Truly… the state is not your friend.
We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people. Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house] Authors
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The state is not your friend…January 24th, 2022 |
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Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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Reality is so much worse than this.
This is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
But ya, true and horrible in and of itself.
The bottom line is that there are some VERY powerful people who want these injections in all of our bodies.
And when I say powerful people I’m not talking about anyone in elected office. The politicians are literally puppets.
I’m talking about TPTB.
TPTB want these injections in our bodies. All of our bodies all around the world.
His point, the licence, is an echo of Dr Bonham’s Case, the man fined and imprisoned for practicing ‘physik’ without a licence from the trade body, (the College of Physicians), acts ruled unlawful by the great judge Sir Edward Coke, later the Lord Chief Justice. (And also holding that statutes repugnant to reason are void, i.e. Parliament is not supreme).
The problem now is that those who ‘reason’ – the judges – are themselves often repugnant to reason and vice versa.
I flew back from Malta yesterday and was chatting to a fellow who works in and around the pharma industry. He defends vaccines – up to a point (as I do) – but was pretty frank about the speed with which they got approved has worried people. (This is particularly the case as it usually takes years and years to green light medical drugs.)
Vaccine mandates are, ironically, harder and harder to defend on any basis the more that this crisis goes on, given that more people have natural immunity given earlier infections; the effectivess of earlier shots; the growing availability of drugs and treatments; the better training and knowledge of people running ICUs, and so on. There remains also the point that if vaccines don’t prevent transmission, the “negative externality” argument that could justify some measure of control does not apply.
Vaccine mandates are undermining support for genuinely useful health treatments and vaccines, are damaging the medical profession, validating kooks, and also confirming one’s worst suspicions about a grab for power. At the very least, they show how easily coercion spreads in conditions of panic and fear.
From the Canadian website, Small Dead Animals:
For months now, family members have assured me that the covid narrative implosion is imminent. Admittedly, I wrongly thought it would occur when they came for the children. The Weinsteins (Bret and Heather) seem to believe that the tide is turning and that we’re entering CYA territory now. Bret Weinstein fears that the CYA act will be so effective that there will not be a reckoning that exposes the systems that failed us and the world. Maybe it will go out as a whimper.
Richard (Dick) Smacky
Weinsteins are correct. The Liberals and Democrats are rewriting history as we speak. It will be “vaccinations, masks, and social distancing/lockdowns” saved us all.
Regina Chick
The problem is that a reckoning requires much of the public to admit they were duped before they can hold the pols/experts accountable. Those who actually were duped are incentivized to agree with the CYA act. That way everyone moves on without the need for self reflection. The only people who don’t want this are the ones who were always committed to the truth or those who woke up early. The rest are happy to make excuses for what the “experts” claimed they didn’t know.
You are exactly right, of course. In addition, many of the duped belong to our “so called” professions: education, journalism, and medicine. They didn’t just “above all do no harm”; they actively promoted and participated in the harm. They won’t want that exposed or up for discussion or debate.
“The bottom line is that there are some VERY powerful people who want these injections in all of our bodies.
Is it because they need to get rid of the control group? What if there are some long term ill effects from the Covid vaccines? These could be written of as being caused by the pandemic. But if there are a large minority of people who didn’t get vaccinated and who are also free from those ill effects, that would be a bit of a problem. Even finding out that the unvaccinated developed better immunity in the long term would be fairly inconvenient.
Remember Gulf War syndrome? Nasty adjuvant in the vaccine as I recall caused the problem.
Given the scale of the malfeasance that has been exposed by the covid response of the State/Big Pharma/ Medical Professionals, are you 100% confident that they are kooks?
One question that I have never seen a reasonable answer to, is where did the sudden explosion of autism in kids come from?
As Mr Ed righteously points out, the Common Law recognises no such “crime” as practicing a trade or profession without a piece of paper or parchment called a license or permit. Sadly Statutes and regulations have gutted the Common Law and judges have failed to defend it.
As for doctor licensing in the United States – Milton Friedman exposed it as scam many decades ago. The historical record is plain – licensing was about increasing incomes for people in the guild, NOT about “public safety” and all the rest of the tosh that was trotted out to justify licensing.
