Must say this is a catchy tune by Austin Forman.
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Pallets full of ballotsNovember 8th, 2020 |
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His name bill go on ze list…..
Thanks for that. It cheered me up on a dreich Scottish evening.
I just hope they can prove the malfeasance in time.
Yes indeed.
I live in NYC. I have been living in NYC for ~10 years.
I have probably heard more helicopters overhead in NYC today and yesterday than I have in all 10 years up until yesterday. I wonder why.
Were they the mythical black helicopters Shlomo?
The reason that Democrats use postal votes is because they believe in science, and not crowding together in lines to vote and catch covid. No doubt both sides have people who committed fraud, but I think that will even out, and Biden will still be the next President. I blame the flue. The economy had been going great, and then this flue out of China upset everything. Do you think the Communists are such great planners that they could predict this?
That Kool Aid must taste gr8.
Something else to consider- if Biden is declared unfit to govern at some time in the future, maybe Kamala could also be deposed from being President because the President must be born in the United States, and Kamala was not born there. Any US Constitution experts out there?
So this is “good” news – if we want Trump to win. I know, I know. Of course we do, right?
I am not so sure. I think this situation is very complex. One wrinkle is as follows:
It may be that (regardless of whether Trump gets a second consecutive term) Trump is the last Patriot President of the United States of America. If this is true, then we have a choice: is it preferable for the 70 million Patriots to believe that the system works or is it better for 70 million Patriots to believe that the system does not work?
Choose carefully. This opportunity to teach 70 million low-information Patriots what the fuck is happening to them will never come again. Ever.
Evacuation of Dunkirk, and all that.
“The reason that Democrats use postal votes is because they believe in science, and not crowding together in lines to vote and catch covid.”
That’s not the same Democrats seen crowded out on the streets huggin’ and kissin’ like Times Square on news year eve is it?
There is a great video (I can’t find it now) that I saw a couple of days ago: NYPD officer is giving out a ticket to Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn for keeping their shop open (this is a great crime in the Land of the Free these days because of the Chinese Plague). Turn the camera and about one hundred feet away 150 maskless Progressives are wildly dancing in the streets together, screaming, sharing drinks with each other, banging metal pots, rubbing up their bodes against one another, celebrating Biden’s “victory” – without any masks at all.
This shit is beyond parody.
The media said before the election that it ‘might well appear’ that Trump was on track to win the day after, but there could well be “days or weeks’ of counting during which the ‘appearance’ of Trump winning would disappear and after which they, the media, would inform us that Biden had won.
The MSM said all these things very clearly before the election. (They also said that Biden was ahead 10 points and there was a Democrat wave coming, but, especially as the election grew close, they said what I have detailed.)
The MSM have now done the things they said they would do, up to and including calling it for Biden – ‘projecting’ the election for Biden if you read the fine print at the foot of the page, but informing us that Biden is the president-elect if you read only the headline and article text above that small last line.
In short, the MSM have done what they announced they would do before the election, It is therefore irrational to think their announcement after the election contains information about the actual result of the actual election.
Their announcement is many things:
– It is a psyops proceeding.
– It is what many of them want to be so and sort-of do believe is so.
– It is what was always going to happen after any election outcome that required it.
Do readers recall ‘The Parable of the unjust Steward’? Christ’s point is that many good people may be ready to give up trying to achieve some good where crooks, facing the same obstacles, would not give up trying to do good to themselves. The moral is to work as hard as the crooked steward – but towards a better goal.
IIRC, it was 37 days before Al Gore conceded in 2000. In a sense, the Dems never conceded the 2016 election; they were just too startled by Trump’s win to contest that election in this particular way. I see no reason why our side should be less persistent than them.
Their psyops are powerful and may work. But I agree with Sarah Hoyt (my link above) that, though warned by 2016, they were still overconfident, so have had to be rather obvious, and to wish that Ruth Bader Ginsberg could have lived just a bit longer, and therefore find themselves needing to shout that it is done, perhaps a bit faster than they might have thought best.
And now, like a miracle, appears the vaccine.
They’re not even trying to hide the fact that this is a coup anymore.
