We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – campus horror show edition

“Enough is enough. It’s time to stop this nonsense. Students should be expelled and acts of violence should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Foreign students who harass Jewish students or commit acts of violence and vandalism should have their student visas revoked and be deported immediately. Colleges and universities that cannot or will not protect their Jewish students should suffer consequences as well, having their federal funding suspended. Alumni should suspend donations to their alma maters. And under no circumstances should universities cancel graduations or force students into virtual classrooms. There should be thorough investigations, and university presidents should be forced to resign, or be fired.”

Vikram Mansharamani

26 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – campus horror show edition

  • It’s a lovely dream, but it’s also building ivory towers in the sky. The administrators will do as they do, and most of them are Leftists. They’re also feudal lords, so if rioters actually damage their castle, something might happen.

    Perhaps. In the Minneapolis riots, they burned down a police station, and I’ve not heard of anything being done to them. And there are enough megaphones to hand that we would all have been notified.

  • Paul Marks

    The students are putting into effect the Social Justice doctrines they are taught – for example the hatred of private property, and blaming poverty on “exploitation and oppression”. It is a bit much for the universities to teach all this evil (and it is evil) and then complain when the students act on it.

    As for the false view of Islam they express (“religion of peace” and so on) – sadly it is not just the lunatic Marxists of the universities who teach this view, it was also the mainstream Western establishment – including former President Bush and Prime Minister Blair (indeed the idea that Islam was basically good, that the problem was a few people who had distorted and twisted its doctrines, was the founding principle of their wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – the good Muslim population being oppressed by a few bad people who had “misinterpreted” or “twisted” Islam).

    Oddly some of the people who claim to be the arch critics of the Western establishment on Islam, such as Mr Peter Oborne (once of the Spectator and the Telegraph – now of various far left publications, far left publications sometimes liked to the Islamic Republic of Iran regime) share their (the Western establishment’s) view of Islam.

    Yes – share their view of Islam. For example, Mr Oborne recently published an apologia for Islam (its theology, history, present agenda) which he claimed was countering the Western view of Islam (the title of the book is “The West is Wrong About Islam”) and yet in the book he repeated the positive view of Islam held by the Western establishment he claims to oppose.

    Mr Smith claims that 1+1=68 – then Mr Jones (or in this case Mr Oborne) jumps up and says “Mr Smith is totally wrong, in fact 1+1=68” Mr Jones seemingly unaware that he has NOT offered an alternative view to that of Mr Smith – he has offered the same (false) view as that of Mr Smith.

    This attitude really gets to an almost insane level (well forget “almost” – it does get to an insane level) for example the present edition of the “Byline Times” (beloved by Tesco supermarket – which pushes it in a nice front row position in the magazine rack of its stores, very near the Economist magazine) the public are told that the problem is not sexual attacks on and sexual enslavement of girls and young women – no the problem is the “far right” using the victims to promote distrust of Islam.

    Well at least they admit the victims exist (Mr Oborne used to deny that – infamously on the BBC Question Time television programme) – but the victims are still, to Mr Oborne and his associates, not important – other than in how horrible it is that they are being “groomed” by the “far right” to spread distrust of Islam.

    I am sometimes accused of being obsessed with Marxism – I hope this comment shows that I accept that some “conservatives”, such as Mr Oborne, are equally as irrational and deluded as the Marxists.

  • Paul Marks

    What should these elite universities do?

    They should close down – that is what they should do.

    They are well past the point where they could be reformed (restored to the centres of learning they once were)- they are rotten to the core and need to close.

    As for the American government – no more government backed “Student Loans” and no more other subsidies, of any kind. That should be the policy.

  • Paul Marks

    Dr Karl Marx (from a once Jewish family) on Jews – “What is the religion of the Jew? Hucksterism! What is the God of the Jew? Money!” (We will leave aside Dr Marx’s view of black people – as the most vicious racialism is fine if it is coming from a leftist).

    That is where the Marxists and the Islamists in the universities (and other Western institutions – such as the BBC) find common ground.

    And it is much more modern than Dr Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) – as most of the founders of the Frankfurt School (cultural) interpretation of Marxism, which today is called “Critical Theory” or “Woke” doctrine, were from once Jewish families – today “Critical Theory” (and “Intersectionalism” – the doctrine of groups of people being exploited and oppressed and this explaining their poverty and so on) is at the heart of hatred of Jews – the classic “Tall Poppies”, the success of Jews is, by Marxist standards, clear proof of evil – of their “exploiting” and “oppressing” other people. The German National Socialists (Nazis) reached this conclusion long before the Ivy League students of today.