But it is no longer just a greedy scam – now licensing (and California licenses more trades and professions than any other American State) is POLITICAL – and it will not stay about Covid.
“What are you doing about the Climate Change Emergency? If you not doing XYZ you are a DENIER and your license to be a hair dresser (or whatever) must be removed”. Do not laugh – they are quite capable of it.
Or “what have you done for DIE – Diversity, Inclusion and Equity!” again, if you express doubts about DIE (or have not done enough to support it) then clearly your license to be a brick layer should go. And do you as a RACIST, SEXIST. HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE, TRANSPHOBE really deserve any welfare payments? No job, because of no license, and no welfare payments either – the world will soon be rid of you BIGOT and the ESG (Environment and Social Governance) score system will lead to companies following this in the United Kingdom – not just the United States.
We have come a long way since the 1960s with Herbert Marcuse and his students of Marxism denouncing Freedom of Speech as “Repressive Tolerance” – now Frankfurt School “Critical Theory” (the OPPOSITE of Critical Thinking – but deliberately made to sound similar) is the ruling doctrine of the Western World.
“But Covid Paul, Covid!”
I have in front of me “Overcoming the Covid Darkness” by Dr Brian Tyson and Dr George Fareed. They successfully treated more than seven thousand patients. No amazing new drugs – just old well established medications.
The international “medical” bureaucracy know all this – they know how to engage in Early Treatment of Covid 19. They have always known.
“But Paul, that means they could have saved most of the people who died” – YES THEY COULD and they choose NOT TO save people, and to try and PREVENT anyone else saving patients either.
As Perry says – the state is not your friend.
By the way – I rather doubt that you will be seeing “Overcoming the Covid Darkness” in your local bookshop, or “I can’t Breathe” by David Horowitz (how Mr George Floyd killed himself with a massive drug overdose), or any other book that does not fit “the narrative” and does not deliver “the message”.
The publishers, book shops and supermarkets act as if the Environment and Social Governance system (ESG – the Western version of the Chinese Social Credit system) was already in place.
Who needs formal censorship when you have the corporations (without any real owners – and controlled by indoctrinated staff) controlling what most people see and hear.
How many people are living–permanently–in iron lungs from polio?
How many of the people in your age group got smallpox, rubella, or measles?
Robert Kennedy and Jenny McCarthy and all their followers should be shunned by society.
Vaccinations *work*. Some work really well, some aren’t quite as good. The mRNA and adenovirus vaccines *probably* aren’t working as well as they could because they only code for a distinguishing part of the virus, and as the virus mutates that distinguishing bit could also be mutating a little bit, slipping it past the antibody resistance and requiring B or T cell response.
India has an inactivated virus vaccine for Sars-CoV-2 which will probably provide better long term immunity against the mutations as it presents the whole virus, so your immune systems can recognize variants better.
That said, there are Kooks out there. Acupuncture/Dry-needling. Most herbalists. Any chiropractor who says they can treat more than a stiff back/neck. Homeopathy. These people are mucking forons.
Note, not a virilogist, not a doctor, but been paying attention to the people that neither side wants to acknowledge.
Not found in Waterstones; Blackwell’s has ‘I can’t Breathe’.
Fubber: Given the scale of the malfeasance that has been exposed by the covid response of the State/Big Pharma/ Medical Professionals, are you 100% confident that they are kooks?
The exposure of the likes of Fauci (his links to the Wuhan lab, etc) was the activity of honest journalism, and sheer bloody-minded persistence of people who knew that some of the narrative did not add up. But that isn’t the same as saying there was the equivalent of a grand central conspiracy run by (insert your favourite). Instead, what I see is the working out of a set of ideologies and incentive structures that meant when the pandemic broke, a large number of countries responded along similar lines, with some outliers such as Sweden either attacked or ignored.
An aside on this, as I have said before, is that several people I thought of as serious liberals denounced the likes of the Great Barrington Declaration for its supposed unrealistic ideas. But without vaccines, shielding of the vulnerable would have had to be attempted lest we end up with lockdowns and restrictions lasting for four, five, or 10 years. One or two liberal think tankers I know (Stephen Davies of the IEA) did not go as far as this, but more or less said, to summarise: “The bug is out, test and trace has been overwhelmed, so we have to lock down, there is not much we can do but let the pandemic run for 18-24 months or thereabouts, do what you are told, and remember that the normal rules of liberty have been suspended. Oh, and it shows how vulnerable global free markets are.” I think I have summarised this sort of line fairly.
