We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

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A progressive response to the massacre at the Nova music festival

“This is the zombie apocalypse”, tweeted Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll. “You need to watch this.”

You do need to watch it. The “zombie apocalypse” is jokey fiction. This is real and not funny. It happened in New York a few days ago.

Here is the same scene from a different angle. The tweet by Drew Pavlou says,

This is genuinely blood-curling.

Hamas murdered 364 Jewish civilians at the Nova music festival – one of the worst terrorist massacres in modern history. And people in New York City actually celebrate the bloodshed with zombie like call-and-response chants defending the massacre

The speaker leading the chants is not the woman with the long hair, as I thought at first, but the woman intermittently visible on the left wearing a Muslim hijab-and-keffiyeh combination over a combat shirt and black jeans. Judging from their clothing, the crowd is a mixture of Muslims and Leftists. Compiled from both video clips, here is my transcript what the leader and the crowd said,

Leader: “Fuck the Nova music festival”

Crowd: “Fuck the Nova music festival”

Leader: “AKA the place”

Crowd: “AKA the place”

Leader: “where Zionists decided to rave”

Crowd: “where Zionists decided to rave”

Leader: “next to a concentration camp”

Crowd: “next to a concentration camp”

Leader: “That’s exactly what this music festival was.”

Crowd: “That’s exactly what this music festival was.”

Leader: “It’s like having a rave”

Crowd: “It’s like having a rave”

Leader: “Right next to the gas chambers”

Crowd: “Right next to the gas chambers”

Leader: “during the holocaust”

Crowd: “during the holocaust”

Pro-Palestinian activists like this style of repeating chants. I think it is because they feel they need not take responsibility for their own words if they are just repeating what their leader said a second ago. Here is another recent example, posted by “KosherCockney”.

The video shows a bunch of supporters of the Palestinians, their faces hidden by keffiyehs or black ski masks, who have evidently just poured into a New York subway carriage. The ordinary travellers stand rigid or sit hunched with their eyes down, trying to avoid being selected.

The leader of the pro-Palestinians says, “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.”

Activists: “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.”

Leader: “This is your chance to get out.”

Activists: “This is your chance to get out.”

Understandably, none of the travellers raise their hands.

The progressive says with satisfaction, “OK, no Zionists. We’re good.”

I do not think it is an exaggeration to hear in that sentiment an echo of the Nazi term “Judenfrei”.

32 comments to A progressive response to the massacre at the Nova music festival

  • Paul Marks

    The left are a hive mind – or want to be a hive mind. Hence the chanting of words.

    The celebration (and it was a celebration) of the mass rape and murder of October 7th started almost at once in Western cities – and many of the people celebrating were NOT Muslims, there were-and-are Marxist (“Woke”) types.

    These are the core of the left in Western countries – and they are evil. Not mistaken, not misguided, EVIL.

    As can be seen when they make up a jury – they will convict you of murder (to be sent to prison to be cut up with knives) when they know no murder has taken place, they will send you to prison of the “crime” of passing on a joke meme (but not if you are a leftist passing on the same “vote by text” joke meme), they will convict you of “something” (if you are a conservative – NOT just Donald John Trump) and not be able to explain what the “crime” was – and they will laugh whilst they do it.

    They are the products of the education system and the media, they are evil (see above), and one can not live with them – for they will not allow peaceful life.

    This is not “just” about Jews – the “Woke”, Marxist, left will not allow any “exploiter and oppressor”, who they define as anyone who is not one of them, to have a peaceful life – or, in the end, to live at all.

    They want us dead – remember that.

    And they are the core of the left in all Western countries – they are the activists who lead the rest of the left.

  • John

    It only takes a mild stretch of imagination to see identical gatherings, sentiment and behaviour taking place at a large majority of US and UK higher educational establishments.