    National Socialism was very popular in German universities, among the students, long before it was popular with the general population.

    Of course, Anti Semitism is denied today – it is “Anti Zionism” today, which is spelled differently, but rests on the same “exploitation and oppression” claim foundation.

  • Penseivat

    I wonder if anyone has asked why Israel is a democratic, modern, success story, while the Islamic countries which surround it, are shitholes, or would be if not for the actions of those westerners brought in to build their infrastructure?
    Gaza, being on the Mediterranean coast, could have been a modern, wealthy, place to live, if it were not for the 6th century prejudices of it’s political rulers.

  • Kirk

    I said it the other day, but I think it bears stating again: Never, ever trust anyone who is self-hating. It’s a sign of mental aberration that should not be ignored.

    It’s a “tell” for those sources: They hate themselves, they hate who and what they are, where they came from? There is something profoundly wrong, and they are almost certainly self-destructive. You adopt their thoughts, their logic, their actions at your peril, because the sad fact is, the majority of them are trying to commit suicide and destroy that which they were. If you give credence to them and follow them, they’ll drag you down with them, joyously.

    In my opinion and from observation, I think there’s an as-yet undocumented mental illness/syndrome with it all, akin to narcissism, something more focused on self-destruction and destruction of “home” than the pure self-regard of the narcissist. The self-hating Jew does not just want to kill himself, he wants to destroy the very fabric of the society that produced him, his family and everything associated with that. This is why the left, with all of its doctrine and beliefs having been created by similarly self-hating types, is so seductively attractive to these personality types.

    Hate Mommy? Hate Daddy? Did they disappoint you, somehow? Did they fail to buy you all the toys you wanted on your toddler-self Christmas Days? Why, of course… That justifies destroying everything, the entire matrix and structure of your background.

    If you’re comfortable within your own skin, you don’t do these things. If you’re at all self-aware, you don’t do them. If you’re a mature adult, one with proper agency and understanding of where you come from, you don’t do these things.

    There are reasons all these creatures of the night and darkness are what they are, which is profoundly monstrous human beings with zero personal agency or accountability. It’s how they can look at October 7, and see nothing. Likely as not, had they been there that day, and found themselves victimized by the Gazans that arrived out of the sky, they’d have processed that somehow as being the fault of the Israelis, for failing to protect them against their “victims”.

    Do note how many of those “activist” Arab-loving Israelis there are out there who were murdered by their beloved Arab protagonists, and how little mercy was shown them by those same Arab animals. It was a perfect microcosm of what they wanted: Martyrdom and the destruction of their own kind. I don’t doubt but that many of them went to their deaths excited and aroused by the realism of it all, and felt like the Arab slaughter was justified by all the “transgression” perpetrated by the Israelis themselves…

    The whole thing is a manifestation of profound mental illness, and indicative of an unfitness for survival. The Gods of the Copybook Headings will shortly blot these creatures out, and it would be highly advisable not to be a part of it all.

  • Martin

    Republicans should just sit at the sidelines on this for now. The universities are all run by liberal-leftists. If the radicals in the demonstrations end up shutting the universities down, then that’s mainly a problem for the liberal-left administrators of the universities. If the liberal-left administrators or local authorities send the cops to suppress the protests, the protest side of the left will blame Biden and co. Republicans should as best as they can avoid giving Biden and co a convenient target they can use to try to get the student radicals back on side.

    When your enemies brawl amongst themselves, let them.

  • Sigivald

    I remember the entire Progressive Left being “NEVER AGAIN!!!” when they were trying to convince me Trump was an anti-Semite (he wasn’t and isn’t).

    Funny how I haven’t heard a goddamn peep from any of them on Facebook about nationwide anti-Semitic college protests.

    (I will admit that it is POSSIBLE to oppose or especially criticise Zionism or Israel-as-a-state without being an anti-Semite, but very few people seem to manage it.

    Israel has absolutely had its share of own-goals and “what were you THINKING?” moments, like literally every other state – and that’s how you criticize it without being an anti-Semite.

    Holding it to a standard no other state is held to is a giveaway.)

