Pro-tip: Don’t hold your hands behind your back when you’re taking a photo with a group of coppers.
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Samizdata quote of the dayPro-tip: Don’t hold your hands behind your back when you’re taking a photo with a group of coppers. December 21st, 2018 |
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Are they coppers, or cadets dressed up for a day out with their monitoring adult? There are older looking lads at my local 6th form college! If they hold the Queen’s warrant, suggest they may be probationers or still in training school.
What your comment might really mean is that it is you who are getting old. Thinking policemen to be far too young is a classic symptom of advancing years.
As for me, I left younger policemen behind long ago. Then it was England cricket captains. Then it was British Prime Ministers.
Sub-point on the pro-tip: if you do, be an MP like Boris, whose persona includes – even welcomes – some clowning around and laughter.
I always wonder if, when Mr. Johnson gives instruction to his tailor and his barber, he actually uses the word “rumpled”, or if that just happens later.
I am very much on the side of Mr Johnson in the present conflict – but I can not deny that the policeman (although he is being a “smartarse”) has a point.