“A termite has about 100,000 neurons and we probably get through that number over a big weekend.”
– John Searle, American philosopher.
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Samizdata quote of the day“A termite has about 100,000 neurons and we probably get through that number over a big weekend.” – John Searle, American philosopher. February 21st, 2019 |
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I’ve heard some doubt cast on the proposition that a good time destroys neurons, but the point is reasonable enough. A termite has, like notes in a Mozart composition, exactly as many of them, neurons, as it needs. With humans, no amount of neurons will help if they are socialists.
Mr. Ed, that’s because socialists neurons are always misfiring.
A grim post – even by my standards.
A reminder that human life is a process of decay – not “just” physical decay, but also mental decay.
Losing everything that makes us a person.
As Alexander of Aphrodisias pointed out almost two thousand years ago (repeating a point made by others) just because personhood (the “I” being, agency, free will) exists, does NOT mean that the agent is immortal.
The soul (the person) may die with the body – and, perhaps even worse, decay over time before death.