  • John

    I wonder if anyone has asked why Israel is a democratic, modern, success story, while the Islamic countries which surround it, are shitholes

    It is a puzzler but this article and particularly the video clips of the German ambassador to the Palestinian Authority making a house call might provide a clue.


  • jgh

    Gaza could have become just like Lebanon. Unfortunately, it became just like Lebanon.

  • Calico

    I look forward to watching the Progressive Civil War after those SS LARPers win Trump the election. Ironically he will then indeed have won in part due to anti-semitism.

  • Paul Marks

    “Why is Israel a success?” – the Social Justice crowd have an answer “exploitation and oppression” that is the cause of wealth, this is why the “Capitalist Jews” are wealthy.

    And the “Capitalist Jews” of BlackRock and other “Woke” Corporations are busy funding the groups (such as the universities) who want to rob and murder them.

    As for the universities – as Alan Dershowitz (Harvard Law and Hillary Clinton supporter in 2016) points out – “Social Justice” terrorism is not a theoretical thing for them, they have been hiring convicted terrorists, as teachers, for years.

    “Students who commit violent acts should be expelled” – the universities TEACH THEM to do that, expel the students for doing what they have been taught to do?

    These places need to close down.

    So should the American schools for children, public and private schools, who teach the same doctrines – and they do, they teach “protesting” for “Social Justice” (i.e. plundering) even to the youngest children.

    Close-them-down – stop giving them money.

  • NickM

    Gaza could have become just like Lebanon. Unfortunately, it became just like Lebanon.

    This post has some excellent comments but that is priceless! jgh, that made my day!

  • Paul Marks

    Yes Kirk – people who hate themselves, who hate their families and their history, are problematic.

    Such groups as “Jews for Peace” (a very well funded group) have nothing but hatred and contempt for Judaism. They are Marxists.

    But this is ancient – after all hatred of private property, and hatred of traditional families, was taught by Plato. The founder of the Academy – modern academics are the bastard children of Plato.

  • Fraser Orr

    I think in these fraught times it is VERY important to draw the distinction between speech, even vigorous, even offensive speech, and lawless action. These protesters should have the absolute right to protest Israel’s actions, to demand the university divest, even to call Jews pigs and demand “from the river to the sea”. On this last point I very much disagree with X’s decision to ban some of that speech.

    It is important to distinguish between that an unlawful action like assault, threats, trespass, vandalism, blocking the highways, or blocking students access to their classes. Protesters doing that should certainly be arrested and charged with the appropriate crime. Plus all the mess they are making — for sure they need to pay restitution. But a bunch of kids on the sidewalks and public areas yelling their political views, they are well within their rights to do so.

    And the same should be true of University rules. Kids yelling and protesting should have an absolute right to do so under university rules, but those engaging in criminal activities absolutely should have sanctions from the University. For example, the kids just evicted from Columbia (or whomever of them actually were students) should almost certainly be expelled — given how they totally trashed the place. They might even be liable for kidnapping charges.

    From what I have read I am opposed to the “Anti semitism” bill that Johnson just passed in congress since it seems very much to infringe on speech, and, should it ever pass to law, I don’t doubt the USSC will strike it down.

    The Universities won’t crack down, and the DA won’t charge them, but they should, while loudly proclaiming students’ right to protest, as long as they do so without breaking the law.

  • Martin

    From what I have read I am opposed to the “Anti semitism” bill that Johnson just passed in congress since it seems very much to infringe on speech, and, should it ever pass to law, I don’t doubt the USSC will strike it down.

    I’ve read that some Republican Congress members voted against this on the grounds it may criminalise certain passages of the Bible. Is this true? Certainly wouldn’t be the first time bills get passed that most politicians just virtue signal over without understanding the full implications it may have.

  • Paul Marks

    Frasor Orr.

    Columbia hires convicted terrorists as teachers.

    Columbia, like all the other “elite” universities, has Social Justice (plundering – looting) as the basic political and moral principle it teaches the students (regardless of the subject they are “majoring” in).

    Please stop treating the universities as if they were still centres of learning, or some other legitimate enterprise. “University rules”, “legitimate ……” – it is all madness, these places should no longer exist.

    And remember the products of these utterly insane and evil universities go on to dominate the government and the Corporations – does anyone really think that the products of these places forget all the evil they have been taught (for years) when they leave? And the evil did not start at university – for some of these people the indoctrination started in kindergarten – the “good students” who go on to get the “good jobs” in the government and Corporations are the ones who (at least partly) accept the indoctrination, not the students who reject it.

