Enjoyable as it is to read Huhne’s opinions on law, order, liberty and privacy, funny he never felt so strongly about the activities of our security services while he was in power and could actually do something about it.
Samizdata quote of the dayEnjoyable as it is to read Huhne’s opinions on law, order, liberty and privacy, funny he never felt so strongly about the activities of our security services while he was in power and could actually do something about it. 3 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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Perhaps he might, as Energy Secretary, have sneaked through a requirement for the security organs to run on renewables with spying only occurring on windy days, and with electric cars so that they lose suspects on surveillance after stopping for a recharge.
The alleged security services in Australia are a joke as they’re staffed by soap dropping Commos, I’ve had the misfortune to have had to work with them.
Why is the Gruanidad paying money for this criminal’s opinions? He should be shunned into obscurity.