We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
Murder of journalists in France Satirical publication and well known needler of radical Islamists Charlie Hebdo has been attacked in France, with many people murdered. I wonder if there will be a wave of publications in Europe and elsewhere republishing Hebdo’s cartoon of Islamic State militant group leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to show solidarity against this civilisation-level attack? That would be nice but I am not going to hold my breath.

Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.
You don’t have Google in your neck of the woods, Gene?
Satire is necessary but no longer anything like sufficient.
Ruthless, merciless violence is necessary.
You libertarians who honour your non-aggression principle should not feel uneasy; this would be self defence against an existential threat to Western culture.
(Unless, of course, that this is ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
al-Baghdadi also wishes…
“And especially health”
A film on Islam triggered the rage of fundamentalists…
“We watch an intelligent film trigger the 3rd world war”
“100 lashes if you are not dying of laughter”
Expect more half-hearted bleating that this has nothing to do with Islam, but in any case even if it did, Islam is a religion of peace along with weasel words about “responsibility” to the effect that the magazine should not have “inflamed passions”. Simultaneously, expect a huge PR drive – supported by various lefty idiots – from Muslim groups who make it all about them, how they feel, and how they are now scared of a backlash before the bodies have even cooled. This is precisely what we saw in Australia a few weeks ago, and I don’t expect much from European politicians.
But they’d better shape up and start acknowledging some of this stuff, or Anders Brevik will find himself released from prison and asked to run for high office somewhere.
1. Headline: Wishes – Al Baghdadi too
Saying: “And especially good health”
2. Headline: A stupid film about Islam triggers rage from Islamists
Saying: Show us an intelligent one and we’ll unleash world war 3
3. Headline: (Magazine title changed to “Sharia hebdo”, with Mohammed listed as editor in chief)
Saying: 100 lashes if you aren’t dying with laughter.
Some people (not me, you understand) might say that Charlie Hebdo was overdue for an editorial review of this sort, but I couldn’t possibly comment.
“they are now scared of a backlash”
They should be. And I hope they get it.
Expect more half-hearted bleating that this has nothing to do with Islam, but in any case even if it did, Islam is a religion of peace along with weasel words about “responsibility” to the effect that the magazine should not have “inflamed passions”. Simultaneously, expect a huge PR drive – supported by various lefty idiots – from Muslim groups who make it all about them, how they feel, and how they are now scared of a backlash before the bodies have even cooled. This is precisely what we saw in Australia a few weeks ago, and I don’t expect much from European politicians.
Samizdata quote of the day.
Meanwhile, in SOME U.S. localities where it’s well known that SOME of the citizens, despite “pleas” for the feelings of a VAST minority, choose to carry concealed firearms, “in public” and in “the workplace” (and even in SOME legislative chambers and galleries), no violent “lone wolf radical, with weapons deemed NOT “common” sense” phenomena were reported.
Yet again.
@Error 404 World Not Found, @Manuel II Paleologos demonstrates why google is not good enough 🙂
The perps are still on the run? So where are all the #illridewithyou hashtags?
Just had a look on Twitter — just a few serious (and pathetic) #illridewithyou hastags today, for some reason, but quite a few funny ones, such as:
Tancredi @_Maleven 44m44 minutes ago
It’s at times like this that the world needs a brave hashtag like #illridewithyou for the great backlash that almost never materialises.
Paul Perrin @pperrin 3h3 hours ago
” Saw these muslim guys in paris taking hoods off hoping not to be recognised, so I said jump in #IllRideWithYou ”
Ban Collectivism @mrgeology 1h1 hour ago
#CharlieHebdo << Suddenly, I am reminded of the asinine #IllRideWithYou hashtag.
Kathy Shaidle @kshaidle 1h1 hour ago
Tweet of the day RT @_FreeMarketeer: #CharlieHebdo terrorists escaped in a getaway car. Any #illridewithyou morons want to hitch on to that?
Staunch Atheist @StaunchA 2h2 hours ago
#CharlieHedbo Why didn't anyone want to ride with us? [Picture of shot-up car] Illridewithyou
Tamara K. @TamSlick 2h2 hours ago
#illridewithyou (Just not in the passenger seat, because it's all shot up.)
LilMissStupidCrank @LilMissRightie 3h3 hours ago
hey remember this nonsense ➡ #illridewithyou
Santosh @Saffrelin 4h4 hours ago
#Islam Waiting for Islam apologists to begin their crap. Will Paris libtards start a #illridewithyou campaign like stupid Aussie libtards?
Inadvertent Indian @sushants_in 4h4 hours ago
News coming in that the terrorists have escaped. Don't worry, they'll come back tomorrow if the French don't start trending #illridewithyou
Bravo Perry.