    It will get much worse, in fact it already has. One of the most horrifying photos I have ever seen was a recent one of half a dozen pre-teen schoolboys in Yorkshire laughing and smiling at the camera while gleefully displaying pally flags and written slogans. These were not the new northerners, they were straight out of Enid Blyton. Their innocent faces were eerily reminiscent of that little shit singing “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” at the end of Cabaret.

  • NickM

    Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.

    ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

    General Eisenhower said this at Ohrdrfuf Concentration Camp. I do wonder how far down the “road of history” he was thinking of? Is it just co-incidental that right now in the 2020s there are practically no eye-witnesses left alive?

  • Penseivat

    These morons are so sure of their beliefs that they hide their faces so they can’t be recognised, allowing them to claim, “It wasn’t me.” when the tide turns. Of course, in a Democrat city, they are being allowed to continue these vile actions. I wonder what the response would be if a group of Hasidic Jews did the same thing, demanding people to identify if they support Palestine?

  • Deep Lurker

    NickM: Except that what the bastards are saying is even worse than “This never happened.” What they’re saying is “Defending against this happening again is evil.”

  • John

    In less that a month the UK will have a new government.

    How many new MPs will have attended a pro-Palestine demo?

    How many will have posted and re-posted messages condemning for Israel?

    How many have been filmed speaking to their constituents and supporters using language which if directed towards other religions (well just the one actually) would result in a lifetime ban from public office and a custodial sentence?

    It’s almost upon us. The MPs are a gimme but when will social media show footage of the first government minister singing about rivers and seas? More to the point what will Starmer do when it happens? Maybe Shami can conduct another independent report using the Met Police to ensure that everything is viewed in context.

    The US Squad is only 5 or 6 congressmen and women with more nuisance value than actual power. Our lot will rapidly put them to shame.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Paul Marks sums it up nicely.

    This is evil, loud and proud. I hope they all die, painfully. Of the sort of illnesses that linger.

    @John: I wonder how many newly elected Labour MPs who are trying to behave ahead of 4 July show their true colours in a few months’ time?

    I’m guessing that by 2025/6, the scale of the horror will emerge.

    People need to start thinking about self defence and cultivating situational awareness. Avoid crowds, etc. If Israel destroys Hamas and degrades Hezbollah, I expect terror attacks vs the West as Islamist proxies get dangerous. Probably with Iranian fingerprints.

    At which point, we will see what Starmer is really made of.

  • Mr Ed

    Where’s Bernie Goetz when he’s needed again?

  • GregWA

    You really want a scare? What if the UK is soon the first modern nuclear armed Islamic State?

    There goes the “special relationship”…and then some.

    Pity you all allowed yourselves to be disarmed. I’m guessing your “migrants” are well armed thanks to their Iranian overlords.

    I guess I’d better get a few visits in before that and it sounds like there’s not much time left.

  • Snorri Godhi

    These are the core of the left in Western countries – and they are evil. Not mistaken, not misguided, EVIL.

    They might well be evil (or even EVIL) but i see no evidence of that in those clips.

    What are they chanting? Not “Gas the Jews”. They are chanting “Fuck the Nova music festival”; which i take to be much less of a threat.

    The rest of their chants are about factual matters. They show themselves to be delusionally insane, but not necessarily evil — except in an objective sense, in the sense that those specific delusional beliefs necessarily lead to objectively evil actions.

    Of course, i expected insanity, given the brain-damaging #### that they eat; but the chanting, more than the actual words, show a level of insanity which even i did not expect, and which is indeed “genuinely blood-curling”.

  • bobby b

    Interesting thing (to me) about the Pali reaction to the music festival:

    The festival, IIRC, was populated by the people in Israel most likely to be on the side of “helping the Palestinians.” Those were the liberals, the two-staters, the young woke Friends Of Mohammad.

    Somewhat of an own goal, both in the Israeli wokesters setting up a festival within sight of that border, and in the Pali’s wiping out what few friends they had.

