The EU sticks us with a bill. Ministers double it, apply the rebate, return to the original figure and claim victory. We’re meant to cheer?
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Samizdata quote of the dayThe EU sticks us with a bill. Ministers double it, apply the rebate, return to the original figure and claim victory. We’re meant to cheer? November 8th, 2014 |
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I am a little bit disturbed that Dan has not provided any evidence for this assertion. I am inclined to believe it because Dan is a “pretty straight sort of guy” as someone once said, but even so…
Ah, right, here it is:
You are aware that the price is put up and then claim it’s on special.
The only reason I can see that Dan Hannan hasn’t joined UKIP is that he fancies leading the Tories in a post Cameron era. His disgust is more palpable by the day – as is mine.
You may be correct but till a Conservative leader can speak sense and inspire people to vote the hole just gets deeper.
Politics aside, can you really imagine Hannan in UKIP?
If I can imagine Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless in UKIP I can certainly imagine Dan Hannan as a member. In fact given how close they’ve all been over the years it’s difficult to imagine Hannan being anywhere else for long.
Like I said Patrick, politics aside – by which I mean, on a purely personal level. While Hannan and Carswell are close politically (and are friends, I’m told), their personalities could not be more different. Consequently, while I was not at all surprised to hear that the latter left the Conservative party for UKIP, I would be very surprised if Hannan does.
But who knows, politics and strange bedfellows and all that. Plus, it is entirely possible that I am misreading Hannan as a person.
Patrick – even if one believes that every word Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron have said, then the government had still given in on half of the extra money the E.U. has demanded.
In short the British government has agreed to give the E.U. more money – because they (the E.U.) have demanded it.
The amounts are irrelevant what matters is the principle – PRINCIPLE seems to be something that certain office holders do not understand – but the voters care about it very much.
The Rochester by election is now lost (it is hopeless now), and if this attitude of giving in to the E.U. continues the General Election is also lost.
This will not mean a UKIP government – there is no chance of that.
What it will mean “Red Ed” Miliband becomes Prime Minister with the lowest share of the vote in British history – if UKIP and the Conservative party cut each other’s throats (which is what will happen if the government policy of giving in to the E.U. continues).
“Red Ed” will be a Prime Minister of a type Britain has not seen before – the closest example I can think of is if Michael Foot had won the 1983 General Election.
For example (Alisa please note) Mr Miliband is ashamed of his Jewish ethnic background – so ashamed that he is pushing a radical pro Islamist agenda against Israel (leading to Jews who have been members of the Labour Party all their lives, resigning in despair).
The (leftist) “Independent on Sunday” newspaper had a leading article about this today.