It has not yet been conclusively explained to me why a “shielding” policy or Swedish-style model was so unrealistic, how come its data looks like this?
William O. B’Livion
How many people are living–permanently–in iron lungs from polio? How many of the people in your age group got smallpox, rubella, or measles?
You can’t seriously be comparing the trialed & tested vaccines in use for many many years with the the injections we’ve all been offered over the last few months ? …….. can you ??
I think this, coupled with a naive faith in the US and UK public health authorities, is essentially true up until 9 months ago. I don’t think it accounts for the deceit or the malignant, scorched earth, response to anyone who objected to the monolithic approach, even those who asked the most mundane and routine questions. I suppose the PTB didn’t believe they could backtrack without losing public support. In the mean time, they have undermined confidence in themselves and done incalculable damage to us all, especially the vulnerable. I can’t blame anyone who looks for conspiracies.
That, and Bill Gates isn’t far from this stinking pile of odure. And he’s a notorious population reduction advocate, and creep, ( but that latter is just my opinion ).
The ‘furing’ up and clotting of the small capiliaries that is promoted by the ‘vaccine’ probably leads to infertility in males and the accumulation of spike protein in the ovaries probably leads to an inability to bear children in females.
To my (twisted) mind, that would explain the evil desire to pump this shit into children ( who are at almost no risk of adverse effect from catching COVID ) – But the, population control fanatics, demand it.
We won’t see the effects of that for about ten to fifteen years, and it’ll be described as ‘a mysterious drop in the birth rate’. There was a SF novel about the same topic, but can’t remember the title.
Did anyone else notice the man in the background in that video, behind the speaking physician, who, in my eyes at least, is continually, and what appears to be rather nervously, bouncing his leg up and down, along with occasional nervous glances at the camera which is filming those proceedings? He does not appear to be a man comfortable with where he is at, or, conversely, is concerned that he is being filmed and does not really want to be filmed.
Johnathan Pearce (London)
January 26, 2022 at 9:28 am
Thanks for the link to data. Do you have links to statistical analyses of such data? I’m always disappointed when analyses of such data are presented without error bars. The column labeled “Absolute excess age-standardised mortality per 100,000” is begging for an error bar which I suspect is on par with the number listed.
Pity they lumped in all ages in the range 15-65. Breaking that group down might get at who is vulnerable. Why not break this group down wherever the data says to (data driven analysis), e.g., if there is a natural break in the data trends at, say, age 55, or 45 or whatever, then break the group that way. Problem with that is then all those millennials who freaked out would see it was not warranted.
Polio and smallpox are not the right comparison to Covid. Those are DNA viruses that are largely stable. The proper comparison to COVID is influenza, a similar RNA virus, which has had a vaccine (of sorts) out for decades of limited effectiveness that requires constant annual fiddling to have any impact at all. There are real medical arguments against the COVID vaccines, the most important of which runs as follows :
Vaccinations prime the body to respond to a highly mutating virus with a specific antibody response. Eventually the virus will mutate to a form that is close enough to the original that it provokes the vaccination response, but different enough that those antibodies will not be effective. Google “Original Antigenic Sin” for more details. Changing the vaccine won’t help, because it too will be close enough to the original to provoke the production of antibodies to the original vaccine, not the updated one.
Now this isn’t any different than natural immunity, which has the same issues. This can be seen with influenza. However natural immunity is generational in the population – that is, each generation acquires immunity to the strains of influenza that were prevalent in their youth, so that as influenza cycles through the various mutations that are available a certain portion of the population has acquired immunity to that strain. This provides a degree of herd immunity that limits the spread.
This is where the risks of a universal COVID vaccine become clear. We are immunizing the entire population against a single strain of COVID. Once the virus mutates its way past the vaccine, and it will, there will be no significant portion of the population that can even acquire natural immunity to the new strains, and new vaccines won’t work for the previously vaccinated. This in particular is why vaccinating children is such a disaster. Not only don’t they need it (children appear to clear the virus through a totally different immune response system in the body, and don’t generate antibodies at all), but now they have a primed immune response and it’s the wrong one.