  • jgh

    Harumph. Looks like I’m going to have to start carrying my nice solid walking stick.

  • NickM

    bobby b,
    It should have been exactly what you said. It should have been an own goal but, perversely, it wasn’t. Instead we have the “Woke” celebrating the rape, kidnapping, mutillation and slaughter of the “Woke” and gaining more traction for it.

  • Snorri Godhi

    It should have been an own goal but, perversely, it wasn’t. Instead we have the “Woke” celebrating the rape, kidnapping, mutillation and slaughter of the “Woke” and gaining more traction for it.

    Gaining more traction?
    It looks to me like the Woke revealed what they are: brain-damaged antisemites.
    The least brain-damaged American Jews will be taking notice.

  • bobby b

    “The least brain-damaged American Jews will be taking notice.”

    The American Jewish vote is predicted to drop from 73% Democrat to 69%.

    You don’t have to be faster than the bear that’s chasing you, just faster than your companions. But the bear might still be hungry after eating your buddy. American Jews will find out, I guess.

  • Fraser Orr

    FWIW, I don’t imagine the Palestinians want allies in Israel. After all, they are pigs and dogs and who wants to ally with pigs and dogs? Moreover, they don’t really need Israeli allies since they have so many more powerful allies in New York, Washington and many other places round the world including the whole arab world (which, BTW are much less allies than the fools in NYC. My impression from the greater Arab world is that they are allies in word only not in deed. They, it seems, benefit from the profit of living and trading in the 21st century rather than the 14th century, Iran excluded, which is still thinking the 14th century is too modern.)

  • Fraser Orr

    FWIW, I have never understood the leftie tendency of American Jews. I am a great admirer of the Jewish people, in fact they are remarkable. They are a quarter percent of humanity but have won something in the order of 25% of all Nobel Prizes. Their history is one of constant persecution by tyrannical states, and yet their above average intelligence, commitment to education, very strong work ethic, commitment to “family values” to some degree or other and their passion for starting and running their own businesses makes them remarkably financially successful.

    In many ways they epitomize the American dream, but somehow they are stuck on this idea of big brother government, centralized control and so forth. I can only think it is some sort of guilt over their success. But it is always something I have never understood.

  • Kirk

    In the last 80 years here in the US, the most amazing social reality is the utter cluelessness and inability of two of our most vocal minorities to recognize reality.

    Who was it that championed slavery and secession? Democrats. Who founded the KKK? Democrats. Who was behind Jim Crow? Democrats. Who was most vociferously anti-Semitic? Democrats.

    Yet, who did the blacks and Jews blame for their oppression? Who do they template as their worst enemies? Who do they malign as being backwards racists, while voting for the most virulent racists of the white ethnicity? Yeah; white “conservatives”, who is anyone speaking up for individual rights and responsibility.

    Both groups were handed a poisoned chalice, and urged to drink from it: They both did, and now the reality is before us, in that they’re being replaced by their worst enemies. The Jews believed really, really hard in all the left-wing ethnic bullshit that led to allowing all these anti-Semitic Middle Eastern Muslims in, and ensconcing them in the same colleges Jews once had to fight the Democrats to get into. The end result of that? Remains to be seen, but since I don’t observe any smartening up on the part of the Jews, I expect they’ll keep right on voting for the scorpions in their midst up until they’re being loaded on cattle cars for their trips to the camps. Same with the blacks; they’re gonna keep voting Democrat until the last few of them are mopped up by the Mexican and Central Americans who loathe the idea of their very existence. You want to see black America’s future? Look at Mexico, and ask why it was that all the African slaves shipped there seem to have mostly vanished, while they thrived here in the US. Mexico got roughly 290,000 Africans; the US got 300,000+, depending on whose numbers you trust. What is unequivocal is that there were millions of blacks in America by the 1860s, and damn few in Mexico. Many of the ones that survived the revenge of the campesinos wound up on the coast of Honduras and Belize, which was so nasty a place to live that nobody wanted to bother hunting them down.

