We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

It’s Easter Sunday and it’s wind up day

Here in Britain, Easter Sunday and April Fool’s Day have today collided. But down in Australia they threw in winding the clocks back, just to liven things up even more.

Here the rule is that April Fool’s Day wind ups can only happen before 12 noon, so this is being posted in a rush to beat the deadline, assuming I have not miscalculated by an hour. No time to think of anything truly funny, but I can still ask. What have been today’s best Easter pranks? I’m sure there are lots of anti-Christian jokes along the lines of: Christ is risen, no he isn’t, gotcha. And last time AFD and Easter Sunday collided, Richard Dawkins converted to Catholicism. But I feel sure that our commentariat can do way better than that, or can at least report on someone doing better.

Strange how wind up as in “it’s a (pr) ‘wined’ up”, and wind up as in “put the (pr) ‘winned’ up” – and here’s hoping you made sense of that – are both spelt the same way and mean rather closely related things. English eh? (The government should sort it out. No it shouldn’t. Gotcha. Etc.)

17 comments to It’s Easter Sunday and it’s wind up day

  • TomJ

    Not Easter related, but the “all EU future passports to be dark blue” one did raise a grin.

  • Helen C

    I suspect this happened in a lot of households, but we sent the kids (my grandkids) out back to hunt for non-existant eggs (April Fool). After suitable frustration on their part and laughter on our part they were sent out front for the real egg hunt.

  • Mr Ed

    It’s got to the stage where the BBC publish stories that it says look like April Fools, but aren’t. We have a Pope who said in March that there was no Hell, and the Vatican’s only qualm with the story was that it was not an ‘exact’ quote. The game is up for these fools, shame on you if the Pope fools you.

  • bobby b

    “What have been today’s best Easter pranks?”

    Do inadvertent pranks count?

    One of my nieces had a gathering this morning for her little kids and her sister’s kids and some neighbors’ kids. Part of the gathering was the traditional hunt for the decorated eggs throughout the house. Once they were all found, they all sat around the table to shell their eggs so they could make egg salad for lunch.

    The picture she just put up on Facebook shows the kids in messy gleeful hysterics. She had forgotten to boil the eggs before decorating them.

  • Regional

    In Astraya April Fool’s Day winds up at midday as previously stated and then it becomes Donkey Tail Day.

  • auralay

    The good news is that this was well crafted and quite subtle.
    The bad news? Far too subtle for most commenters!


  • Regional

    In short, we have a healthy trade surplus with you and you absorb some of our employed, how are you going to resist us?

  • Regional

    Having observed Angela Merkle’s refugee policy is that given Germany’s large trade surplus with the rest of Europe it may be an attempt to curb German nationalism.

  • Sam Duncan

    Unless I’ve been a complete sucker today, other than John Redwood’s rather obvious effort (but points for trying), I can’t honestly say I noticed any. As Mr Ed’s BBC article says, there are so many stories floating around these days that appear to be pranks but aren’t. I think people have just given up.

    Which would be a pity. I used to enjoy scouring the papers on April 1st looking for the gags. BMW turned it into a fine art. (Is it me though, or do the later, 21st Century, ones seem less subtle than the early ones?)

  • Umbriel

    lots of anti-Christian jokes along the lines of: Christ is risen, no he isn’t, gotcha.

    I would have thought Easter itself the ultimate prank…

    “Hah! You thought I was dead! I really had you knuckleheads going!”

  • Phil B

    Well, there was this (excuse the Anglo Saxon emphasis):



  • Julie near Chicago

    Phil, the comments include a simple recipe for Brussels sprouts w/garlic. Thanks for the link!

    By the way: LOL!!

    Also by the way, SlipperKitty is the last guardian we have around here. Do you think the weblog owner would send me the critter who posed for the photo at the top? I like his looks. Especially the teeth. :>)))

  • Phil B

    @Julie near Chicago – happy to be of … errr … service! >};o)

    I think the animal on his blog header is a wolverine. Good luck with keeping one as a pet. Unless you want a cheaper alternative to a Rottweiler. >};oD

    Just for non Brits, Sainsbury’s is an upmarket British supermarket.

  • Nicholas (Unlicenced Joker) Gray

    I pulled off a nice April Fools prank. turned the clocks back an hour and waited to see if my brother would notice! He didn’t. Then I realised it was end of daylight saving….
    Did a better joke a few years ago. Emailed everyone at work to not call the pest inspectors if they saw rampant meerkats in the building- one of them was our new boss!! Simples, really!

  • Julie near Chicago

    Phil, maybe I could get the wolverine and a polar bear, and let them forage for their own vittles. Then I could keep the Rottie as a lapdog. Rub its tummy, scratch its ears, etc. And assign it to supervise the other two. 😀

  • Surellin

    Well, it just happened to be April Fool’s, but my mother ate the chicken curry I had brought home the previous evening. In retaliation I said that I didn’t know she liked octopus. She literally ran off to the bathroom to vomit.

  • Jackthesmilingblack

    Easter’s off, they’ve found the body.
    Many a true word spoken in jest.