This is essentially the argument against flu vaccines as well (the effectiveness seen in studies is not actually the effect of the vaccine at all, just the previously acquired immunity to the flu strain in question, which the studies do not control for). And the nastiest possibility is that the flu vaccines themselves are close enough to COVID that they are behind the sharp age response in serious outcomes, as these are the populations with the highest degree of vaccination for influenza (this would be an interesting study that will NEVER be funded for obvious reasons).
Now this is not my field by any stretch, so I am simply summarizing a number of presentations I’ve seen by several immunologists. This exposition makes sense to me, but I am not pretending that I am qualified to actually judge its veracity. It is obviously not a universally held position in that field (at least I hope not). But the public health drive for universal COVID vaccination has significant opposition in the medical community, including some prominent resignations in the US advisory committees over the decision to extend the vaccine to children.
What I do know is that in any situation where there is a real public health crisis and a plausible solution that will generate enormous profits, there will be enormous forces driving towards that solution and obscuring alternatives. It need not be nefarious – the public very much wants there to be a magic bullet and providers have reasons to believe they are providing one. And once a path has been chosen, simple confirmation bias creates enormous resistance to any challenges. This alone is not reason to doubt the vaccines (as noted, the same situation existed with polio in the 40s). But we’ve been playing vaccination games with respiratory viruses for decades with a lot of very ambiguous results (something that was widely stated early in the COVID crisis), so the recent evidence of shorter immune responses with each additional booster is bringing me to the view that the underlying premise of the vaccine campaign is fundamentally flawed.
[…] An excellent summary of an serious issue we are facing by commenter phwest: […]
Population control fanatics (and it’s certainly the case for Bill Gates) tend to be obsessed with population growth in poor countries (particularly in parts of Africa but also in places like Bangladesh). Their obsession is in some ways understandable, as these are countries where fertility rates have stubbornly refused to adjust in response to far higher rates of survival to adulthood than in the past. Vaccine uptake has been highest (obviously) in the parts of the world where vaccines have been widely available. In other words, not in those parts of the world which the population control fanatics are actually worried about.
Perhaps because in those countries there is much more scope for graft and corruption. And the public regulatory bodies are much easier to buy off than in an advanced sophisticated country like the UK.
1. the mRNA and adenovirus ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines. If you have to change the defination of the word vaccine so that this new technology falls within the scope of the word ‘vaccine’, thats a clue, something kooky is going on.
2. “they only code for”. They include the instructions to make what is potentially the most lethal aspect of the COVID-19 virus. The spike protein. Oddly enough, for a novel virus which we were told COVID-19 is, the instructions in the ‘vaccine’ have already recieved a patient in 2009 or thereabouts – citation in the Samizdata archives.
3. “they aren’t working well”, because it’s a shit idea.
Conventional vaccine. Deactivate or disable the virus, inject it into the host, which allows the hosts immune system to recognise the full spectrum of characteristics of the virus. Including the spike protein ( in the specific case of COVID-19 virus ) which stays put attached to the inactivated virus in the vaccine.
COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ allow indescriminate production of the spike protein in random organs of the body, which when identified and attacked by the body’s own immune system leads to a rich variety of autoimmune conditions, as the immune response attacks the cells producing the spike too.
William – or whatever your real name is.
Thank you for the straw man “argument” – in reality the people who have opposed the policy toward Covid over the last two years have included many practicing medical doctors and medical academics from many universities (people who got to their positions on merit – which is not in fashion these days).
So it is not really Robert Kennedy and “Kooks” – you are playing a dishonest, strawman “argument”, game.
As for India – large areas in India pushed back Covid by Early Treatment, but talking about that does not seem to suit you.
The medical doctors and university professors you smear as “kooks” give their real names and their real addresses – and get death threats. And they get threats to take away their licenses, or drive them out of their university positions (tenure or no tenure – try teaching if mobs are organised against you).
They are better people than you are “William O’Livion”.