    The conditioning (the indoctrination) by the education system and the media (including the entertainment media) has an effect – it does NOT control everyone, and a lot of people are only PARTLY influenced by it – only a MINORITY go on to be full scale “Social Justice Warriors” fanatically dedicated to destroying civilisation (to creating a wasteland of ashes and dried blood), but the conditioning does have an effect.

    Collectivists, since Plato (if not long before) have stressed the need to control the education system and the arts (now the media) – and they, now, basically do so. And what they teach is both false and evil.

  • Fraser Orr

    I’ve read that some Republican Congress members voted against this on the grounds it may criminalise certain passages of the Bible. Is this true?

    If it is true it is a damn good reason to vote against the bill. I’m no Bible advocate, but I am an advocate of free speech, and any law that bans parts of a holy book, irrespective of how much I agree with that book or not, is a very bad law indeed.

  • Kirk

    This recent “anti-Semitism” bill points out a huge problem with modern representational democracy.

    The actual elected representatives aren’t the ones writing this crap. They’re merely mouthpieces for the career staffers and lobbyists, who’ve likely had this crap waiting in the wings for years, ready to jump on the first opportunity to get it into play.

    You don’t have a vote on any of those staff members or lobbyists. They’re the ones running things behind the scenes, and if it were down to just the elected cretins, we’d have a lot less of this bullshit coming out of the various legislatures.

    My personal take is that if you want to cut down on the intrusiveness of government, then the first thing you do is make the legislatures of the world go “naked”, and have to do all the work themselves. That’s what we’re paying them for, is it not? If they can’t draft a bill, tough crap. The growth of all these unelected ancillary parties to the legislatures has led to the situation we’re in today, with the government getting too damn big to manage.

    I’d love to know the actual author of this “anti-Semitism” bill. I’d wager good money it wasn’t written in good faith, and was sold to the various parties voting for it on false pretenses. I suspect that we’ll soon be seeing bills banning “blasphemy”, next.

  • JohnK


    I would like it if, before voting on a bill, elected members had to sit down in public for an hour and actually read the thing. If an average reader cannot read a bill in an hour, it is too long. The idea of a bill 2000 pages long is an abomination.

  • Kirk

    We used to have a rule of thumb, in the Army: If you couldn’t brief your platoon/company operations order off of the cardboard wrapper from a rations case, your order was too big and too complex to succeed.

    I never saw anything that persuaded me that it got different any higher on the food chain. Your operations plan may be multi-volume and contained in a file cabinet, but if the actual execution order was equivalent size, there were too many dependencies and assumptions baked in for it to ever be more than a list of things that weren’t going to happen. Ever.

  • Fraser Orr

    I would like it if, before voting on a bill, elected members had to sit down in public for an hour and actually read the thing. If an average reader cannot read a bill in an hour, it is too long. The idea of a bill 2000 pages long is an abomination.

    I don’t agree. I think you are being WAY too generous. You think one cursory reading is sufficient to fully consider the implications of a law? The idea that we can pass a law that the LEGISLATORS don’t even know what is in it and somehow we peons are supposed to obey it? And it is even worse than that. The bill is just the soil in which a jungle of incomprehensible regulations grow. It is so bad that American jurisprudence has a thing called the Chevron deference which is to say that when the law is not clear then the unelected regulatory agencies can just make it up rather than deferring to the freedom of the people. So what we are left with is a massive tangle of laws so that you can’t leave your front door without breaking some sort of law. And, in the case of the Chevron deference, you have what is effectively post facto law, some petty bureaucrat decides if you are a criminal after the fact, even though the constitution forbids this entirely.

    Were it my choice, certainly at the federal level, I think laws should be limited to a book 250 pages long in standard typeface. written at an 8th grade reading level. If they want a new law, they have to take something else out first. Instead, currently, the code of federal regulations (which is to say the extra stuff that unelected, largely unaccountable regulatory agencies added to the statutory law — the legislators didn’t even vote on it, never mind read it), is just under 200,000 pages long, and grows a few thousand pages each year.

    I hope either you are in favor with the government or you are fully in compliance with all those pages, otherwise you’ll be sharing a cell with Donald Trump for the next forty years.

    FWIW, it looks likely that the USSC is going to overturn the Chevron deference, so at least that is something.

  • Paul Marks

    Frasor Orr.