@ NUJG – Huh? All information appears to indicate that Kamala Harris was born in the USA, and I have never seen any credible data that suggests otherwise? Do you know something that I do not?
It’s kind of a miracle that Trump did as well as he did. Consider the forces that the international oligarchs (billionaires, multinationals, financialists) arrayed against Trump: They had their sellouts in the governing class and the bureaucracy undermining Trump at every turn, coupled with academia and media, fabricating non stop anti-Trump narratives. In addition, they had the army of public sector drones, backed up by an army of easily manipulated soap opera women (and men) whose raison d’etre is hectoring, lecturing, chiding and scolding. It was complacency that let Trump slip past the gate in 2016; they were over confident that they had sufficiently neutered the Middle Working people of America, and elsewhere. If you are an American Working person, your attachment to those Industrial Revolution values of hard work, accountability, diligence, fairness, in tandem with your belief in the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, limited government are at best quaint, but more importantly this, coupled with your attachment to a national identity (borders), is an serious obstacle that stands in the way of the skimming class imposition of a top down supranational-government. The end game is to replace legislation with regulation by ideological “experts”, whose chief credentials are toeing the line. Nepotism is a key component. The Biden crime family may have accepted foreign “pay to play” but that is just the tip of the iceberg, many of these people are on the take, in one way or another, by way of the revolving door between government agencies, media, private and public businesses, foundations, charities, NGOs, universities……………including the Pentagon.
Be aware that there is a major realignment working its way through the system. The current public intellectual to make this case is Yuval Harari. I have not read his book, all I know about it comes from a half dozen lectures and interviews he has participated in on YouTube. My take is that it does not bode well for the people in the Middle, or their values, as their power and numbers decline due to contracting employment opportunities. This explains why the Dems had no reluctance to dump Labor, excepting the public sector unions. The question is will American middle class values prove to be archaic in the post industrial economy.
Somebody over here is saying out loud what all sensible people are thinking. (And adding something no sensible person would say, for good measure.)
Estonian public broadcasting is reporting on it (in English: 1, 2) in an appropriately neutral tone, in my opinion. There is emphasis on the reactions, but that seems justified when 2 government ministers make declarations like those w/o clearing them with the PM beforehand.
The BBC, by contrast, put a heavy amount of spin.
Have I been smited or has there been a malfunction?
In support of my previous comment, consider the tsunami of hate that has occurred and will continue to occur toward Working America since President Zeros election, Slo Joe’s bilge, not withstanding. It has been a non stop barrage of insults, inflammatory accusations and demeaning ridicule. There has been no push back at all, just eagerness to jump on the bandwagon and reinforce the lies. The minions wouldn’t be doing that if the Normies had any clout. They work for the Man not you. They aren’t capable of empathy for Middle America. Their only interest is clicks and advancing the maudlin narrative du jour. They do not wish Middle America well, in any way.
Yes. This must be emphasized again and again and again and again.
Contributions by employer:
Biden has Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Harvard, Johns Hopkins University, Intel, Comcast, Verizon, US Department of Defense, JP Morgan, Salesforce, Oracle, Wells Fargo, Deloitte, US Government, MIT, Yale, Law Firms, Starbucks, University of California, Nike, Microsoft, Ernst & Young, Veterans Affairs, At&T, Ford, Mayo Clinic, Target, Disney, Medtronic, Delta Airlines, IBM, Bank of America, NYU, CUNY, HCA Healthcare, etc etc etc
Trump has the NYPD and the United States Marine Corp.
Contributions by profession:
Biden has CEOs, lawyers, bankers, finance professionals, managers, professors, human resources employees, consultants, editors, producers, scientists, teachers, doctors, accountants, engineers, therapists, social workers, nurses, sales professionals, fundraising professionals, psychologists, etc etc etc
Trump has HVAC professionals, truckers, drivers, construction workers, homemakers, business owners, mechanics, plumbers, machinists, welders, ranchers, and manufacturing employees.
Just a coincidence that mail-in voting lines up perfectly with their “everybody on our side gets a vote or three” philosophy, right?
Don’t say “the reason”. Say “one good excuse.”