    You might also wonder why blacks embrace Planned Parenthood with such fervor; were it not for the legalization of abortion, the demographic we call black would almost certainly be around 18-20% of the US population today. Thanks to the sterling work of Margaret Sanger’s baby-killers, blacks are only around 12%, and they are massively in favor of having abortion and Planned Parenthood clinics all over their communities…

    It’d be laughable, were it not so tragic. Both of these ethnic minorities are enabling their own destruction; it’s quite as if Germany’s Jewish population had sponsored Adolf Hitler’s rise, and championed the Nazi takeover of German civic life… Mind-boggling, to be quite honest. And, if you point this out to members of either group? They go nuts, and deny, deny, deny…

  • And it only takes ‘a mild stretch of imagination’ to picture what the useless, utterly captured police would do in response to it too.

  • John

    Fraser. I believe the situation is similar over here. In my younger days I recall many older Jewish relatives being voluble “old school” socialists. Nowadays that has virtually disappeared other than in the remaining (expensive) enclaves of North London. The rest of us/them have moved on politically and away physically, all the more so once it finally became obvious that the threat was not coming from white BNP types.

    On the other side of the pond it also seems to be the high density metropolitan Jews that inexplicably cling to the old party loyalty. Away from the big cities I have met many Liberal (in the religious rather than the political sense) American Jews who are extremely grounded, so much so that the reported majority democrat support has them scratching their heads and wondering where the hell the polling took place while knowing the answer.

    Sadly we will always be a noisy bunch with small numbers convinced that they speak for the majority.

  • Snorri wrote:

    Gaining more traction?
    It looks to me like the Woke revealed what they are: brain-damaged antisemites.

    Countries like Spain and Southern Ireland recognizing the Palestinian state is a sign that says, “If you rape a bunch of Israeli Jews, we’ll give you what you want.”

  • Snorri Godhi


    Countries like Spain and Southern Ireland recognizing the Palestinian state is a sign that says, “If you rape a bunch of Israeli Jews, we’ll give you what you want.”

    It’s worse than that: what they are saying — what they will be understood as saying — is that they’ll give terrorists, or at least Islamist terrorists, what they want.
    Including terrorists who attack Spain or “Southern Ireland”.

    Leaders who reward terrorism by anybody, in any country, are traitors to their own country.

  • Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray

    Personally, I blame big cities. You only find strip clubs, and other signs of ‘sophisticated’ degeneracy, in large urban areas, where you are not likely to know your neighbours, or to emphasize with them. This is why the country-side is more conservative, in every country.

  • Snorri Godhi


    On the other side of the pond it also seems to be the high density metropolitan Jews that inexplicably cling to the old party loyalty.

    I thought that a larger percentage of NY City Jews is conservative (in the political sense) than nationwide!
    Still not as large a percentage as in Britain or France, though.

  • Fraser Orr

    @Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray
    Personally, I blame big cities. You only find strip clubs, and other signs of ‘sophisticated’ degeneracy

    Sex work has been a part of human society from its earliest stages. There are plenty of hookers and strip clubs in rural areas, even if you have to drive a bit further to get to them. Drive on a long distance highway in the US and you will see signs for strip clubs and sex shops way out into the boonies — though it definitely varies by the nature of the state you are in. FWIW, I don’t at all see why these things are degenerate. To me they are more like bathrooms: not something to talk about much, but a biological necessity.

    in large urban areas, where you are not likely to know your neighbours, or to emphasize with them. This is why the country-side is more conservative, in every country.

    I don’t think that is true. I think rural areas are more conservative because the nature of living more spread out demands that you be more self sufficient, and I suppose the abundance of space makes self sufficiency more practical — it is hard to grow your own food in a dense urban setting. FWIW, I also think it is why religion plays more of a role in rural settings. Both because you are closer to the caprice of nature, and a divine explanation for the drought is about all you can find. And because it is a very convenient method of building a social network in such a spread out population. Which is to say, religion is more useful in a rural setting than an urban setting.

