Anyone know whose baby this is?
Mystery Deepens Around Unmanned Spy Boat Washed Up In Scotland
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The foundlingNatalie Solent (Essex) · How very odd! · Military affairs · Privacy & Panopticon · Self defence & Security · Transport · UK affairs October 7th, 2020 |
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The best theory has to be some very old Nazi sheltering on the Mayo coast at de Valera’s invitation, who has been overlooked (or they thought it a good laugh to keep him going on) and he’s quite a dab hand at electronics, he just hasn’t quite found the frequency to talk to the Kriegsmarine HQ for further instructions.
If it is looking for a drink in Scotland, it’s going to be pretty disappointed.
No serial numbers inside?
One would think such an expensive machine would be tracked by the makers – for maintenance, upgrades, repairs.
@ Rich Rostrom
The first thing a user who is interested in plausible denialability does is remove any and all identifying marks.
Does it matter who it belongs to?
Unmanned robots, whether floating or flying can easily carry a bomb, or even a nuclear device.
Every country needs to develop the ability to monitor and intercept such craft.
Clearly – the UK doesn’t yet have such an ability.
Nothing in that article tells us anything of the sort. The writer’s statement that “all we can say is that these craft are not from the British military” is pure conjecture on his part, and I’m surprised he would even make such a statement, knowing full well that the Navy’s not going to tell the truth about it, whether it’s their boat or not.
A lifeboat of the SS Cabinet Minister?
It’s a Liquid Robotics ‘Wave Glider’, (i.e. one of ‘ours’), they were operated in the Hebrides in a 2016 trial (Unmanned Warrior) that there’s some public information on. It was basically a sales opportunity for manufacturers to bring their kit along and demonstrate it to the military, so it’s quite likely that the RN are telling the truth when they say it’s not theirs. I’d guess there are other trials going on since that they’re not publicising. And if they’ve lost one, they probably don’t want to talk about it.
But I suppose it could be Chinese robot Decepticons infiltrating our Sceptered Isle to set up Frankfurt School Centres of Marxism? I guess that’s much more likely.
I doubt that the Royal Navy would use or have any use for such a boat, consider the priorities of the Royal Navy, like ensuring that human rights are respected, by actions like shipping home people like the Manchester bomber.
Why unmanned? You could carry a nuclear device in any boat, then leave the area an hour before it was due to go off. Or the evil party don’t tell the skipper what is in the boat and simply have them go up with their cargo. Delivery is not the difficult part.
Heck, you could almost certainly get DHL to deliver a nuclear device for you. Be a lot cheaper.