“I would like to die on Mars… Just not on impact.
– Elon Musk
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Alternative samizdata quote of the daySeptember 20th, 2012 |
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If I died on impact, that would still be pretty good, actually.
There have been arguments that the first manned Mars mission might be a one-way affair, crewed by the terminally ill yet still vigorous.
Dale may be hinting at that – if so, I apologise for my obtuseness.
Be sure to include an atomic bomb as part of the spaceship, so if you do die on impact, your body parts don’t spread bacteria or terran life-forms onto the pristine Mars-scape! They’re worried that Curiosity may not be clean enough, if it meets Martian life- imagine how damaging a whole human might be!
Could be a whole new way to ban any and all space travel- lefties might claim the possible dangers to other life is too risky!
Gully Foyle is my name
and Terra is my nation
Deep space my final resting place
The stars my destination
“If you agree to do this mission, you’ll be the first man on Mars. There’s a catch, though: the trip would be one way. We cannot bring you back.”
If someone offered me a deal like that, I’d have to think about it.
I’d have to think about it, too.
Alisa, thanks for that, very nice.
Everybody get that the plot of “Space Cowboys” is Heinlein’s “Requiem”?
I didn’t know that, Mike – but I bet Eastwood read it.
Ah, yes. “The Stars My Destination”. The burning man, the blind jumps into the unknown. I read it when I was 14, in the two volume collection “The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction” as I remember. Along with the “Wapon Shops of Isher” and other memorable stories.
Dale wins a cookie. Actually it was first published with the title “By His Bootstraps” and I read it, then saw a book called “Stars My Destination” a few years later and bought that one.
At first I was torqued about the duplication, but I enjoyed the book again so much I didn’t care.
That little jingle has stuck in my mind for over 50 years, perhaps because it sums up my own feelings so neatly.
If they ever advertised for a fat, old retired guy to to Mars, or anyplace else, I’d be happy to go whether there was a return ticket or not.
Alas, it’s not very likely.
veryretired AFAIK “The Stars My Destination” was published as “Tiger, Tiger”. “By His Bootstraps” is a story by one Anson MacDonald aka Robert A Heinlein which pretty much defined the time travel paradox idea.
Thank you for the clarification. Obviously my memory failed me in this instance. It must have been the tiger title I read it under the first time.