Amazingly, @SteveBakerMP is a Tory. But when it comes to preventing bank abuses, he’s the man:
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Samizdata quote of the dayAmazingly, @SteveBakerMP is a Tory. But when it comes to preventing bank abuses, he’s the man: March 7th, 2012 |
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Quick: somebody throw him a rope – a rescued Monbiot would be a heartbreaking sight for the Left!
I thought he hated libertarians.
Maybe we could covert him to a “left” libertarian and then he would see the light.
Rob H, it is a waste of time. He has also written a demented attack on Ayn Rand that suggests he has cribbed his knowledge of that lady from third-hand sources, rather than done any serious study himself.
The man is an utter waste of time. A few months ago, he wrote a disgusting attack on Matt Ridley’s book, The Rational Optimist, suggesting that he was more interested in trashing the character of the author (who at one point was involved in the failed Northern Rock business), than in serious argument about the contents of this excellent book.
The tragedy of it all is that Monbiot does occasionally show signs of intelligence, such as his admission that the University of East Anglia emails fiasco was very bad for the AGW case and needed to be confronted. I briefly thought there was hope for him, but of course, these people sooner or later revert to type.
Monbiot, Richard Murphy, Polly Toynbee, etc, are not just hopeless thinkers, it is the sheer, brazen dishonesty of them that appals. Their misrepresentation of those they consider to be evil is constant and shameless.
Agreed JP – on all points.
Still it is astonishing that Monbiot would praise Steve Baker/
Of course if the left (the “Occupy” movement and so on) understood anything about banking (and so on) they would know that things like banker’s bonus payments and so on are minor stuff indeed – the real issue is the vast CORPORATE WELFARE that banks get, via low interest rate loans (sweetheart loans) from the Bank of England and other Central Banks.
The banks are “loaned” money that the Central Banks (i.e. governments) create from NOTHING.
I know we all have said the above a zillion times – but we must keep on saying it.
Because a lot of people are still rather vague on the “basis of our financial system” (as the above scam is called).