The original question was:
That is what I was responding to. There are large number of vaccines that *work*. They don’t all work as well as the Smallpox vaccine, or the polio vaccine, and sometimes they’re utter crap (like when the people making predictions about which influenza virus is going to be most active in 18 months screw up).
There were probably a couple things with the Phizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines:
1) Messaging from our national health institutions didn’t exactly *say* this was a sterilizing vaccine, but they sure implied that if you got the vaccine things would be rainbows and unicorn farts. The reality is that it does bolster the immunity *somewhat*, but it doesn’t do what we expect vaccines like the MMR, Tetnus, and Shingles vaccines do–keep you from catching it in the first place.
2) For the dual shot vaccines the time between shots was too short. It should have been on the order of two or three months.
3) J&J PROBABLY should have been a dual shot vaccine three or more months apart (I got Covid, probably Omicron, 3 1/2 months after I got the vaccine. My wife, who was mRNA vaccinated, also got it, and my daughter (unvaccinated) got it as well).
4) The vaccines targeted the OG variant, which, by the time the vaccines were release was not the main strain. As there continues to be genetic drift the existing vaccines will continue to degrade.
Messaging from our institutions was *horrible*. I would blame this on anti-Trump sentiment in the permanent bureaucracy, but other than Sweden I didn’t see any other health bureaucracies being much more rational.
Most people are *utterly* scientifically illiterate they don’t have the first grasp on scientific principles, they don’t understand immune systems (and I’ll be honest it’s beyond me, but I sorta get the notion of “defense in depth” of Anti-bodies, B-Cells and T-cells etc.). Our elementary and high schools–for the last N generations have done a HORRIBLE job at teaching almost everything, and our colleges are complete failures at almost everything they’re supposed to be doing. For example, almost all colleges require you to take a science class, but what does memorizing types of rocks and rock formations have to do with “science”? How does that help one understand how knowledge is formed and challenged?
There’s two kinds of people on the actual “anti-vaxx” side. Some of them (Anti-vax activists like Robert Kennedy, Chiropractors who treat “Subluxions”, etc.) are straight up kooks. Others are people who our institutions have completely failed. People who *want* to do the right thing, but because Fascist Fauci the Fvckhead was busy engaging in covering his ass on the origins of this thing, and the CDC and FDA engaged in their usual bureaucratic time wasting, empire building and turf battles they UTTERLY FAILED TO EXPLAIN THINGS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
They lied, they dissembled, and they got people killed, and continue to do so.
But that doesn’t mean that the huge body of non-covid vaccines and treatments are as bad.
Dr. Evil, I’m late to this but it wasn’t a vaccine that was linked to Gulf War Syndrome. It was a mixture of pills, pyridostigmine bromide, a supposed preemptive counter to nerve agents, and exposure to pesticides and the massive pollution from Saddam’s destruction of oil fields. I was in country during that time as a US Army linguist/interrogator when they introduced those pills. Funny thing was I and my team were all prior combat arms and several of us had acted as NBC noncoms at some period. None had ever heard of those pills. So when our Platoon Sergeant came around with them and explained what they were we all looked at each other, after he had left, said, “Yeah, right,” popped the first one out and through it out into the desert. Kept the tab in case they came around to see if we were taking them. The military has a long history of experimenting on troops, a sad fact of which I and my fellow vets at the time were well aware.
Willian – or whatever your real name is.
You have answered none of the points that were made to you.
You are just a troll.
Anyone who replies to the criticism of the Covid policy over the last two years, the criticism made by so many medical doctors and medical academics, by pretending that the opposition is mainly from “Robert Kennedy” and other “Kooks”, is SCUM – total SCUM.
The doctors and medical academics who have opposed the Covid policy of the last two years have done so in spite of great risk to themselves (threats of loss of their medical license, or their university position, even death threats – to both them and to their families).
And they do not hide behind fake names.
A friend of mine (who lives only a few hundred yards away) was advised by his doctor (NHS doctor) that he should NOT have the injections – on medical grounds.
In California Derek (for that is his name) would have to have the injections – or be persecuted, because doctors would be fearful of writing down that he should have the injections (fearful of being persecuted themselves, if they did so).
In short Derek would most likely now be dead.