are wanted and respected. Was it Tzu who told us that we should never fight a battle we can’t win. Isn’t a strategic withdrawal a better plan? Surely “taking a stand” and “dying for freedom” gets our testosterone pumping, as we imagine ourselves as Bruce Willis or Stallone fighting the forces of evil. But the reality is quite different. Ultimately we have to calculate what will give us the best outcome for ourselves and our families, and shooting at cops is just going to get everyone (including some decent men and women in blue) good and dead.
@Wobbly Guy, sorry to clarify the “you” in my previous comment didn’t mean you, as in Wobbly Guy. It meant anyone who was advocating or thinking about taking an armed stance against the government.
No worries, I know what you mean.
I’ve been thinking about how both sides will play it. The problem for bobby and gang is that each of them might have a slightly different ‘red line’, and as long as the government ratchets past each red line step by step, another bunch of resisters rise up and are swiftly eliminated, slicing off the recalcitrant ‘deplorables’ bit by bit.
Even your idea of a strategic withdrawal… They’ll need to organise into groups, solitary resisters won’t survive what’s coming for them. And again, here the weight of the Deep State will tell: they allowed BLM and antifa to organise, but they won’t allow Red Staters to organise. All too easy to frame as insurrectionists and racist Confederate wannabes.
What about the lesson of Afghanistan, I hear? A bunch of rabble fighting off the mighty US military?
Well, I have a strong suspicion the USG is gonna be somewhat harsher on Deplorables than on the Taliban… Ironic, don’t you think?
It’s not a certainty, of course, but the odds are severely stacked against Trump and the people he represents.
Hopefully they will learn by the failure of January 6th 2021, the failed protests against the blatantly rigged American Presidential Election of 2020, and the failed protests against the blatantly rigged election in Brazil.
If you challenge the state over such a fundamental matter as the legitimacy of an election result – you had better have a plan for how you can WIN, how you can achieve VICTORY against the state.
If you are just protesting without a plan for victory – then your future, and the of your family, is years of torment.
I also pray for the victory of the people of Venezuela against the state – support of at least elements of the army will, I suspect, be vital.
The Wobbly Guy.
As you know, many of the complaints about election rigging in 2020 came from States such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin – solid Union States during the Civil War, which puts the “you are Confederates” charge to rest.
The RINO establishment (including the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court – who had refused to do anything to stop the tidal wave of fake mail-in-ballots “justified” by Covid) could not understand why President Trump was complaining – after all the 1960 Presidential Election was rigged and Richard Nixon did not complain.
They did not grasp (still do not grasp?) how much higher the stakes are now than they were in 1960..
In 1960 although the government was vastly too big, American SOCIETY was still basically strong.
Now American society hangs by a thread. Another “election victory” for the left in November 2024 and that thread will be cut.
By the way – “hillbilly Rednecks” were quite likely to fight for the Union (rather than the Confederacy) in the Civil War. Indeed it is possible (possible) that the Union had more of them fighting on its side.
Something that Hollywood is unable, or unwilling, to grasp.
I know that Paul Marks does not provide references, but perhaps somebody can enlighten me as to the evidence that the last Brazilian election was rigged? I have been wondering about it since the protests started, it’s not Paul who turned me into a “denier” đ or rather a skeptic.
And how can they possibly plan if the Deep State and its organs, the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security etc is laser focused on them, ready to round up the whole lot once a plan, any plan, is formed?
You cannot be this naive. The media with its bullhorn will declare: the spiritual heirs of the racist Confederation!
Case closed.
The other side cares not one whit about the truth, and most people can’t discern it anyway, soaked in leftist pseudo-education from young. The march through the institutions has been very successful.
Sure, a lot of people might not like K Harris as President when/if she wins. But to fight against alleged election fraud? On the same side as those scary racists and insurrectionists trying to bring down the US by splitting off their states?
You have more faith in people than I do.
Snorri – even some leftists accept that the Brazilian election was rigged, but just mentioning this in Brazil is very dangerous. Normally there is a good test for which side in a debate is lying – the side that wants to put dissenters in prison is lying about the matter under dispute.
The Wobbly Guy.
You make a series of excellent points – if I could think of anything to counter what you say I would present it.
Sadly I can not think of anything to counter what you have said.
Talking of the defeat of the truth…
I appear to be the last person in England to know that the High Court in London ruled in favour of Ofcom against Mark Steyn.
Even after a whole series of biased judgements by the courts, against various people, I am still shocked by this.
Mr Steyn always invited pro Covid “vaccine” people to come on to his programme – but they always refused as they knew they would face dissenters who knew the facts.
This the biased establishmentarians of “Ofcom” declared was “lack of balance” which could “harm” viewers.
Not the toxic stuff the establishment were pushing – dissent would “harm” people (thanks for nothing J.S. Mill – your loose “harm principle” gave the censors an added weapon, although you did not intend that).
The only “good” thing about what happened yesterday is that we now have to face-the-facts.
It is NOT the working class accent and aggressive manner of “Tommy Robinson”, or the supposedly offensive matter of Lawrence Fox, that makes a difference.
