This is a recent Spiked tweet. And that’s all it says, so no need to follow that link, unless to you want to chase up other Spikednesses. As well you might.
Brendan O’Neill offers a handy guide to the language of the virtual leftThis is a recent Spiked tweet. And that’s all it says, so no need to follow that link, unless to you want to chase up other Spikednesses. As well you might. 15 comments to Brendan O’Neill offers a handy guide to the language of the virtual left |
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It’s also wise to keep in mind that Leftist programs are always, in true Orwellian style, officially titled the opposite of what they really are.
Gun nut: Someone who knows about firearms.
white genocide: non caucasion immigration
cultural Marxist: someone more socially liberal than me
misandrist: someone who I disagree with who is a women
socialist: someone who I disagree with on economics
Dhimmi: someone who I disagree with about Islam
postmodern Marxist: someone who disagrees with me about
biological determinism
mainstream media: any news source that contradicts my world view
Oops. 🙂
You might want to think about how well that one sits in your alternative list.
And what a world it is we live in now; where one of the greatest voices for libertarianism is a bloody unapologetic, dyed-in-the-wool Trotskyite 😛
And yes, I’m a great fan of Brendan’s. Not least because he’s Witness #1 for the defence in the case that people can come to support freedom from the left as well as from the right…
One difference between the USA and the UK that I’ve noticed is that in the UK Marxists tend to go libertarian, while in the USA they go neocon.
I have no idea why that is.
the other rob, it’s because libertarians have no party. The Libertarian Party is a joke at best, and their “values” is freedom…full stop, as if freedom is an irreducible primary. Hell, EVERYONE talks about “freeing” people, even Marx, which is why libertarians fall on a full spectrum from socialists to anarchists. I’d guess that most libertarians are died-in-the-wool subjectivists.
Gun Grabber: Someone who understands absolutely nothing about firearms and refuses to learn the two or three basic points that would keep them from sounding like a complete blithering idiot.
To add to that point…
I mean, seriously, how difficult is it to learn the difference between full and semi automatic? How hard is it to learn what “caliber” means, or what is meant by magazine vs clip or that magazines are reloaded with more bullets rather than being single-use cartridges? It’s like they have a cult-mind block in their heads.
Thailover, that explains the Brits but it doesn’t explain the American neocons, who are far from libertarian. In two countries, people are going in diametrically opposed directions from a common point of departure and I’d like to understand why.
socialist: someone who I disagree with on economics-and who supports , endorses and tries to bring about the ascendency of a death cult that has murdered 150 million human beings–so far.
white genocide: non caucasion immigration–by those who boil 12 year old white boys alive and give little girls joker mouth-cuts before they murder them.
misandrist: someone who I disagree with who is a women–who tells packs of bullshit lies about trafficking and non-existent “rape culture” while ignoring real imported rape cultures and pissing on their “sisters” that actually have suffered at the hands of men who–because they pose a threat to Western civilisation which the left want destroyed–are exempt from the usual “everything is rape” bullshit.
cultural Marxist: someone more socially liberal than me–who is also a lying, propagandising sack of shit who never misses a chance to undermine Western culture and replace it with a freedom and democracy lite-to -the-point-of-no-longer-existing froth of well-off, middle-class leftist bullshit where pug dog jokes bring jail and votes only count if they kiss leftist arse.
Dhimmi: someone who I disagree with about Islam–and who tells you that tall tales about alleged sex misconduct by old white men–evidence/corroboration free and 50 years old– MUST be believed–but that women mass-raped/sexually assaulted by the RoP cultists just two days before are “unreliable witnesses” –in short an esp vile kind of scum often female.
postmodern Marxist: someone who disagrees with me about
biological determinism–a particularly evil and deceitful gang of liars who attempt to use sympathy for the mentally troubled to spread the pure evil of Marxist subjectivist cockrot–ie 2+2=5 if socialism tells you it does. Via the claim that a man can become a woman by announcing that he has. Were such evil to become widely accepted then it would be followed up by nonsense that femmi-scum have already tried on but so far failed at–eg that facts, courts, evidence in trials are wicked white male patriarchy and if some female says you assaulted her then you did even if you were on tv in Australia and 10000 miles away at the time.
mainstream media: any news source that contradicts my world view–and for which I am forced to pay £145 a year to subsidise CM agitprop–of all types from endless crawling to the feet of leftist scum like Obama while brazenly lying about Trump, to Olympic opening ceremonies that kiss the NHS’s incompetent arse to the non-mentioning of stories about Agent COB’s anti-semtic activities etc.
