A hundred years since its founding, the Beeb is now a preachy HR department with some TV channels attached.
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Samizdata quote of the daySamizdata Illuminatus (Arkham, Massachusetts) · Media & Journalism · Slogans & Quotations · UK affairs A hundred years since its founding, the Beeb is now a preachy HR department with some TV channels attached. November 3rd, 2022 |
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One thing I’ll note about that article is that the writer makes allegations that the BBC is doing X, Y, and Z without providing examples. While I have no doubt that what he says is true, presenting an occurrence or two of each claim would go a long way toward backing up his thesis (such as it is).
Steve, that is not the modern way of doing things! One simply needs to allege something, and One can then become a VICTIM! Victims of anything must always be believed, so ther is nothing more to be said. The writer is simply copying the modern protocols- nothing more needs to be said.
Steve, that is not the modern way of doing things! One simply needs to allege something, and One can then become a VICTIM! Victims of anything must always be believed, so there is nothing more to be said. The writer is simply copying the modern protocols- nothing more needs to be said.
The post rather understates the problem – it is not just the BBC, it is almost every other media station. And almost every other organisation – public and “private”.
And calling the systematic indoctrination of the population by “Critical Theory” Marxism, a “preachy HR department” is a flippant choice of words. The effect of the indoctrination has already been terrible – and it is getting worse. When Herbert Marcuse and the others thought this stuff up it was very small – but it has grown like cancer, and it is destroying society (as it was intended to do).
I know the British make a joke of everything, I was born here, and have lived all my life here, I know what the British are like, but it is sometimes a rather irritating habit.
Sometimes one has to take war, and this is war – cultural war, seriously.
Making a joke of it does not make it go away – and it does not save the population, especially the young, from vicious indoctrination.
“But if we make a joke of them, it will defang them – deprive them of their power” – that works for the left, it does not work for us.
We make a joke – and they smile, and make sure we lose our jobs. And they make sure that our own children are taught to hate us.
Remember this is the education system and every other major institution, public and “private”, it is not just the BBC.
If the mass rape of children – rape by (not of – by) a so called “victim group”, and now the sexual mutilation of children by the “Woke” does not wake people up – nothing will.
It is not funny – it is nothing to joke about. The enemy is evil – and they must be considered in a serious way. They are not misguided people trying to do good – they are evil.
Perhaps it is less difficult for me to see this, as I have a lot of evil in myself, but it should be obvious to anyone by now.
Aa for the BBC – even when some of their own staff were killed or crippled by the Covid injections, they carried on pushing them.
That shows you what sort of people they are – they are rather worse than “preachy”.
And, yet again, it is not just the BBC who push the “Woke” agenda of tyranny – it is just about every institution, public and “private”.
Any chance of getting Elon Musk to take it over?