  • Snorri Godhi

    FWIW, I also think it is why religion plays more of a role in rural settings. Both because you are closer to the caprice of nature, and a divine explanation for the drought is about all you can find. And because it is a very convenient method of building a social network in such a spread out population. Which is to say, religion is more useful in a rural setting than an urban setting.

    Steve Sailer had a different explanation, one that also accounts for some differences between the US and Europe.
    In rural settings, and in wide open spaces generally (which might include much of Houston and other spread-out cities), housing is cheaper. More room for more children. And when people have children, they of course become more conservatives.

    Unfortunately, Sailer went on to propose socialist ways to make housing more affordable.

  • Kirk

    Another point of wonder that occurred to me, since last rant.

    Contemplate the fact that the Democrats have somehow managed to retain the loyalty of the Jews, when they’re the party of FDR, he who turned away the SS St. Louis and did as little as humanly possible during the Holocaust, going so far as to silence any sources telling the truth about what was going on in Germany’s Eastern conquests. There were multiple reports given to the Democrat-dominated US government, but… Zip for action. They could have diverted a few bombers to nail the rail switchyards feeding the camps, at the very least, or propagandized on the eventual fates of Germans who were Holocaust-involved, once the Allies won. Nope; none of those measures were taken, which would have saved a few lives, or at the least, made the Holocaust a bit harder to pull off.

    This, amazingly, is the party that kept Jewish loyalties through the war, after it, and right down to the current era. Yet… Modern Jews are in open-mouthed shock that the Democrats have betrayed them, yet again, by embracing Hamas and the usual Islamic thugs.

    You keep telling me all about how these high-IQ types are so smart, and so beneficial to society. I’m looking at you going “Yeah? Really? If they’re so smart… Why the hell do they keep behaving so foolishly?”

    It’s a manifest fact that Jews are a reliably high-IQ demographic; the wonder of it is, with such an advantage, how do they keep managing to miss-identify their real enemies and threats, while focusing on the imaginary “Right-wing Christian” threat to them?

    If these people really run the world, behind the scenes? I’d say that’s a good explanation for how f*cked up we are, these days. On the other hand, the fact that they keep making these “own goals” are an excellent argument to refute the usual anti-Semitic drivel; if the Jews really were as smart as they’re supposed to be, and really did run the world…? We’d never know about it, because anyone so much as hinting at the “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” would be dead. They’d also be damned careful about hiding who they really were, but since they aren’t…?

    Of course, most anti-Semites aren’t smart enough to recognize the contradictions inherent to their beliefs about Jews. You can’t have it both ways; either they’re so stupid that they tell you how they run the world, and let you tell others, or they’re hyper-competent conspiricists that run everything behind the scenes. Said hyper-competents, of course, would never allow anyone to even vaguely discuss anything about their world-devouring works… If they were actually hyper-competent, that is.

  • Fraser Orr

    @Snorri, I’m a fan of “Clarkson’s Farm”, a show on Amazon Prime, in which Jeremy Clarkson (of Top Gear fame) tries to run a farm he owns in the Cotswolds in middle England. I think it is an interesting insight into British farming and rural life in general. It is all about fixing stuff yourself, experimenting, trying to innovate, the utter capriciousness and consequentialness of the weather, and the general sense of community that is necessary, even though everything is spread out so much.

    It is also interesting to see how deeply embedded the government is in the whole thing both in terms of subsidies and hyper detailed regulation. I suppose in a sense British farming is a bit of a hobby thing if you compare the farms in Britain to the ones in the midwest or Canada (or in times past Ukraine) they are little more than a backyard garden. And I suppose since they are unlikely to be viable outside of speciality farming and feeding the nation is a national security issue I can see why some would favor subsidies, though I obviously don’t. But with government money comes government forms, in triplicate, and this paymaster sends “hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”

    However, it does give a lot of insight, and how the lifestyle of people living in the rural world really is dramatically different than in the urban world. So we should hardly be surprised that their politics are different.

