The British police have hit rock bottom and started to drill
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Samizdata quote of the daySamizdata Illuminatus (Arkham, Massachusetts) · Civil liberty, Law & Regulation · Slogans & Quotations · UK affairs July 25th, 2017 |
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Like Tim Newman, I loved “Plodette” JuliaM.
My local police have been killing people, most recently a young Australian woman in her bathrobe.
You’re not even close to rock bottom.
Through their own feet so I hope.
I was impressed by those “8 components of Islamophobia”. I satisfy each one. Guess I’d better stay out of the UK for now. (Or is it only England?)
The people who define “Islamophobia” have one thing in common. They know nothing about Islam at all. The average imam would laugh himself into hissy fits. I mean it’s not as if The Qu’ran is exactly a long book. Not compared to say, “Harry Botter and the Goblin of Shite”.
I managed to read the Bible all the way through but gave up half way through the Koran. It is just so tedious, repetitive and dull.
I think bobby b is right but I also fear the directional implication of the OP (“and started to drill”) is also right. Also one must remember that police here have hate speech laws to help them along their downward path.
In bobby b’s case, the police chief who had to resign was native american, lesbian and PC. I fear the British police might think me prejudiced were I to make a wild guess at the statistical probability of her just happening to be simultaneously the best possible candidate for the job and the one who ticked all those boxes. As for the actual shooter, I’d better be careful how I express any opinion on the wisdom of fast-tracking Somalis into the Minneapolis police force.
Oh, it gets worse.
The mayor of Minneapolis who fired her is also a hard-left PC lesbian. She is likely to lose her position in the next election. Her challengers are all further to the left than she, and one of them is a Somali activist. We already have the first Somali state representative in the country – in our state House.
Minneapolis was Portlandia before Portlandia.
Looking at the link, the definition was provided by the Runnymede Trust, a bunch who whilst not exactly top of the list of blithering idiots are by their very mission dedicated to ‘race relations’ and who haven’t figured out that perhaps not labelling races would help…
Why the Metropolitan Police seem to be able to adopt a think tank’s definition without any democratic oversight is an interesting question however – they do seem to be selecting how to interpret the law, something that might give the CPS (the UK’s public prosecuting authority) a few headaches if someone like you who can clearly think for yourself and justify (normally – I’m not going to give you a carte blanche here…) themselves happened to actually be arrested. Fortuitously the accompanying paper on the link does mention that most people arrested accussed of anti-Muslim crimes seem to have no understanding of Islam and are relying on stereotypes (whilst I am happy for such people to be arrested, can we not just do it on grounds of offensive stupidity and the good of humanity – and yes, I’ve failed Libertariansim 101 again…), so there is hardly any need for the police to have a definition here. And actually, if this is the definition they are using, then a good court case involving things like calling in Richard Dawkins to testify about the nature of Islam (as a religion generally) would be quite interesting – there are a lot of points in there a good academic, never mind a good lawyer, could tear apart (but no-one expects properly done work from think tanks…).
Watchman, never mind Dawkins, the defence could call on a dozen learned imams as well as plenty of koranic scholars to testify on the truth of those criteria.
Then the prosecution could call on a dozen imams and scholars to testify against the propositions.
The fun would be as the various experts accused each other of being apostates, heretics and general infidels, possibly with extreme prejudice.
Nice idea – my favourite description of Islam (in Saudi Arabia of all places) is a religion that has one more opinion about what is correct than it has adherents, and calling loads of Islamic scholars to testify would certainly emphasise that, to the benefit of everyone (I have no personal problem with Islam because I know enough Muslims to know they disagree with each other more than they disagree with me, a secular theist with a strong liberal bent).
I’d still like Dawkins though – remember that he causes the sort of idiot who opposes ‘Islamaphobio’ problems, as he is both a hero and a villain (and happy to ignore their pathetic censure).
there are a lot of points in there a good academic, never mind a good lawyer, could tear apart
The police wouldn’t care: you now have to clear your name at your own expense, on your own time, and explain to your employer what’s going on. The process is the punishment.
Fair point, although I’d be interested to see if there are cases of wrongful arrest for hate crimes. It’s a bit of a theoretical problem for me anyway (I’m not going to go around making the appropriate statements to get arrested since I don’t believe them) until they expand the definition again.
Watchman, surely after all these years I’ve earned carte blanche! 😛
I’m sure I’ve heard the odd view from you I don’t agree with. If only on the basis that applies to everyone I’ve ever communicated with, up to and including myself.