“Corbyn’s first wife, Jane Chapman, told his biographer Tom Bower that she never knew him read a book in four years of marriage.”
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Samizdata quote of the day“Corbyn’s first wife, Jane Chapman, told his biographer Tom Bower that she never knew him read a book in four years of marriage.” February 15th, 2019 |
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Stop it, you are making me warm to him.
No doubt he thinks once you have read Capital you know it all and there is no point in reading anything else.
When you already know the truth, who needs books?
There are worse things.
There are plenty of lavishly educated idiots out there — eg Adonis, humongous minged Brexit prof etc
His mind has been made up.
He has nothing to learn from anyone.
He has no time to read a book because
He must wheel and deal indefinitely.
Be fair, Das Kapital is a notoriously boring and hard read.
I tried it once and gave up after 2 pages. I even managed 5 pages of Lord of the Rings.
You compare Marx to Tolkien? A pox upon your house, sir!
Remember the collapse of the Soviet Union when we thought that socialism had been put to bed once and for all? Surely no sane person could remain a socialist now? Not now that its failure has been demonstrated beyond a shred of doubt? It seems that we had reckoned without wilful ignorance. It appears that it is quite possible to retain your socialist beliefs as long as you keep them insulated from reality. Not reading books is an essential part of this process.
I read where Corbyn was meeting with, or already has had a meeting, with the Queen of Ignorance, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (aka “Crazy Eyes Alex”). If, in trying to make conversation, one of them asked, “So . . . read any good books lately?” you would hear crickets in the background.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that some use language as a complicated game of humour, implication and ambivalence where others see only a railway timetable.
As some Moors said on the subject of burning libraries, “Either it’s in the Koran and we already have it or it isn’t and therefore we don’t need it.”
True also of all those Democratic congresscritters and their ilk around the globe, when tweaked slightly:
. . .
Prompted by Locky’s comment above (well said, Sir or Madam!):
It’s interesting to me that Middle-Earth and The Lord of the Rings has been the subject of so much scholarly research and writing — treating the Professor’s imaginary world and characters with as much interest and intensity as any portion of the history of our own world and time.
It is quite marvellous.
And I am very grateful that Prof. Tolkien invented them and brought them to life, and went to such lengths to tell us about them and their history.
My own favorite part of the Trilogy begins with Word 1 of Sentence 1 of Page 1 of Book I, and ends when the Company emerges from the Mines of Moria. The section between then and their leaving Rivendell is like a coda to that….
. . .
tph, an interesting observation. You speaketh truth.
You don’t read ?
Corbyn’s first wife left him because (amongst other things) his idea of a fun night out was going down to the local union office and spending an evening photocopying lefty agitprop to hand out to any unsuspecting passersby at the next rally.
His second wife left him because he take-it-or-leave-me insisted on their child remaining in the dreadful left-ruined local state school instead of letting her move the kid to a school where pupils might encounter more learning and less bullying.
IIRC, it is reported that he meets women by encountering them at protest marches. As he is now on his third wife, one must note the method clearly works – and it doubtless has the benefit of upping the odds that any woman he meets will be politically compatible. On the other hand, a friend of mine long ago wrote an article for an SF magazine advising girls about finding a future husband in the more-men-than-women science fiction conference world of that time. Her title was, “The Odds are Good – but the Goods are Odd”. Maybe the same could be said of the world of protest marchers, especially at the kind of protests Corbyn patronises. Maybe Corbyn looks normal there, even impressive. 🙂
Niall, 😆
I’ve heard it said that some male students adopted Lefty poses to get off with hot young women and it’s possible that the bearded one thought this way. But there comes a point where the evidence is clear that for all a certain feral cunning, he’s thick as mince.
“Corbyn’s first wife left him because (amongst other things) his idea of a fun night out was going down to the local union office and spending an evening photocopying lefty agitprop to hand out to any unsuspecting passersby at the next rally.”
That sounds like fun for the whole family!
@Niall Kilmartin.
The fact that he did the “horizontal folk dance” with Diane Abbot tells me all I need to know about his discernment in selecting his women.
If he’d bonk that, then he’s as selective as measles.
Johnathan Pearce – February 16, 2019 at 4:19 pm:
In The Front, a film about Hollywood during the McCarthy period, a movie actor played by Zero Mostel is grilled by the House Un-American Activities Committee. “Why did you join Communist-controlled activist groups in college?” they ask. And he answers “Because the girls would put out!”
While I quite take your point – albeit cautiously (IIRC, saying “I am not blind” in this context is hate speech or a violation of parliamentary rules or something) – it may be that Corbyn simply has different criteria. Diane has an adequacy of intersectionality points, however much her other charms may be lacking, and she will never embarrass Jeremy 2Es by being better at arithmetic than he is. (My earlier comment noted the likely importance to him of political compatibility.)