They’re like the Tsarist government, happy that they’ve seen off the 1905 Revolution
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Samizdata quote of the dayNovember 8th, 2020 |
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180 degrees wrong, they are like the Bolsheviks in late 1917, putting everything in place to seize absolute power.
What will happen if Joe Biden cheats his way to the presidency? Absolutely nothing – and the left knows it. He won’t even be subjected to the unmitigated hatred President Trump received from the left. Despite what some people say, the right doesn’t do violence, probably because they’ve got too much to lose and are afraid of the authorities – and justifiably so. After all, who is willing to risk losing his career, his house, his savings and quite possibly end up in prison. Over the last fifty or sixty years the right has suffered one defeat after another at the hands of the left, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
I’m so angry – and depressed.
To be fair to the Tsarist government of 1905, it did take a World War to bring the revolutionaries to power.
This. Times one thousand.
If the shoe were on the other foot right now many American cities would already be partly burned to the ground.
Depression is natural, and I’ve been doing my fair bit of moping around this week myself, on occasion close to tears. BUT, as Trump would say, ‘if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine’.
– Trump leaves twitter for Gab or SocialGalatic, all 70m of his followers do as well. Similarly Facebook etc. Starts/joins a news network.
– Massive Trump rally at the time at Biden’s inauguration. Hopefully across the road.
– Next 4 years spent laying the groundwork for a 2024 run. Picture your own Rocky training montage here.
On the other hand:
If Trump wins in the end it will be epic. Stranger things have happened.
Think we all have to just wait.
Overcoming the democrat supremacy in the main stream media, usually involves just pinning a story in the national consciousness until they are forced to cover it.
If there is a preplanned counter-fraud narrative in play by Republicans (separate from if there is fraud) expect ongoing announcements and revelations drip drip drip until boom tidal wave.
If not, meh, on to surviving the next few years. I appreciate yanks have more to do than me here across the Atlantic…..
Mr Ed beat me to the punch – although this is what I said to Tim Newman on “Twitter”.
The Collectivists have broken down the last barrier of resistance to their evil – even the date of the announcement of the “victory” of Puppet Biden was November 7th – the date of the so called “October Revolution”.
The Western World is dying – and the pretence that it is not (that we will come back next time) is just irritating.
I think this is a terribly naive understanding of the situation. Democrats do not control the MSM. The MSM is controlled by a far away these days…
USA isn’t collapsing – it is being acquired. A hostile takeover.
Information disseminated by the MSM is being used (and has been used for four years) to deflect attention from what is actually happening.