Fixed it for you Henna-whatever.
Mr Ecks (March 25, 2018 at 10:56 pm), while your definitions may be fair enough in many cases, the fundamental problem with hennesli’s counter-list is rather the much greater de-facto overlap of its definitions with both the dictionary definitions and the opinions of anyone accused from it.
– In Brendan’s PC-definitions list, I am a ‘nazi’ to any PCer – that is, they will strongly disagree with me. However I am a fan of Churchill, not Hitler, and I feel no sympathy with either jew-hatred or state ownership/direction of the means of production (i.e. with the National or Socialist bits of National Socialism), so I am a million miles from being a nazi by any dictionary definition. That is Brendan’s point: the PC steal the emotions belonging to one meaning and try to foist them on a wildly different meaning. (Like when they call capital punishment “legalised murder” – the emotion you feel at the thought of a murder is stolen from its victim and applied instead to benefit its perpetrator.)
– I am in agreement with Smith, Hayek and Friedman, so when I meet a socialist, they will indeed be “someone I disagree with on economics”. But they won’t argue with that. When you call Bernie a socialist, he does not reply, “How dare you say that!” They proudly agree that their economic views differ from ours. Sometimes, it may suit a PCer to deny that a certain measure is ‘socialist’, as it might suit an Obama to assure us marriage is between a man and a woman during an election campaign, but except when electoral dissimulation is needed, they do not fundamentally argue with the counter-list.
– Likewise, there are enough specific quotes from the MSM themselves about how pesky evenhandedness is outdated in a time of Trump to make MSM and “contradict my world view” synonyms in their mouths, never mind mine.
The point of Brendan’s joke is that the PC meanings are wildly out of synch with the dictionary meanings. The point of hennesli’s list is that hennesli does not get that. Where the terms are ones we actually use (‘cultural Marxist’ and ‘postmodern Marxist’ seem dubious or over-specified to me), their targets will not be offended by them.
Hennesli: the other point of difference between the Spiked list and yours is the venom and loathing in the virtual left’s expressions.
The leftist list insults people’s intelligence, calls them racist,fascist, phobic. Your list OTOH includes ‘mainstream media’ and ‘socialist’. The leftist list in its intemperance is intended to intimidate, your list to illuminate. I trust you see the difference in tone?
I had a public discussion with a feminist he other day, fun for me, not so fun for her. (Yes, she was a her, not a dzuh).
I paraphrase here because I don’t have perfect recall.
Me: Who do feminist defend the rights of, and from who are they defending?
Her: (smelling a rat), We want equal rights for everyone.
Me:, Yeah, who doesn’t? But who do feminists defend the rights of and from who? (Whom?)
Her: (taking the bait). We defend the rights of women from abuse from the patriarchy.
Me: What’s the patriarchy?
Her: It’s where society is geared in favor, biased towards the male.
Me: (thinking: The male?)
Me: I don’t understand what you’re saying. What does male and female mean?
Her: What?
Me: There are 42 genders. I don’t know what you mean by male and female. Since there are 42 genders, then what does, or even can, patriarchy mean?
Her: (explicative).
Me: Since I can “identify” as anything, then why must I be abused by someone else? Can’t I just identify as something not picked on? Is everyone picked on? What about the majority? Can’t I just identify as on of those and be automatically privileged?
Another guy claps.
Her: walks away and shoots me the bird.
Mr O’Neil is correct in his definitions.