The High Court had before them a man, Mark Steyn, who is barely alive – they only thing keeping him in this world is his desire to spread the truth-as-he-sees-it.
And the High Court spat upon him – just as the American courts did, in their case in order to please that lying fraud Michael Mann (the “Hockey Stick” person on C02).
Now we know where we are with the courts – and their establishment judges.
They are not part of the solution – they are part of the problem.
Me? No. There’s nothing there that I want.
What I think will happen is, red (R) will start disengaging from blue (D). There’s an entire essay there on what that means, but I’ll skip that for now, and you can just think “food and taxes.”
Blue won’t stand for that. Blue will come out after us.
So, I’m all in on defensive use.
And I doubt blue sends out cops or soldiers. I bet we face, at least to start, Antifa types, BLM types, paid gang types, etc.
Likely to happen? Not at all. And one of the reasons it’s not likely to happen is, their fear that we remain armed.
Do you think Maduro does what he did if Venezuelans had guns? I don’t. And so I say, never give up your weapons, not so much so you can shoot, but so you can generate fear and hesitation.
Fingers crossed for the poor folk of that country.
A few months ago I was in Miami, for business, and interviewed a Venezuelan lady who now lives in the US. She spoke with sadness and bitterness about how many of her fellow V’s have fled the country because of what happened.
The problem is that many of those who have fled are the more pro-freedom, capitalist types who are professionals, businessmen and women, and the like. This is often the way: those who vote with their feet first are precisely the very best of the country.
@The Wobbly Guy
Even your idea of a strategic withdrawal⊠Theyâll need to organise into groups, solitary resisters wonât survive whatâs coming for them.
Apologies, I obviously didn’t explain myself well. By “strategic withdrawal” I mean “leave the United States for countries where you can find more freedom and a better life.” I’ve discussed this and options here a few times before, so apologies if I assumed you knew what I meant. You certainly can’t withdraw in the USA. In the old days when federalism was a thing, perhaps, and maybe you’d be a bit better off in Florida or Texas, but the idea of federalism is squashed under the power of the federal government who now rule on every significant matter of your life. So there is nowhere to hide while remaining under their dominion.
@bobby b
What I think will happen is, red (R) will start disengaging from blue (D). Thereâs an entire essay there on what that means, but Iâll skip that for now, and you can just think âfood and taxes.â
I think though that a lot of your point is in that essay, that I’d love to read (or at least a short summary). Food I guess I can see but no American escapes the IRS.
And I doubt blue sends out cops or soldiers. I bet we face, at least to start, Antifa types, BLM types, paid gang types, etc.
Maybe for a while. But they will start sending cops. Cops enforce the law, and the law is the essence of the problem. For sure rioters are a problem, but it is when the cops get involved that we are really in big trouble. And just to be clear, they are already sending the cops.
Do you think Maduro does what he did if Venezuelans had guns? I donât. And so I say, never give up your weapons, not so much so you can shoot, but so you can generate fear and hesitation.
TBH I’m not sure it would make much difference. Maduro has a lot more guns and a lot bigger guns. Gone are the days when the boys of Lexington could make their stand and then pick off the redcoats on the march back to Boston. FFS, I don’t want to be shooting cops or soldiers. The weapons the government have are far more powerful — and I don’t mean bigger guns and tanks, though they have those. I mean shutting down your bank account. I mean cancelling you. Taking your vehicle or house or land. I mean massive surveillance of you. I mean putting kiddie porn on your computer. I mean the power of the press to destroy you and your movement.
Definitely keep your guns so that when the rioters are coming for you you have options. But when it is the cops coming for you it is really not going to help. But maybe I’m wrong.
Frasor Orr – the American colonists soon had artillery.
Big weapons are not that difficult to get – not if people really want them.
But, as The Wobbly Guy points out, government informers are everywhere (sometimes people who are blackmailed – with threats to themselves or their families).
Whilst they had a few spies, the government of George III and Lord North had nothing like the FBI and the other agencies.
That is the real strength of the present regime – the secret police and their network of informers.
Also the majority of people used to be self employed – farmers or craftsmen.
Now most people work for government or for corporations – and so can be fired for political or cultural dissent.
Lord North also did not have an education system – or “the media”.
They’re one step closer. “US declares Gonzales victor, rejects Maduro’s claim.”
Imagine how the US gov had to cringe and bite the bullet in order to release such news.
Oh, I didn’t realise that was what you meant. But not many places left with more freedom. Maybe Eastern Europe.
Too bad it wasn’t Biden or Harris who said that. Although there is an obvious problem if they did come out and say Maduro didn’t win, because everybody would just laugh at them, because of what they said back in 2020 when Trump protested the results, and the hypocrisy and double standards would be laid even barer, if it wasn’t already.
Election deniers for thee, not for me!
They are indeed shameless – of course the election in Venezuela was rigged, but so (as everyone, and their cat, knows) was the election that put Biden/Harris into office.
bobby b.
Good luck Sir.
My prayers are with you and other Americans like you.