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They just can’t help bringing race and gender into everything

Straight from the website of the Scottish Parliament, here is a revealing line from a speech by Maggie Chapman MSP, former co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party:

“Road building is a subsidy for wealthy, usually white men, who are the main beneficiaries of reducing journey times between cities, so we really need to think about what our transport infrastructure should be there to do and who it is for, and to prioritise public investment accordingly.”

Scotland is about 95% white.

17 comments to They just can’t help bringing race and gender into everything

  • John

    Ms Chapman represents the Scottish Greens. Her wiki entry is a classic of its type including references to alleged electoral impropriety, false claims of academic qualifications, failure to declare financial interests and of course quickly deleted comments about Israel.

    To paraphrase G&S she is the very model of a Scottish politician.

  • Discovered Joys

    No mention of road building to speed the delivery of goods to the benefit of all then?

  • Snorri Godhi

    In fairness to Maggie C, she does emphasize ‘wealthy’ over ‘white men’.

    Of course, in a 95% White society like Scotland, the vast majority of wealthy people will be White. She is trivially & irrelevantly correct on that point.

    It is on the claim that road building favors wealthy people, that she should be challenged.
    (I expect a round of applause for avoiding a split infinitive — although i am not fully confident that the above sentence is grammatically correct.)

  • Martin

    According to the Wikipedia page this MSP was born in Rhodesia just prior it being taken over by Communist blacks. If she has an issue with whitey maybe she can move back to her birthday place and live under the rule of Zanu PF.

  • Paul Marks

    One of the problems with stopping this Frankfurt School of Marxism stuff is that we are not allowed to call it Frankfurt School Marxism – even though that is what it is. Jewish conservatives or libertarians being called “spreaders of Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories” for the terrible crime of calling Frankfurt School Marxism – Frankfurt School Marxism, would be funny – if it was not so irritating.

    Until this changes, till we can call Frankfurt School Marxism – Frankfurt School Marxism, then there is no hope (none) of getting rid of it. If we are not allowed to even use its right name – forget about being allowed to get rid of it.

    As for what was Rhodesia – the Marxists murdered vastly more black people there than they did white people, they were, and are, certainly equal opportunity murderers.

  • Paul Marks

    Roads in England and Wales were often Turnpike Trusts – i.e. private enterprise. They could be returned to private enterprise – and with electronic tolling they would pay their way (fuel tax and road tax being abolished – so the motorist would also gain).

    In Scotland and Ireland the situation was different – roads there were either built for military reasons, or as part of failed economic development schemes – such as Thomas Telford’s roads in the Highlands of Scotland (good roads – but the economic development did not appear) or the “roads to nowhere” in Ireland (oddly enough these were not even promised to be an economic benefit – indeed the person who pushed them, Sir Charles Trevelyan, was PROUD of the fact that they would be economically useless – he was very odd man, even as a boy he was very odd – endlessly informing on other boys in school for immoral language and so on, under him the population of Ireland fell by a third – he went on to create the Civil Service).

    As for the idea of getting rid of private cars and putting everyone in the cities – standard Technocracy stuff, from the WEF and all the other international organisations.

  • Stonyground

    There is also the trademark misuse of the word subsidy. Road users pay for the road network four times over as three quarters of the revenue from road tax and fuel duty is appropriated by the government for other stuff.

    I don’t quite get why only wealthy white people benefit from roads either. Even if you ride a bike or take the bus you still need roads don’t you?

  • Snorri Godhi


    Jewish conservatives or libertarians being called “spreaders of Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories” for the terrible crime of calling Frankfurt School Marxism – Frankfurt School Marxism, would be funny – if it was not so irritating.

    There is, of course, the Kevin MacDonald school of thought, that Jews spread ideas that suit the interests of their own kind.

    That this is insane, can be inferred from the fact that British & French Jews vote for “the right” while American Jews vote for “the left”. One of the 2 must be voting against Jewish interests!

    As recent events indicate, it is American Jews that vote against Jewish interests.
    That could have been predicted by Frankfurt-School logic: if successful ethnic groups can only be successful by exploiting marginalized groups, then Jews (especially American Jews) must be exploiting marginalized groups.

  • jgh

    You can’t abolish road tax, it was abolished in 1935.

  • Stonyground

    I would argue that it wasn’t abolished rather it was renamed so that the government could start spending it on stuff other than the roads.

  • Mark

    Or anything else vaguely useful.

  • That will never happen!

  • Mr Ed


    That this is insane, can be inferred from the fact that British & French Jews vote for “the right” while American Jews vote for “the left”. One of the 2 must be voting against Jewish interests!

    I think that the ‘riposte’ to that is ‘See, they control both sides!’ , as was said about Jewish Commies and Ludwig von Mises.

    As Brian said when told ‘Only the True Messiah would deny his Divinity!,’ ‘What chance does that give me?’

  • Snorri Godhi

    Mr Ed:

    ‘See, they control both sides!’ , as was said about Jewish Commies and Ludwig von Mises.

    My reply (to Kevin MacDonald, not to you) would be: they control only one side (the Sensible but Stupid Party) in Britain & France, while they control only the other side (the Silly and Suicidal Party) in the US of A.

    But the mention of Mises is of interest. He remarked that people were surprised to find a Jewish academic who was not a socialist, but people would not have been surprised to meet a Jewish businessman who was not a socialist. So, the Jewish community was politically divided in Austria at the time. They controlled both sides, or neither.

    As Brian said when told ‘Only the True Messiah would deny his Divinity!,’ ‘What chance does that give me?’

    I had forgotten that line, but you are correct.
    I immediately forgot it, because the line immediately following is funnier.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    For a reminder of what Scotland has been, and should be again, I recommend Arthur Herman’s fine book on Scotland and its influence (Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, etc).

  • Paul Marks

    Thank you Johnathan Pearce – and Scotland was a lower taxed society than England before 1845, because most (most) of Scotland did not have the Poor Law Tax.

    Snorri and Ed – it is funny, but (again) it is also irritating.

    As for American Jews – well they have a choice to make, they can vote for Donald John Trump, who helped out in a Jewish place of worship when he was still a kid and whose own daughter is Jewish, or they can vote for the Democrats – who will sell them out to their enemies, indeed already are selling them out to their enemies.

    But then the capacity for self deception is, seemingly, limitless – hence Benny Gantz and his idea for “international rule” in Gaza, he fails to see that “international rule” means death-to-Israel rule.

    The “international community” hates independent nation states Benny – the international community want you and your entire community dead Benny – you are delusional Benny.

  • Runcie Balspune

    The “wealthy” pay most of the tax burden that funds the roads, so perhaps it is the non-wealthy that are being subsidised?

    Unless of course the non-wealthy, or indeed the non-white but wealthy, never use said roads, which is demonstrably untrue.

    Leftist logic strikes again!

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