I am becoming steadily more convinced that Mrs. May doesn’t believe anything, but by God she doesn’t believe it fiercely!
– Michael Jennings, of this and other parishes
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Samizdata quote of the dayI am becoming steadily more convinced that Mrs. May doesn’t believe anything, but by God she doesn’t believe it fiercely! – Michael Jennings, of this and other parishes March 3rd, 2017 |
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A strong minded pragmatist.
I like the strong minded bit – but pragmatism leads to statism (at least under modern conditions).
Yeah that pretty much sums the nasty priggish shrew up perfectly.
She is arrogant, authoritarian BluLabour through and through.
But knows her best shot post June 23rd is playing “dress-up” as Thatcher 2.
That’s all there is to her.
I fear Mr Ecks is right, hope he is not, and suspect that so long as the posing is accurate enough it may not matter toooo much.
I think Mrs May believes a great many political things, several important ones of which I don’t.
However, the relevant evidence before us is that she believes the Demos should get their chosen Brexit more than she believes she was right on the issue and they were/are wrong.
That is not nothing.
Best regards
Alisa, has, as she often does, nailed it. May is a curate’s egg of a politican (mixed), but is quite receptive to being made to do the right things. We should be shouting, not mumbling.
From some geographical distance, May strikes me as someone who does not necessarily have any clear beliefs, but certainly does have some strong impulses. Such people, when in position of power, can be more useful (for better or worse) than ideologues, since the same impulses can some times be used to serve different and even contradictory ideas.
It`s not only America that has a Deep State
Alisa at 12:10, interesting observation. It strikes me that it could apply to Trump as well.
Julie, in principle it could apply to anyone to the extent of the strength of their impulses and the of the absence of any clear beliefs or ideas. Trump obviously has some strong impulses, but I wouldn’t say that he lacks beliefs or ideas.
Also, my point about May could be less applicable to Trump because of the differences between the two political systems.
‘…But Prime Minister, deporting those ‘Red Sea Pedestrians’ will almost certainly give our candidate’s chances in the upcoming by-election a major boost, and your majority is wafer-thin…’
Alisa, thanks for that link. Good one.
I have nothing to add to the comments – which are all interesting.
Many thanks to the people who wrote them.
None of you have realised- two years from March 31 gives you APRIL THE FIRST! May will have changed her mind and say- “Fooled you! We’re going back into Europe! Brexit would be too much bother!”
Do you elect people to lead and control you, or do you elect representatives?
Personally, I prefer to elect representatives – people who will do what their constituency wants them to do, even when opinion tides change. The only reason for elections is that we can’t fit everyone into our legislative chambers.
Societies that want leaders might as well allow kings. People who value the demos elect representatives. May sounds like a representative.