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14 comments to Christmas greetings from Samizdata |
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A perfect find for Samizdatistas everywhere. Hope the gang also posts their groaning table tomorrow,
Merry Christmas one and all
Merry Christmas to all.
Thank you to all Samizdatistas.
Prayers for our Honorable.
How very appropriate!
I was going to ask where you found it, but doubtless you did a search on “hippopotamus”. The marvels of the internet truly are never-ending, aren’t they.
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all at Samizdata.
Thank you. A Merry Christmas to you all, too
I’m not that keen on a Hippo myself. But how about peace, love, and understanding? Is that too much to hope for?
Anneka Rice just played the original on Radio Two!
Merry Christmas, Samizdatans everywhere! 🎄
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. The odds are debatable but to hope is wise.
The Apollo astronauts at Christmas remind us that it is a while since those days – but also give us hope that we can be such people again.
This is the night club version. I first heard this on the album “Merry Christmas Carols by the 3 Stooges” Been one of my favorites ever since.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – especially to hippos (very dangerous to offend hippos).
Mele Kalikimaka!
Merry Christmas and a Happy Hippopotamus to one and all!
I enjoy “Oy To The World” by the Klezmonauts. They even made “Little Drummer Boy” sound good. Hippopotami give off more of a Flanders and Swann resonance. To each their own, and may all your hippopotami do well.
Hippos are Christmas AF, just ask Frank the Gargoyle.