Have a great or at least an interesting Beltane, or if you prefer, have a suitably reflective Gulag Remembrance Day
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Have a great Beltane…Have a great or at least an interesting Beltane, or if you prefer, have a suitably reflective Gulag Remembrance Day May 1st, 2018 |
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I’ll reflect on Gulag Remembrance Day. Some of my childhood magical adventure books imply that if you celebrate Beltane too traditionally, you might summon up the wild hunt – or something even more dangerous. By contrast, reflecting on Gulag Remembrance Day improves my ability to prevent anyone (Corbyn, for example) summoning up those decades of horror from their shallow graves in Siberia – and, if forced to choose, I’d definitely rather summon the wild hunt.
It’s also the 36th anniversary of the first Black Buck raid on Port Stanley airfield, a magnificient cobbliing together of old kit including ashtrays to drop an unwelcome surprise on a bunch of murderous thugs, who’d put aside their differences with the Commies to try their own bit of genocide.
For the tankies, every day is Gulag Denial Day.
A true Tankie celebrates the GULAG, and dreams of running it.
Wasn’t there a prog rock band named Beltane Fire? It’s a bit early, here, to be looking up music videos.
The latter for me Perry – remembering the more than 100 million victims of the followers of the Red Flag.
As for the Pagan thing – I suspect they still use the old calendar, so that would mean the 14th of May?
Unless they use the Lunar Calendar – in which case I have not got a clue when Beltane would be.
Hey Mr Ed – nice video on Black Buck. Vulcans were damned beautiful planes.
Mr Ed, yes, that’s true of the really hard-core tankie. Put me in mind of this:
As an afficianado of the occult, alchemy, and traditional ideas of folklore magick and paganism, I’ll choose Beltane. “May day” seems to be favored by union members and communists…which are not mutually exclusive of course.
“Vulcans were damned beautiful planes.”
The balloons are nice too.
Happy founding of the Bavarian Illuminati day.