“The reason that Democrats use postal votes is because they believe in science, and not crowding together in lines to vote and catch covid.”
That must explain the tens-of-thousands of first-time in-person voters who registered and voted for the very first time on Election Day. Scientists, every one of them.
You do not have to b born in the US. You have to be a natural born citizen though. Meaning born to a US citizen *or* born inside the US.
Also postal voting saves those tens of thousands in certain precincts who have passed away over the last 30 years the inconvenience of having to be exhumed in order to vote Democrat in person and thereby risking being killed again, this time by Covid.
The major point that makes me think that the election was not rigged, is that the Democrats did not have a clean sweep. The Blue Wave petered out before they could take the Senate and the House, so their ‘program’ will be stopped by the Republicans. How could that be a coup?
Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray (November 10, 2020 at 7:39 am), while there are grounds also to suspect fraud in votes cast before and during election day, we are not so much debating them here. The scenario is that what risks were taken, what unlawful acts were done, what fraud was committed to pre-election, were based on Dem over-estimates of their own support, so in the event they did not suffice. On Wednesday morning, Trump appear set to win and “had coattails like a winner” – the very fact you observe.
(Alternatively, you can choose to believe that nothing was done pre-election and the Wednesday morning trends reflect the true levels of Trump and Biden support in the US. That debate is a separate point.)
As this probable future became clear to the Dem analysts (which I expect it did quite early after the polls closed) the backup plan announced beforehand (see my comment above) was then followed – keep counting until you find (yet more) votes where the Dems both could and had to. Political geography required this be in States they needed, could flip, and, within those States, in specific areas where their control was good enough. (If you want to throw out all the GoP poll watchers and rely on the counters cheering instead of looking surprised, you have to be reasonably in control of that area.)
This is why your argument does not apply. We are not, just now, so much discussing broad-brush fraud all over the states. For example, I assume you do not doubt that Chicago (as always) saw a lot of voter fraud, but on Wednesday there was no point in having that blue dot in the red sea that is Illinois making the state even blue-er. These late efforts were, because they had to be, focussed efforts in space, time and goal – which is precisely why they stand out from the trend.
This reconstruction of what happened is not negatived by your objections.
Frustrated at the goldfish (November 9, 2020 at 2:38 pm), it is wise to be critically alert to more information as it emerges. For the vaccine announcement timing to be a political ploy is not as improbable a possible as claims that RBG was slyly murdered, but it shares two things with that event.
– The dates of both are coincidentally close to the election date.
– Both happened at probable times. Had I told you in March that RBG would die in six months, you would not have found the idea at all surprising. Had I told you in March that there would be a vaccine in November, I think you would not have found the idea at all surprising. (To be fair, had I told you in March “They’ll announce a vaccine a few days after the election”, I suspect you would have found the idea unsurprising. 🙂 )
For now I’ll await evidence on that point, not think the timing alone is conclusive proof.
Had the Georgia senate seats been decided on the night there is every chance they would have taken them as well.
However there was a bigger priority to deal with and with a Senate Republican majority depending on support from the likes of Romney, Collins and Murkowski I don’t see roadblocks against any legislation that isn’t totally insane.
The insane stuff will be dealt with by executive orders and unlike the last administration don’t expect this one to pay any heed to contrary federal rulings.
I should add that many Republican senators (along with the Dems but that’s not an issue) will be potentially “compromised” and the next DOJ will not be slow in taking action against anyone considered intransigent i.e. not going along with the program.
“low-information Patriots”
That is systemic racism.
WRT Pfizer, here are 3 articles on different angles, with different takes.
First, people at Pfizer decided to keep the samples in storage and start testing them on Wednesday, November 4.
Second, the media are spinning away Trump’s involvement with Pfizer. (Although Pfizer people seem to be telling the truth.)
Third, Cuomo said on Monday that it is “bad news” that Pfizer announced the results before Biden takes office.
NB: This third article takes a different view from the first 2 articles, about the timing of the announcement and the credit going to Trump.
Biden’s slogan should have been:
The democrats casualness with their fraud in Detroit speaks volumes about its extent – tried to link to this twice on YT but they are attempting to bury the story.