We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

Dave is going to wake up one morning and find that the Conservative Party website, and any other right-of-centre source of information, is going to be shut away behind an “Over-18” “hate-and-porn” firewall and he will be too stupid to work out what happened.

– Samizdata commenter Rob

8 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Jamess

    The Conservative party website shut away? I guess every cloud has its silver lining.

  • Still LOLing over this:-)

  • Regional

    Don’t insult the stoopid, Dave’s a wanker.

  • Paul Marks

    The powers-that-be would love to de facto censor even the Conservative party website as “hate speech” (or whatever). Mr Cameron (as with his love of the book “Nudge”) seems unable to grasp the ideological objectives behind ……

  • hennesli

    I am currently a student at Essex university and have on several occasions been blocked from this very website. I seem to remember the reasons given were either ‘hate speech’ or ‘weapons’. Just thought you may be interested to know.

  • Mr Ed

    @ hennesli presumably it was the lack of the ‘5 minute hate’ against the enemy of the moment that the filter software detected. As for ‘weapons’, presumably the filter found ‘reasoned argument’ and shut down in defence of your fellow students’ apparently closed minds.

  • Antoine Clarke

    Dave is going to wake up one morning and find that the Conservative Party website, and any other right-of-centre source of information, is going to be shut away behind an “Over-18″ “hate-and-porn” firewall and he will be too stupid to work out what happened.


  • Simon Jester

    Given that Dave is a Social Democrat, he’d probably be very pleased.