    As Lord Chief Justice Hewart explained as far back as 1929 (in “The New Despotism”) for officials to make law is tyranny – as you say, it means that people can not really know what “the law” even is, and people being punished at random (or, more likely, because they offend the sensibilities of the bureaucracy).

    I also agree that random statutes are no good – Chief Justice Hewart did not say that, but Chief Justice Sir John Holt and Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke did, and they were correct – and the American Founders supported the position of Holt and Coke, NOT the “Divine Right of Parliaments” position of Sir William Blackstone.

    But as modern judges can not be trusted to respect the basic principles of traditional justice (jurisprudence) indeed do not even seem to know what the basic principles of traditional justice are, that brings us back to a Code.

    But who is to write such a Code of law? Who can be trusted to write such a code in this evil age?

    Really we seem to be talking about a post Collapse society – where the present system (with its endless arbitrary and contradictory “laws” which are as dishonest as its fiat money and its Credit Bubble financial system) has collapsed, and people are, by necessity, trying to build up a private property and Civil Liberties respecting order from the rubble – not an easy task.

    With the benefit of hindsight it is clear that the fundamental break in American law happened as long ago as 1935, almost 90 years ago, the “right” (for want of a better term) were appeased by the Supreme Court (9-0) striking down the power of officials (of the “National Recovery Administration” – the Blue Eagle THUGS under the “National Industrial Recovery Act”) to order about business owners (officials got this power back under World War II Supreme Court decisions in 1942 – only seven years later, even growing food on your own land was declared interstate commerce and put under the control of the regime – even when mentally ill George III would not have done this), but the two “Gold Clause” cases (decided 5 to 4) were far more important.

    The Surpreme Court, in effect, said it was O.K. for the government to steal the monetary gold of ordinary people, and to void (violate) the gold clauses in all contracts – public and private.

    The Supreme Court decided (5 to 4) in 1935 that the desires of a corrupt government and the interests of corrupt bankers were more important than private property rights or contract law.

    So America did not start to die recently – the decay of the basic principles of law was well underway even 90 years ago.

  • JohnK


    I agree with you, my suggestion would only be a start. From what I can see, legislators do not write bills, they do not read bills, they just vote for them. What are these people for?


    I think you are right. Once you give governments the power to create “money” out of thin air, you are doomed. Not overnight, not for decades, but the end is inevitable, and has been all through history. If the thing we call “government” had to be paid for out of real money, it would be 5% of its current size, and even that would be too much. If you had to pay people in gold, you would seriously wonder how many diversity managers you really needed. I think the number would hover around zero.

  • Paul Marks

    JohnK – and remember the twist, the banks and the other “Partner Corporations” (such as Blackrock – but really all of them).

    “Businessmen” today are often, NOT always – but often, not really independent at all – they are Corporate bureaucrats, who depend on the fiat money (which the banks help create – from nothing) and the Credit Bubble financial system.

    If it was just the government with a printing press (Major Douglas and “Social Credit”) it would still be very harmful – but not as harmful as the vile “Partnership” (or “Stakeholder Capitalism”) we now have.

  • Paul Marks

    Let no one think this just hits Democrats – to a lesser extent this disease, the disease of “Social Justice”, also hits Republicans.

    The Republican Mayor of once arch conservative Oklahoma City protested against the “murder”, the person died of the drugs he had willingly consumed, of Mr George Floyd (shoulder to shoulder with the Marxists of BLM), set up an “Inclusion” (read – white-people-GET-OUT-of town) office, organised a “Pride Parade” celebrating certain sexual practices (such parades tend to target children), announced that the city “welcomes immigrants” (read illegal immigrants – another white-people-get-out-of-town move, the mass migration being a world wide “Cloward and Piven” idea to get vast numbers of extra government dependents, and also to destroy traditional communities, so that there be less resistance to world wide totalitarianism) and (of course) handed over almost a BILLION Dollars in Corporate Welfare to a sports team (to build them a stadium).

    Pointless to campaign against such a Mayor – he is the “Republican”, has unlimited funding (thanks to fiat money, the Credit Bubble financial system, and the “Woke” corporations), has the support of the monopoly media cartel – and is only doing what he is “educated” (indoctrinated) to do anyway. He will only be replaced by someone worse – not better.

    Just as the not very good Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives was replaced by a WORSE (not better) Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives.

    This side of “The Collapse” (TM), this system, including the indoctrination centre Marxist universities, is not going to be reformed.

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