  • Paul Marks

    Interesting comments – thank you to the people who have written them, and thank you to Natalie for the original post.

  • BenDavid

    FWIW, I have never understood the leftie tendency of American Jews.
    – – – – –
    1. Centuries of marginalization+persecution = not much trust in powers that be.
    2. Dreyfus affair indicates that Emancipation+assimilation into liberal West did not resolve Jews’ existential crisis.
    3. After centuries of being forbidden from owning land, urban Jews are scapegoated by pogroms in Eastern Europe as part of general unrest due to industrialization.

    So the promised New World Order of labor socialism looks good to many 19th century Jews. And “social justice” sounds similar enough to Judaism.

    In the late 19th-20th century many Jews bring this socialist tilt with them to America and Israel. As they assimilate they retain the pose of the social justice outsider “caring for the underdog” as a generalized version of their Jewish identity.

    It continues to function as a marker of identity despite their (capitalist!) success, despite receding overt antisemitism (at least in America).

  • Paul Marks

    BenDavid – another factor is ignorance.

    Most American Jews did not know that, in private, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman despised them – whereas Tom Dewey was a true friend.

    Most Jews voted on the media image of people of such people as Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman – not what these men really believed.

    Contrary to the mythology now taught (including by fake conservatives such as, the utterly dreadful, Peter Oborne) the United States did not create Israel – there was no real military help from the American government when the Islamic armies, of many nations, invaded in 1948 to wipe out the Jews.

    Franklin Roosevelt, in private, had been indifferent to the holocaust – shooting down Winston Churchill’s suggestions for attacks up the infrastructure of extermination, and even repeating as-truth false National Socialist claims that Jews had dominated the professions in Germany in 1933, as if these FALSE statistics somehow justified the murder of millions of people (see Paul Johnson’s “A History of the Jews” for all this).

    And Harry Truman (again in private) was indifferent to the idea of the Jews in Israel being wiped out – indeed the American government intervened to help the other side in 1948, insisting, for example, that the Jews (who, to the astonishment of the American government, had managed to survive) not advance into Gaza.

    Thus setting the scene for the present mess – where Israel has a dangerous salient (the Gaza Salient) making its border security vastly more difficult.

    Although the bureaucracy the IDF seems to have become (with its indifference to its failure in the run up to October 7th 2023 – and indifference to democratic accountability right now) still does not grasp that the Gaza Salient is not acceptable.

    But all the Jews of New York State understood was that nice Harry had recognised Israel democratically – they did not know that Harry Truman did not really care and would never really help.

  • Paul Marks

    As for the belief of leftist Jews in Social Justice – it had reached the point of absurdity as far back as the 1960s.

    Groups such as the Black Panthers made it obvious that they wanted to rob and murder Jews – yet “liberal” Jews were passionate in their support for people who hated them. David Horowitz was a young leftist back ibn the 1960s – and when he heard the Black Panthers wanted help with their book keeping (oh yes – they had accounts) he got a friend of his to do their account books for them, the Panthers (of course) murdered her (to cover up various frauds), and when Mr Horowitz complained about the murder his “liberal” friends told him to shut up as such complaints undermined “the cause”.

    According to the doctrine of Social Justice inequality is “unjust” (it is supposedly “exploitation and oppression”) yet successful Jews (the classic “Tall Poppies”) were wild in their support of a doctrine, Social Justice, that would logically lead to them and their families being robbed and murdered.

    As for modern antics – such as some (SOME – a minority at this point) Jews supporting mass immigration of people into European countries, mass immigration of people who are likely to rob and murder European Jews – well it is hard to know what to say.

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