All I have heard from spokespersons so far is… “We must avoid an Islamophobic backlash at all costs. I am sure that most Muslims are as horrified and disgusted as the rest of us…
Note the word “Most” spokespersons can’t get away with “All” anymore, as we have all seen our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrating our deaths by suicide bombing, beheading etc etc too many times now to believe in the Religion of Peace guff that our desperate Politicians keep coming out with.
I salute the indefatigability of those who have died, and those probably about to die from their wounds (and the word is used correctly for a change Galloway, you cunt!)
Good post Perry – and we shall see if other publications have the guts to show the cartoons.
Most of the comments (one or two comments I found weird) were good too.
Yes indeed – the normal establishment elite is out, saying that we must not “confuse” Islam with “extremism” (obviously the teachings and personal example of Mohammed are not relevant to this – and a I am six feet tall and a have a full head of hair).
Also that the “ignorance” of people must not be “exploited”.
If there is any hope against the “gate keepers” the establishment elite that control the schools, the universities and most of the media, I do not see it.
Yes – websites such as this exist, but (as a friend of mine reminds me) they speak to only a few people.
Don’t expect much from Journalists. Most of them are totalitarians.
See this repellent piece from The Telegraph – or should i say The Brotherhoodgraph –
Oh and well done Perry for publishing the pictures.
Right now, I could not give a flying fuck about whether anyone is offended. It has become the sickness of our age: we allow people who are “offended” by any real or imagined slight to dictate behaviour. This is particularly irkesome when the “offence” is caused by poking fun at a sky-fairy or dead military-leader-religious psychopath.
Firstly, I notice that the gutless eunuchs at the Daily Telegraph are not allowing any comments at all on any part of this story. Whether this is on the direct orders of the sinister twins, or just because most decent journalists have been sacked I do not know.
Secondly, whilst one of course sympathises with the Charlie Hebdo journalists, they are all men of the left, and as such have only a vague grasp of reality. I believe it is still possible to own a personal protection weapon in France, if one can prove a real need for it. I would argue that the editor and staff at Charlie Hebdo certainly qualified, and having chosen, with perfect justification, to publish cartoons which would provoke Islamo-loonies, they should have taken the appropriate steps to protect themselves. Anyone relying on the police to protect them should take a look at the video of the unfortunate policeman being executed in cold blood outside the Charlie Hebdo offices.
Of course the option of armed self defence is not open to journalists (or any other private citizens) in the UK outside of Northern Ireland, so perhaps the pathetic cowardice of the Daily Telegraph is rooted in some vague desire for self preservation. One thing is for sure: in the UK, an unarmed population and mostly unarmed police are sitting ducks for an attack like this, and it is naïve to think it will never happen.
John K, agreed on all points.
I popped in to Samizdata this afternoon confident you would have the courage to re-publish the cartoons, and you haven’t let me down. A thousand times, thank you. This will really separate the wheat from the chaff – now we’ll find out who really values freedom of speech and who doesn’t have the guts.
I’ve just posted them up on my humble blog too…
Even an Arab newspaper published the cartoons: http://www.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/623371
Meanwhile this is what BrotherhoodGraph made http://twitchy.com/2015/01/07/profile-in-cowardice-uk-telegraph-blurs-crops-out-muhammad-cartoon-while-reporting-on-paris-shooting/
A blurred photo of a part of Charlie Hebdo magazine.
For about a year, i could have been killed by Islamists just because i lived in Copenhagen. I won’t forget who chose to share the risk and who didn’t, and Charlie Hebdo definitely chose to be in the front line.
I don’t know what else to say right now, i am still shaken. But it’s good to see some cartoons here, and i must look at the 2006 Samizdata archives.
I won’t forget who chose to share the risk and who didn’t
It has not escaped my attention that our glorious politicians – who enjoy armed protection and a cooperative police force – have put ordinary citizens at risk in order to make their own lives easier.
The French already solved this problem once, under Martel. One doubts they have the fortitude to do it again. I fully expect the usual crop of slobbering apologia and viscerally shameful “sensitivity”.
So what can the French do ? They can submit, as predicted in the new novel, or they could fight back, but how ?
Burning down mosques would look a lot like ‘Kristalnacht’, other forms of mob violence would be even worse ?
Poor Francois Hollande is not going to do anything serious. So the Jihadis will win again.
My prediction, the media will forget about this within 5 days, and move ln to something else. After all, what was the lasting impact of the 7th July bombs in London, apart from murder and grief for those involved?
Dear Mr de Havilland
“22.50: More on the raid in Reims from our reporting team in France
Elite French forces were last night reportedly besieging the three Charlie Hebdo attackers in Reims, eastern France amid reports all three had been “identified and located” after an identity card was found in their getaway car.”
I wonder how soon someone in that awfully nice EU will decide that identity cards must become compulsory for the livestock of all member states, so that terrorists can conveniently leave them in their getaway cars.